Cruel Truth

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The world fell silent for a moment, I watched as Roy stumbled around letting it sink in that his sight was gone. Ed was unable to speak.

'The Truth is cruel.' The eye covered figure, now known as Father, spoke harshly, Pride stood by him.

Father spoke, telling us why we lost everything. Telling us why it took away what we had. When it fell on me it said.

'A poor child, lost their memories of the brother they held so fondly and the happiness shared with him, losing their foot that allowed them to be free.' The thing grinned.

'I WISH YOU'D JUST BURN IN HELL!' I got up trying to run at it, but Pride held me back. 'The Truth was never something I praised! I WILL NEVER LET YOU TAKE ME AS A SACRIFICE! NOT WHEN I FINALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR! STOP T-'

Pride dropped me to the ground, Izumi held onto my shoulder shaking her head to tell me to stop. I gripped at my clothing, crying lightly. All until the roof above is creaked, then cracked, all until May Chang dropped through the roof. I think we were all shocked, it's not everyday a child falls through the roof. Her first instinct was to look back at Al, screaming at him to wake up.

'May Chang,' she looked at me, her eyes watering, 'please fight, I'll look after Al and Roy. After all I'm weak.'

'You just want Al to yourself!' This wasn't the time to fight, but she wouldn't have it.

'I just want to make sure he lives till after this war, I'll watch all of your backs from here though.' I stared to cry. 'I'll only get in the way, so please. I'm begging you to fight!'

She nodded at me lightly, realising the state I was in.

'(Y/n) you're not weak.' Izumi looked at me. 'I saw you fight before, we need you too.'

I just looked through me tears, letting a brief smile pass my lips with a wink. It was best to think I was down and out, blind side them. I turned back to Al, his eyes had lit up and he was surrounded by May Chang and Ed. Al stood up in seconds, letting conversation start. Ed and Al prepared to fight. They wouldn't go down.

'Izumi, don't worry about Roy,' I looked up smiling, 'I've got him, Ed and Al need you.'

She ran to join them, As I stared at Roy.

'You were forced into this.' He nodded, still looking at nothing. 'Guess we're in the same boat.'

'I'm ok on my own (y/n).' He began to fumble, attempting to get up. 'I'm not a child.'

'I never said you were.' I put my hand on his shoulder. 'May Chang is fighting Father straight ahead of you, at about 30 degrees to the right of that Ed and Al are fighting Pride. Izumi is in the background right now.'

'Why're you telling me this?' He spoke to the ground. 'What use is it?'

'I'll be your eyes for now.' I watched the battle. 'Al is now fighting along May Chang in front of you, since she wasn't doing too well, Ed is now at 70 degrees right of that fighting Pride alone.'

'You don't need to,' I cut Roy off.

'Izumi is fighting with Al, May Chang is taking a brief break.' I grabbed his hand. 'We're moving back a bit. Ed got a hit on Pride.'

'AHH!' Roy was grabbed by some sort of tentacle.

'ROY!' I was too, I saw everyone was.

All of us were smacked into the ground.

'The time has come.' Father spoke. 'Time to go to work my precious sacrifices! IT'S TIME!'

Father rambles on, telling us what the world meant, tho I was paying attention to something in the roof. Then shouts rung out.

'HEY DADDIO!' Greed  spoke, flying from the roof. 'HAND THE CENTRE OF THE WORLD OVER, WOULDJA?!'

'GO GREED!' I screamed out to him, happy that he had arrived. 'KICK HIS ASS!'

'THE WORLD,' Greed was all powerful, anger had overrun him, 'BELONGS TO ME!'

He went straight through Father, though all of us remained trapped.

'I knew you'd come my son Greed.' Father was prepared. 'You my dear boy, were born of my own avarice. Your desires mirror my own.'

No matter how much Greed attacked we all remained trapped. Now Father was regaining his form.

'The true centre,' Father's voice sent chills down my spine, 'is here!'

Pain fell upon me as my chest opened up to reveal an eye. A black aura was emitted throughout the city, growing rapidly as Father spoke of opening gates.

Quiet, the world fell silent. Ed shouted out to Father as I went to aid Roy. I half listened to the words, that's when I heard that he had succeeded. The country was now a philosophers stone that resides within him, a god and a stone.

He sacrificed over 50million people, and wished to rid us. Ed frantically tried to transmute, trying his best was not good enough.

'Stand by my side!' Hohenhiem shouted out, all of us followed his orders.

I clutched onto Al's arm, holding him close. Father's words were in the back of my mind, Al was all I could think of. His body taken and soon his life, just because they wanted to see their mother again. I would never be able to tell Al how much he meant to me, that's what I thought.

Father sent down a beam of light, a power strong enough to kill us instantly.

'I love you Al.' I whispered to myself. 'I really do.'

I looked up. Hohenhiem was blocking this blast with his hand, protecting us. That's when his strength seemed to fade, he used all of his strength to protect us. He asked us to lead him our power, all of us willed our power to him. Then Father cast a strike below us, catching us all off guard. The world shook. May Chang crouched down, using Rentanjutsu to channel the Ebb and ground flow energy. This meant she had more strength due to more power.

Hope returned...

End of Chapter 41
(Hope you enjoyed reading! I've gotten a few new readers recently so a warm welcome to them. I love hearing feedback and any comments. Thank you soooo much for reading!!!)

 Thank you soooo much for reading!!!)

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