Truth Or Dare

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// I've realized something recently. That I'm not the only Otaku that stays up late till what 2? 😂 I find that more people read my stories at night rather day which is pretty funny to me, anyway Enjoy the story\\

"This is what, a show of truth or dare?" I asked. The girl was overly excited and jumpy wearing hosting attire " Yes it is!! Now we just need one more player and we can start the show!!" She chuckled at the end giving a wide smile I just looked at her in boredom getting up to get out of the water until I saw something falling from where I fell about to land on me, I got out of the way in time to see it fall in the water. " Looks like we got player #2!!" I wonder who it might of been, maybe that old guy or tonpa. When they came out I realized that it was no other then the infamous Gittarackur. He looked back to me and smirked and said "funny meeting you here" he said. " Like wise" I replied. Then the girl came up to him and said " Welcome to the game of Truth or Dare!! You'll be player #2!!" She said, Gittarackur got up and we both were lead to the stage with the target. " Here's how to play!! You each will get a set of darts and will hit the target, depending on the area you hit, you will answer a question of truth or dare! Any questions?!?" " Yes, is there a limitation on what kind of questions we ask? Or what kind of dares we can ask or opponent to do?" When I asked she chuckled and said " who said your asking the questions or picking the dates? " she chuckled at the end of her sentence again and said " I'll be doing that here. Oh and before I forget to mention, if you do happen to lie those wristbands of yours will detect the change of your heart rate when you do lie. That will cause it to release a poison in to you making you fall asleep for 15 hours, reducing your time dramatically to get out the tower" " What if we deny doing a dare?" Gittarackur asked " then you will be in this tower till the exams are over" the only thing that was going through my mind was ' what will she make us do?'

We were at the target board and I was given a dart to go first. If I hit 'dare' then the date might be something I wont like but I'm going to have to do it if I wanna pass the exam, I'll just aim for truth. I threw the dart and it hit truth. " Playing safe I see! Good idea, now let's start off with a easy one. My question is, have you ever killed someone? If so what intentions,  if not who would you kill?" " Yes I've killed someone, My intentions were because I had a contract too" the girls expression shot up into a low smirk and said " ohh dealing with a killer are we, interesting..." she said quietly. Gittarackur then picked up the dart and threw it at the target, he also hit truth, must be playing safe like me. " Wellll, since you already looked like the type of person that's killed people already I'll ask you a different question. My question is Why do you have so many needles in your body?" She asked rather curious, I could tell he kind of tensed but he answered anyway. " its to..hide my real appearance" he said. Real appearance? He's hiding how he really looks? But why?, enemies? I have a feeling though I'll figure out through this game. Next I threw the dart and hit truth again, to play safe obviously. " Alright, another truth I see #1!, well my question is, who wrote that on your shoulder and why?" I was wide eyed when she said that, my sleeve goes over my shoulder there's no possible way she could see it. She smirked at my how baffled I looked " You know I'm not your everyday host , I'm actually a prisoner. Im here to reduce my sentence and by every pair of people who come by my sentence is reduced by 20 years. As for me seeing your scar, well I have special eyes that can look through clothes. That's how I did my robberies, I would see if someone had anything valuable on them and then I would kill them and take it." She explained, that made a whole lot more sense. " My father gave me these scars because i did something wrong" I answered quickly and blankly, she pouted a bit and said " that doesn't answer my question, you can't say ' because I did something wrong' and not explain what you did" " look, I answered the damn question move on already" I answered annoyed " nope, not until you explain what you did" she said crossing her arms. Now I'm pissed, I hate it when people ask about my scars, even if it is family that asked. I ran up to her so fast that she couldn't even see me, she went wide eyed and and froze, I leaned down to her ear and whispered "Irritate me again and I'll make sure I reduce your sentence by a whole lot" she gulped and and nodded slowly " good girl" i said then walked back to the targets. Gittarackur stared at me chuckling a little bit and said " What did you even say to frighten her so bad?" I just shock my head and he shrugged and threw the dart. " Truth huh, ok then my question is why are you hiding your identity?" He waited a little as if finding the right words to answer with "To hide my true identity from the people I know and from my enemies" he said un fazed. She looked pretty satisfied with the answer. I was about to throw my dart until she said " let's change things up shall we!"  Then she pressed a button and the target flipped to one whole area that said 'DARE' " im tired of you two only picking truth all the time so I think it's time to make this game a bit more exciting!" She screamed. Me and Gittarackur exchanged glances and I threw the dart at the board. "alright,alright what's a good Dare?hmmm...Oh!! I know my dare is that you have to take off your clothes and show us all of your scars or that tattoo I see too" " What's the point you can see them already?" She chuckled and put on a devious smile and said " I don't think he can't.." I looked back at Gittarackur and gave him the most deadliest stare ever before I took off my clothes. I revealed my scars, the cuts from lashes and knifes and the one that said 'worthless' then I showed them the dragon tattoo of the (L/N) clan imprinted on my lower hip. That one was most embarrassing to show. " If that's enough can I put my clothes back on" i said while my cheeks were dusted with pink. She was chucking at me until she looked me in the eyes and saw I meant business. She gulped and said " s-sure, s-sorry" after I put in my clothes Gittarackur threw his dart and hit the board. " I was waiting for you to hit dare for a while now. My dare is.... To use every last pin you have and hit the dart board" Wait, if he takes off his pins then..he'll reveal his identity. This women is so picky yet I'm actually glad she is, I wanna know is identity too. Plus if I don't know his identity, then I don't know who exactly I had to tell my identity to. "Also don't try to trick me, I'll know if you have any darts on you" she said. " Gittarackur gave me a stare then walked up to me and...kissed me?!?! What the hell!?!?

