Dear Al

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'What do you think of me.' I stared at him, bitting my lip to hold back tears.

'(Y/n).' May Chang stood, mouth wide open, Al looked at me as he spoke. 'If this is about what you said then I don't think any less of you.'

My face flushed, he didn't realise what I meant. Blood rushed to my cheeks, my gaze leaving Al's.

'That's not what I meant.' I murmured those words. 'What do you think of me as a person.'

'Why are you asking this now.' I could feel the tension between us... and May Chang. 'Well you're kind and caring. You've been through a lot so you're a little messed up, but who here isn't.'

'Oh ok.' I could feel him looking awkwardly, I guess disappointment showed on my face. 'What feelings do you feel towards me, if any.'

'Of course I have feelings for you.' The room went silent, Ed smiling slyly. 'You're kind and pretty! I really like you.'

Silence. Heat rushed to my cheeks. May Chang filling with anger, her cheeks red out of frustration.

'You like (y/n) Al?!' Ed sneaked over, wrapping his arms around Al and I. 'Hey (y/n) how do you feel?!'

'I like Al too.' I played with my clothes, I remember the embarrassment I felt.

'I LIKE AL TOO.' We all stared at May Chang. 'DON'T LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS!'

'A love triangle.' Ling looked over and shrugged. 'Who could've guessed.'

Ed's eyes widened. He looked awkwardly back from Al to May Chang, trying to contain his laughter. Roy smirked slightly, I could sense that he'd predicted this. Fu and Lan Fan both stood unfazed.

'No I mean I like (y/n) as a friend.' My world crumbled around me, I finally realised how I felt about Al and I was friend zoned.

The room was silent again, I still looked down, my face was a bright crimson. I saw May Chang stick her tongue out at me, part of me wanting to tell her she didn't have a chance either. Roy had froze, shocked at what happened. Lan Fan and Fu both broke their stoic stance and a look of astonishment fell upon their faces. Ed, still with his arms around us, looked at Al, then me, then Al. He glided out from between us wandering away awkwardly.

'Guys come on you're making (y/n) embarrassed!' How naive Al was, I would never be embarrassed because I liked him, I was embarrassed because part of me knew this would happen. 'Wait-'

Al had just realised what I said. The way I said I liked him, but he threw me away.

'You said you liked me.' We were both staring at each other, Al

'The same here. You're one of the best-' I choked out the last words. '-friends that I've ever had.'

I saw Al look away, almost in disappointment. I couldn't tell why, not then. I looked to Al wonder sparked in me. May Chang remained silent, afraid if she asked the question that burned in her mind that he would tell her she's only a friend too. Ling looked at me expectantly, it was like he knew me more than anyone else even though it had only been a few hours that we knew each other, or so I thought. Lan Fan stood at Ling's side, examining his expression, wondering what his thoughts were that gave him that look. Fu raised his eyebrows, slightly accepting the story I told. Roy just stood in the same shocked stance. Ed still looking awkwardly.

'Wow! What a misunderstanding!' Ling scratched the back of his neck, chuckling at the situation. 'Come on, let's not make it worse by not talking!'

With those words chatter returned to the room, though it was only quiet to being with. I stood alone as everyone spoke, not saying a word. Ling continued to talk to Lan Fan, Fu, Ed and Roy, Al speaking with May Chang, sadness filling my systems. After a long few minutes Ling looked over, a smirk fluttered over his face. He said something to the rest of the group and walked over to me, I was frozen.

'Can we talk in private.' It wasn't a question, he spoke it into my ear as he walked past, grabbed my hand and led me out the room. 'Why are you lying?'

This was a question. He leaned against the wall next to the door, staring into me, working his way through my brain. Yet again I was paralysed, his piercing stare broke into my very essence.

'Come on. You owe me remember?' His signature smirk danced across his face. 'I can see how you feel about Al, I could also tell that you were telling the truth about your family. You're like an open book, but your pages are stuck together in some places. So help me out, open some of those pages for me.'

'You know little about me Ling.' control, gone. 'I'm not that being from the tales you heard of me. I'm not the child of my father, stop thinking of me like that.'

'Stop avoiding my question.' He remained unfazed.

'Why do you talk to me like this.' I gritted my teeth, my jaw hurt. 'I'm not your friend, I'm in debt to you but that doesn't mean I have to be open to you.'

I hand struck my face, he slapped me hard, my hand instinctively tried to hit him back. In a flash Lan Fan stood in front of Ling, his arms crossed as if he never hit me. Lan Fan used her arm to block the attack, but she held two kunai, one in each hand.

'I won't let you lay a hand on the Young Lord.' She spoke in a harsh tone, striking fear throughout my body. 'Are you ok My Lord?'

'I'm fine Lan Fan, you can stand down.' He looked with care at Lan Fan, then returned his harsh glare to me. 'Stop acting like an idiot.'

Yet again I froze...

End of Chapter 24
(Just said how happy I was with 500 reads, now I have 600! (*-*) THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!)

____________________End of Chapter 24(Just said how happy I was with 500 reads, now I have 600! (*☻-☻*) THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!)

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(I couldn't find a quote that matched this chapter)

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