Important Meetings

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Since Killua got disqualified we all passed and now was time for some class where we learned the rules and terms with having a hunters license. Everyone took there respective seats away from each other. Gon also came in with a cast on his arm he was looking for someone till his eyes landed on Illumi. He went up to him and started shouting at him and grabbing his wrist, I'm pretty sure I heard a crack, he broke it. Soon the examiners calmed him down and we started the lesson

//Time skip to after lesson\\

After the lesson was complete I went outside and joined Hisoka who was stalking Gon. "Tell me Hisoka, you get aroused by power and your quite interested in Gon over there for his am I right?" He just looked over to me and said "What a keen eye, that's exactly right (Y/N)" I just nodded and leaned on the wall going to leave soon. Illumi finally came by and talked with us, Hisoka threatened Illumi if he ever even touched Gon he would suffer the consequences. Suddenly the examiner from phase 1, Santoz came over to us "Ms.(Y/N) may I have a word" I nodded to him and looked over to Illumi and said "I'll be right back" Santoz took me to a telephone and said "someone requested to talk with you" I picked up the phone and told him to leave while I was talking "Hello, who is this?" I said stern "It's me, your mother (Y/N). Did you pass?" "What's my fathers name" I inquired ignoring my mothers question to make sure it really was her "it's (fathers name)" "correct, and yes I did mother" "good now, I need you back home this instant, we have an important meeting to attend to regarding you. It will be tonight so I need you to be quick, understood?" "Yes mother understood, I'll be there right away" "good, see you here" I hung up and went back to Illumi, he also hung up a phone call when I came "so, what was it" he inquired "nothing much, mother was asking about my well being" I lied because I can't tell him everything I'm doing. "Hey where did Hisoka go" "he left he said he had something important to attend to" "I see" I said. We stood there in silence just enjoying each other's company till he broke the ice "I better go now" "yay, me too, I'm sure we'll meet again soon but probably not on the same terms as this" he smiled while looking down, he looked sad but I bet he knows it has to be done "till then (L/N)" he said and walked away "you to Zoldyck". We went out separate ways. All I could do was think about was when can I see him again. To be honest I think he was thinking the same thing. I then raced myself home with no time to waste for the meeting my mother was talking about.

//Time skip to when Illumi got home\\

Illumi POV

I got home in a matter of a few hours b cause my mother told me to come home quickly. When I got home and entered the mansion my mother was frolicking with delight that I was home, "Aw, my dear Illumi is finally Home, and you convinced Killua to come home too! How delightful." She put her hands on my cheeks giving me a kiss on the forehead "I'm glad to see you to mother" I said back. I looked around the room to see all the butlers cleaning the house madly "Mother what's going on?" I asked she only chuckled and said "Me and your father decided it is time to make the family bigger" I was still confused "I don't understand mother" she took her hands off me and smiled and danced in glee until saying "Your getting Married my dear" my heart stopped. What? No I can't not yet.I-I-no. Mother looked over to me for my reaction and I smiled and said "Yes mother, that's a lovely idea. When will they arrive?" I felt a pain in my chest the whole time "In a couple of hours, head to your room and get changed into the suit I put on your bed, oh I cant wait!" She shouted happily. I said "Yes mother, right away" with that I left to my room. I loved the door and laid down thinking about what's about to happen in a few more hours, I can't get married, not yet. No but I don't care for this new Women, I care for someone else. I care for....(Y/N). Why is this so cruel, why do I have to burden these new emotions of love. Why did it have to be her!. I put my arm over my eyes and suddenly a tear slipped. I looked in the mirror and saw that I was crying, I stopped instantly remember who I was and that I'm not supposed to show emotion or have any. Slowly I turned to the Suit on my bed and accepted my faith, it is what it has to be. (Y/N) was right, at the end of the day my biggest goal would be to kill a (L/N), not make love with one. I got the suit and headed to the bathroom.


I got back home and I tried looking for my parents "Mother, Father. Are you home?" I shouted trying to look for them "Yes (Y/N) were up here in our room!" I went up the stairs of our mansion to their room to see that they were getting ready in their best attire."Ah (Y/N) your home, how lovely. Now please get ready in your best attire and pack a few knifes hidden in your clothing for safety measures" my father said in the same stern voice I inherited. "Yes father but where are we going, what is this meeting for?" he looked at me angry and said "You know better then to question me and my motives (Y/N), what's gotten into you" i stiffened at his loud voice and my mother came over to me and looked in my eyes. Me and her share the ability to read people by their eyes and she was trying to read them " Your eyes have a new shine in them, you've experienced emotions, that's not so good. Get rid of them before we go" My mother said looking me in the eyes with her gentle voice "Yes mother" I said trying not to show any other emotion in case my mother reads them. "Now, head to your room and get ready in 45 minutes" my father said. With that I left their room and went to mine, I saw that the butlers really took care of it while I was gone. I went over to my bed to see a freshly laid out Dress and a present box beside. I went to the present box and checked for any bombing wires before I opened it to find a fresh Golden knife with a rubber handle. It had a the letter 'Z' imprinted on it's handle in platinum. It was really nice, I checked the sharpness by throwing it at one of the dart boards in my room and it sliced right throw it with ease. In the box was also a note that said "Congratulations on Passing the Exams, Sincerely, Mother" we'll thats a way to brighten someone's mood. I love knifes, my old ones never been as fancy as this. I got my clothing and the knife and got ready for the meeting thinking about how many people I'm going to kill with my new knife. I have to thank mother later on.

//Time Skip\\


We were in our limo when we pulled up to a big gate on some mountain, my mother didn't allow me to ask the driver where we were going and said that we would find out when we get there. Now that we're there I still don't know. I got out the Car and headed to the Gate with my family, suddenly a loud thundering voice spoke "Aw, so your here (Fathers name)" I looked up to see some man with his arms crossed standing on the huge gate. "Aw, Silva. What a lovely surprise may we enter?" My father said. I couldn't see the mans face so I just gave a deadly stare at him. "But of course, I would like (Y/N) to open the gate though. It's family tradition, if she can open the gate she's worthy if not then she is not worthy" I was so very confused but my father told me to open the gate so I did I put both hands on it and pushed it open, the door was heavy but nothing I couldn't handle. Once it was open I let my Mother and Father walk through first. The man on the gate jumped down in front of us and my father smirked and patted me on the back very hard that I thought I would fall over from the impact  "Your test proves to be easy for my daughter Silva, got anything better?" He said in a joking tone. Silva just laughed back and said "Nor for now sadly, but I'm sure she would pass my other test too" He looked at me and extended a hand while giving a smile, I extended my hand forward and gave a strong handshake. "Pleasure to meet you, Silva" I said in a monotone voice, he smirked and said "The pleasure is mine, (Y/N)". After our short introduction we walked through some woods to go and see a huge mansion which I believe was Silva's. When I walked in I saw a lady wearing a large hat with a poffy dress and little girl hiding behind her next to her was a large boy with black hair looking as though his tux was barely fitting him. I then saw someone holding a bouquet of red flowers, i looked up to their face and I saw it was..


// Lol, Cliff hanger\\

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now