Happy Memories

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'Ahhh Xing Ling, I always hated that.' He chuckled a bit. 'It isn't really that bad.'

'You called me so much worse.' I playfully hit Ling, Lan Fan prepared to attack me. 'Remember Clueless and Mop Head. Do I need to go on?'

'Haha ok!' Ling raised his hands in surrender causing me to laugh hard.

That's when my first happy memory hit me. I remembered running through my father's home, Ling ran far ahead of me as I called for him to stop, laughter overwhelming me. Fu playfully chased us, pretending to be a monster or something. First he caught me and scooped me into his arms, then he caught Ling and did the same. We all laughed happily, smiles printed on our faces. It was hazier back then, but I could still faintly remember, a little girl, I think it was Lan Fan, walked out of one of the rooms next to us, she held my brother's hand as she walked out the room. Fu knelt down and put us down. He picked Lan Fan up leaving my brother on the floor. That's when we ran, taking my brother with us. After that is when he died, that was the last time I saw Ling.

A goofy smile was forced onto my after remembering that moment. Yes it's sad to think of the aftermath and that it was my last time with Ling, but the time that I remembered was a happy one. Ling looked over to me, he raised an eyebrow then smiled, almost as if he knew what I was thinking. I soon heard a clatter of footsteps coming towards us. Ed, Al and May Chang made their way over.

'What're you guys talking about?' Ed stood in between Ling and I, Al and May Chang stood next to me. 

'Not much really.' Ling spoke to them, while I blocked out most of the sound.

A moments thought left me curious, Ling must've know me by my name so why was he so formal? He also didn't recognise me, curiosity boiled inside me.

'Ling,' he cast his eyes towards me then cocked his head quizzically, 'you didn't recognise me at first, right?'

'Hehe well.' He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. 'You didn't remember me either and you're a lot different now!'

'Well I have a good reason! Also I'll take the second part as a compliment.' I crossed my arms in fake anger. 'The real question is why you were all formal with me like we'd never met?'

'Ahh. Believe me, but I wanted to see how far you'd go.' Ed, Al and May Chang looked on confused. 'See when I told you who I was I said it to jog your memory, I don't usually go spreading the fact that I'm a prince, it doesn't have good karma. So when you bowed to me, I was really surprised. I thought you would hug me or something.'

'Wow. I look like the idiot now.' Ling and I laughed a bit, smiles fluttering across our faces, happiness coursing through our veins.

'You two know each other?' May Chang asked with caution, we hadn't really interacted before this.

'Yes (y/n)'s my childhood friend.' Ling spoke to May Chang while bending down to her height, he look liked a parent to me. 'We've know each other since before you were born.'

'It didn't seem like it when we came in.' She curiously looked at me, an awkward stare was shared between us.

'We are I promise! I just didn't remember.' I looked down fiddling with my clothes. 'Ling was my only really good friend. I played with Fu and Lan Fan too, but it was usually just Ling and I.'

'So you remember some stuff.' Lan Fan looked at me, a stiff look, but I still enjoyed her words. 'I'm glad you remember the happy times.'

'I am too. I only really have one memory and that's the day my brother passed, but the memory is really happy to me.' I saw Ling staring in shock. 'Ling wouldn't stop smiling and neither would I. Fu was chasing us, he was smiling too. When you and my brother came out a room he scooped you up in love. I think that's my favourite part.'

Lan Fan looked at me in wonder, Fu had a soft smile on his face. I smiled at her, every part of me warmed to her gaze.

'He couldn't stop smiling when you were in his arms, he couldn't help but take his eyes off us for a minute.' I smiled deeply at Lan Fan. 'You were giggling hysterically when he made a funny face and as he tickled you. I love remembering that face. You guys seemed so content, nothing else could go wrong.'

'That's how I felt.' Fu wrapped an arm around Lan Fan, chuckling a little. 'Of course something did go wrong because I was dealing with Ling.'

'What's that supposed to mean.' Everyone laughed a bit, me harder than others.

I couldn't help myself from laughing till tears formed in my eyes, a distant memory was drawn out. We were sitting in a room together playing with toys, I'm guessing it was Ling's home since the toys were very different to the ones I knew. Fu, Lan Fan and my brother all sat together, Fu played happily with us, content to just sit and relax a bit, he used a toy horse to ride around, a stuffed bear to give us all kissed, a doll to speak with us in a funny voice. We always laughed, unable to stop, Fu chuckling at his own little jokes and at our dramatic responses. Some times we sat and laughed, other times we laughed so hard we fell back on the floor. My favourite part was when my brother and I had to leave. Fu called us over and we ran into a bear hug, Ling and Lan Fan felt left out so they joined us. Fu grabbed us all and we fell back as a cute pile. He managed to pick us all up at once and carry us to a door.

I want to make more happy memories...

End of Chapter 26
(This Chapter was just a bit of a cute one, I thought it would make the character a bit more complex and happy since all (y/n) has remembered is sad memories. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave feedback/ constructive criticism (key word constructive) I always love reading comments!)

 Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave feedback/ constructive criticism (key word constructive) I always love reading comments!)

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(Picture says:
There are some people in life
Who make you laugh a little louder,
Smile a little bigger,
And live a little better. )

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