I'm still here

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I'm still waiting. Though the time between my story telling has gotten longer. I don't stare at the photo as much any more Al. Am I losing my love for you? No. I can't be. Maybe I've just grown tired of waiting, I'm so selfish.

I want to hold you Al, I want to hold someone. I want to tell you what has happened, how I've been and the amount of cake I've made out of boredom. I want you Al.

Ring Ring
"Hey Al." I can't seem to force out my words loudly.

"Hey (y/n)!" He's as bright as always. "What's up?"

"You sound rushed." I'm speaking timidly, as though I'm talking to a stranger. "I can call another time."

"I have a bit of time don't worry!" His melodic voice gives me hope. "I was about to call you to tell you that this won't be my number anymore. I'm on the move again!"

"Ah so the rustling I hear is you packing?" His chuckle tells me I'm right. "Where are you off to next?"

"Wherever the train takes me." I've missed his carefree attitude. "Are you ok (y/n)? You sound tired."

"No. I'm fine Al." I hate that I just snapped at him. "Sorry I mean I'm ok."

"Are you sure? I don-" why does he have to get cut off. "Ah I've got to go. I love you."

"I love you too." But is that true?

The conversation is over and I'm left holding this phone, just standing. I hate this. I love him but it feels like someone is slowly writing our story, forgetting our existence and just forgetting about me. I'm still waiting. Im still hoping, I'm still wishing for an ending that I'm satisfied with.

Al, I'm still here.

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