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May Chang used her Rentanjutsu to protect us, but Father wouldn't back down.

'The souls of this country's citizens are still linked to their bodies by a thread we've come to call a spirit.' Hohenhiem sounded calm, not willing defeat, but sounding terrifyingly calm. 'Like a mother and a child still connected by the umbilical cord. They don't belong to you yet!'

I watched in awe, still clinging to Al. I listen to each breath everyone would take, listen to How their hearts raced. Every little detail drilled into my mind.

'I've planned and prepared for this very day for years and part of the plan had me take part of the philosophers stone... No...' Hohenhiem was deep in thought, yet still so focused on the task at hand. 'Some of the comrades inside of me, and hide them in the Earth's soil.'

I stared. Just stared at this event. I didn't pay attention to anything Father said, because while he was talking I was processing what Hohenhiem said.

'Oh I've got a circle.' I nearly screamed in joy. 'When the time comes they'll activate it on their own. And when it does an unfathomable power will rain down from the heavens!'

I gripped tighter into Al's armour, he noticed this and held me too. His hand ruffled my hair lightly and his eyes radiated a smile.

'The solar eclipse will cast the moons shadow,'Hohenhiem spoke with joy now, 'The Umbra!'

'YOU STILL RESIST ME HOHENHIEM!' His voice echoed through the room.


Yet again a beam flooded the room, Hohenhiem spoke, but I couldn't hear him. This beam shot out of the hole May Chang created, It was a cloud of souls flooding back to their owners. Everything took a turn for the better. Father wasn't all that happy, after all we just ruined his plan in seconds. Hohenhiem spoke to Father, yet again I spaced out until I saw Hohenhiem falling into Al, his hands blackened. We had a second of break until Father shouted again, creating a tornado that Hohenhiem was barely able to stop from killing us. He was failing, but Al stood up swiftly, Ed too, and they pushed their dad giving him the strength to continue. It was sudden. Hohenhiem screamed "Now" and alchemy came back. Father was screwed. It stared at us, all of us powerful alchemists.

Gusts of rock were thrown, spikes of iron flew, the room became a treacherous battlefield. Yet Father just stood, his arms crossed, but nothing touched him. It was like a force field. No matter what we threw at it, how hard we fought, everything we worked for, it was worth nothing. I watched as Father escaped our room.

'Damn!' I looked at Hohenhiem. 'He's trying to replenish his stone supply!'

The situation was dire. Ling instantly flew into action, chasing him, Izumi too Roy up too, Al following. Ed had been challenged by Pride promising he'd be fine without us. I watched as Pride's tentacle like hands grabbed at Ed, but I still reluctantly left. I followed Al, looking down one last time to watch Ed fight. We dropped off Roy with Armstrong and Riza before continuing to reach the top, meeting Lan Fan, Scar and the dead body of Wrath on the way. We all stood behind Hohenhiem, looking as Father attacked soldiers.

'That's as far as you go!' Hohenhiem was determined.

'He's trying to make more philosopher's stones!' Al cried out, I stood just behind his arm in fear.

'That's all humans are good for.' I wanted to rip its head of its body.

'Why do you look down on them? Humans gave birth to the philosopher's stone, which in turn gave birth to the Homunculi. So what can Homunculus create? What can you give birth to?' I questioned Hohenhiem, not believing this was a good moment for conversation. 'This "God" of yours that will only bring destruction? You call yourself the ultimate being, but in reality your existence is just a dead end.'

'Is that so?' Father gave a sarcastic thinking face, I shook in fear. 'What if I were to birth humans?'

I looked to Hohenhiem, only able to partially see his face, but that was all I needed. His eyes screamed fear and disbelief. That's when I saw Father's stomach bubble, beings forming from it.

'King Xerxes...!' Hohenhiem stood in horror, looking at the person Father created.

Many humans poured out from Father, a baby crawling to Izumi, all of the people happy to be free.

'What? Not enough.' I wanted to scream at it to stop as the humans gathered around us. 'Fine, all make some more.'

'Im..mor..tal..ity.' The figure Hohenhiem called King Xerxes spoke. 'Be...hold I... sti..ll live.'

The figure began to melt away.

'HOMUNCULUS!' Hohenhiem was filled with rage now. 'YOU MONSTER!'

That's when Father let out another blast, all of us were hit, pain rung through me. Soon enough it ended, but looking up brung tears to my eyes. Al's armour body had protected May Chang and I, He was nearly destroyed.

'ALPHONSE-SAMA!' May Chang spoke what I was thinking, I couldn't speak.

'May... (Y/n)...' Al spoke hoarsely. 'Thank god you're alive.'

May Chang spoke out for a moment, I lurched forward as Al collapsed. I wasn't fast enough. He didn't move. He didn't speak. He seemed dead.

'You- You protected me,' May Chang was balling, holding Al's arm. 'Alphonse-sama!'

I glanced over to everyone else, Hohenhiem had protected Izumi and Ed, I hadn't even realised Ed had appeared.

Father appeared behind Hohenhiem, it's hand was placed on his head, throwing him aside in seconds. An all out assault was placed on it, bullets flew, but yet again some sort of force field stopped each one.

I watched as fire flew towards Father...

End of Chapter 42
(Yet again thank you for reading, I'm so glad people are reading this since I love writing. Hope you enjoyed, read, comment and vote!!)

 Hope you enjoyed, read, comment and vote!!)

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