Allies With My Enemy

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(Y/n) POV
"Who are you?" He asked me, I was thrown off by the question because I now realize that he not only picked a fight with a murderer but someone he doesn't even know. This guy can't be more of a joke. I realized that it's been awhile since he asked and I haven't replied yet so I spoke " Shouldn't you know who I am since you picked a fight with me earlier?" I asked and he remained silent, after running side by side for a while we reached the top of the stair case  and the Instructor then said that we were still in the first faze of the exam and that we were running through a swamp now. As all the examiners ran I noticed that I was still next to 301.Then Suddenly he then spoke again " Who are you?" He asked me for the second time now but this time I replied properly "Ino Winter" I lied, I used alias so I don't have to tell him my real name, it wasn't safe for me to  ever use my real name because I was a murderer after all. " Who are you?" I asked and he spoke immediately "Gittarackur" it was a weird name but it was kinda unique, I liked it..a little. " Tell me, Why did you try to fight me" I asked sternly with a monotone face, he looked at me and smirked and said " I wanted to know whether you are strong or weak, guess I can find out now too" With that he took a step back and stood in a ready position to fight " I'm not interested in meaningless fight, Gittarackur" I said as I stood still and stared at him, He stared at me back and said " Me neither, but this isn't some meaningless fight for me"

He Threw a Pin at my chest right above my heart and I caught it with 2 fingers and then looked at him " It looks like your trying to kill me rather test my abilities" He chuckled a little and I attacked, I got 7 of my knifes from my pocket and threw them at him, he easily caught 2 of them and left the rest to fly past him, what he didn't know was that I was able to redirect the knifes with my nen power. I put out both of my hands out in front of me and a (f/c) glow surrounded my hands and the knifes as they turned around to strike him, he saw the (f/c) glow and immediately turned around and dodged the knifes once again but one of the knifes was able to scratch his shoulder. I smirked a little bit and he did too at the tear in his outfit. He stood up and said, " So you are strong enough to use nen, I'm surprised" I stood up from my fighting position and said " If you know what nen is I suppose you can use it" I said while fixing clothes. He said nothing and I took it as a yes. While turning around I said "We'll be left behind if stay here for to long so let's g-" I was startled as I felt an arm wrap around me from the back and it pull me towards them, it was Gittarackur. He cut me off and spoke " its not fair that your the only one who gets to make a mark, can't let you get away with that" With that I was pushed against one of the trees in the misty place and he took out a pin from his chest and leaned towards me " What do you think your doing! I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!" He ignored my pleads and threats and scratched me with the pin on my shoulder, there was a little blood but it didn't hurt all to bad." Now we're Even " he said as he let me go and started running, I stood there in shock and just stared at him and thought....Who is this guy really, and why the heck is he here "Are you coming?, I wont hesitate to leave you for dead" "Shut it before I shut it for you, Gittarackur" I Shouted back as I ran up to him. This Guy is Trouble and a joke...but maybe he can be of some use, if not I can still Kill him because that's always an option. For now though I'll let him be.

We reached the end of the 1st gaze without a single word to each other and stood with the few people who survived the swamp and got ready for the 2nd faze, soon the clown joined me and Gittarackur and said " looks like you 2 didn't kill each other, well, that's surely comes as a surprise to me. I thought at least one of you would have died back there" The clown smirked at me and chuckled and I gave him a death glare " You don't like jokes either, I wonder what can make you laugh" he chuckled again and looked forward this time and stayed quite, thankfully.The door started opening and i looked over to Gittarackur and he was looking at me. He gave me a small nod and I gave him a nod back. We then started the 2nd Faze.....

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