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'Prince Yao, call me whatever you wish.' I still had my head bowed as I spoke, I was still the lower class. 'I'm glad I've made your acquaintance, it's truly a honour.'

'It's with gratitude that we must speak.' I hadn't spoken with such convection in a long time, I began to get confused by his words, but I slowly followed along. 'Now I have much to discuss with you. I'd appreciate if we could do this in private.'

'How about you explain what you're taking about before you talk privately with (y/n).' Ed was being oddly protective. I still don't understand why, it could have just been confusion.

'You let him talk so informally to you.' Ling pointed to Ed, he lower his voice slightly, but it was obviously loud I'm sure everyone heard.

'Prince Yao, he addressed you by your first name too.' I chuckled a little at him, 'you spoke informally to him as well. I don't think 'yo' is royal greeting, or referring to someone as 'kid'. Also climbing through a window is not the most sophisticated entrance.'

'Hehe, you're a smug one aren't you Lady/Lord (l/n). I am far enough from home where I'm able to be myself.' Ling wore a bright, almost childlike, smile. ' The pipsqueak saved me from an ally a while back so I owe the Elric's for saving me.'

'WHO ARE YOU CALLING A TINY MIDGET PIPSQUEAK YOU SQUINTY EYED PISS-ANT IDIOT PRINCE.' I can see it vividly now, Ed flailing wildly as Al restrained him, Lan Fan ready to attack if he got close, Fu laughing to himself.

'Calm down! Prince Yao, I have the same relationship between the Elric's, more so towards Lieutenant Colonel Mustang.' Ling and I ignored Ed's screaming and continued to speak. 'Please refer to me the same as everyone else, (y/n) will do perfectly.'

'(Y/n). Well if you allow me to speak as a friend I can only do the same. Ling it is.' He seemed happier after saying this, I'm sure being referred to as Prince, lord and Master get's irritating after a while.

'Ed would you please stop flapping about.' Ed stopped and went limp his face was covered in anger, Al pretty much held him up. 'Do you wish to know why he referred to me as Lady/Lord?'

'Yes.' Ed looked away as if he was a small child who was mad at their parent after they took a toy away for them. 'Al you can let me go.'

'Ah, excuse my rude behaviour. Princess Chang, I'm elated to be in your presence.' I bowed to her, her little 'panda?' hissed at me causing me to jump slightly. 'Who is this little one?'

'This is Xiao-Mei. It's nice to meet you (y/n)' It felt nice to be called by my name, after hearing Ling be so formal it was refreshing to hear it.

'(Y/N)! Can you just tell us why Ling called you Lady/Lord (l/n)!' Ed was impatient and thought nothing of formality, Mei Chang looked over in disgust, I looked over at Ling and Fu hoping they'd explain, Ling kindly nodded.

'(Y/n)'s family rules over Donbachi. The area is known for their expert use of supplies and alchemy as a way of life.' Ling looked over to me for confirmation, I remember this vividly, when I nodded in response Ling put on a small smile. I don't know why that's so important for me to remember. 'They, if anyone, would have the greatest understanding of alchemy, for years they've been looking into elongating life through alchemy. Though they owe Xing for us saving Donbachi's butts during the war, they never delivered so...'

Ling looked at me, that smile was back, this time it was a cheeky, smug smirk instead of a smile. Ed, Al, Lan Fan and Mei Chang stared in confusion once again.

'This girl can't be the daughter of King (l/n)! Wasn't he prided on his strength and muscle power, look she's stick thin!' Mei had good intentions but- 'Donbachi also said they wouldn't use higher technology, like automail, since it affects the flow of energy. Isn't that correct?'

'Yes it is. I haven't been back to Donbachi in six months though. When I left their morals were still the same, but I hadn't been living with my parents for a few months.' Mei cocked her head to the side once I said I hadn't been with my parents. 'I was given to a man to marry and have children, only the marry part happened, but they don't have any real predecessors. My older sister is the best chance they have, my brother has passed.'

'Can you tell us more about your siblings.' Al's voice had been unheard for a while. 'Only if you want, I can't stand to see you cry again.'

This time I saw Mei Chang get jealous of the attention and care Al said to me. I breathed in deeply, smiling kindly at Al, his eyes smiling back giving me a warm fuzzy feeling.

'Sister and I weren't allowed to learn Alchemy.' Ling's facial expression shifted, 'but I first learnt from Roy. When I returned home I learnt it through the books my parents wrote and I watched classes they taught. Back on the topic of my sister, the day of the transmutation she was meant to be used in the circle. They used the shovel and chased her. She got hit a lot, I can remember her arm bleeding, she was holding her face, around her eye, they smacked her around the head so she would be knocked out for the ceremony. I hit papa hard, I wrestled the shovel off him and used it as a weapon. Sister ran then, I'm sure she made it alive, but papa got the shovel and hit me. I became the sacrifice then.'

'Sacrifice for what.' Ling looked at me deeply, he was concerned at the story, he was also concerned that I couldn't help him since my alchemy wouldn't have been if the highest standard.

'My brother passed away, he was attacked by assassins when we were playing. Since he was the stronger male they knew he'd take over in the future.I screamed at them, I pleaded for them to stop. I shouted at them to give him back, but they kicked me away and I ran.' I didn't know where this was coming from, my memory seemed to drip back slowly. 'I escaped and told my parents, they were furious, pure rage. I didn't eat for days after that, I was also beat and hit. I guess that's why I don't look like King (l/n)'s child. It's because he did everything to stop me from being that, somehow photos of me were leaked and that's how you know who I am.'

They stood in shock...

End of Chapter 21
(Double post since I spent ages before posting,
One of my favourite quote things I've posted though, credit to whoever made this and to anyone who made the others!)

_________________End of Chapter 21(Double post since I spent ages before posting,One of my favourite quote things I've posted though, credit to whoever made this and to anyone who made the others!)

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