Cold Blooded

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(Y/N) (L/N)... not many people knew this name but your last name.You were a good kid and did whatever your parents told you, which in a normal family would be eating your vegies or going to sleep on time but in your family that meant something different..... That meant Murder.
You killed who ever your parents told you to kill and asked to questions, kidnapped who ever you were told to kidnap and asked to questions... but Marry whoever your parents told you to? asked no questions. It didnt matter, you were only taught to kill, no you werent an assassin but an Murder...aslong as your target was dead you were satisfied and your family was like wise,they all were murders and cold blooded ones too, not as cold blooded as you though.

By the age of 12 you probably killed more then hundreds of people without cause except for the sake of pratice, your whole family did it, parents, siblings and you...but little did your family know that it led to having enemies. Of course there is your everyday seving of people who hated your family but this might of been your familys biggest enemy. Your worthless Grandfather ticked them off and now your family has to deal with it, your grandfather couldn't because he died a while back so now your two familys are at war with each other and there was almost no way of stopping it or stopping them..
The zoldyck's

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