He wrapped his arms around my waist and used the other to hold my head in place I tried to struggle out but he didn't let me. He parted our lips slightly and spoke very quietly "~make sure these stay hidden~" he cooed then shoved something in my pocket, it was pins. That bastard used me! since the host will be looking will be at him the whole time to make sure he uses all the pins, she won't pay any attention to me meaning she won't know he has pins for later." HEY YOU TO BREAK IT UP! THIS IS A GAMING SHOW NOT A BEDROOM!!Gittarackur broke the kiss while there was a line of saliva from my bottom lip to his, much to my dis pleasure he licked my bottom lip to get rid of it. I was really red and quietly whispered " I'm gonna kill you with those damn pins you bastard" I then pinched him and he let me go " Jhezz what was that about you two!! I would have made you do some more fun dares if I knew you were dating!!" "My apologies , I couldn't help myself " What kind of excuse is that?!?! That moron, well at least for revenge I get to know how he really looks.

3rd Person POV
Gittarackur slowly took off a pin at a time and threw it to the target board, he felt something he n bet felt, guilt. He felt as though he betrayed (Y/N) by not telling her who he is really and somewhere in him he felt something for her. As he threw each pin he tried to reason out each thing he felt, till he got it. He felt, love. He knew it wasn't possible but somewhere in him told him to ignore what's possible and isn't. As he kept throwing darts (Y/N) was also deep in thought, she liked the fact that he was the one that saved her in the 2nd phase and that he kissed her even if it was only to hide the pins. She was lost in what she felt she couldn't piece any of it out, then suddenly tears pricked at the corners of her eyes and her heart skipped a beat. She fell for him, this wasn't supposed to happen she has no choice in things like who she love. But the same tiny voice in Gittarackur's head also spoke to her and told her to just go for it. When she looked up to Gittarackur she half smiled and gave him a thumbs up while a single tear streamed down her cheek. Gittarackur Went wide eyed and felt more guilt then before. He wanted to go to her and wipe her tear and kiss her again but now it was impossible because after this she would know who he really is.....

He took the last Pin and Threw it....

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now