Letting go

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3rd Person POV
As he threw the last pin his face started contracting and he revealed what he really looked like. (Y/N) went wide eyed and held in a gasp as she just stared at his real face. He tried hiding his eyes from her so she couldn't tell. She hesitantly walks slowly up to him and turns his face towards her. She looked into his eyes and saw the same thing she saw in Killua. She didn't want to believe it after what she just felt but she had to face the truth.

He was a Zoldyck and she was a (L/N).

She let go of his face and looked down so that he couldn't see her eyes, she put on her hood and walked back to where she was standing, emotion less. The host obviously to cheerful said they could leave and the game was over. A Door opened behind them and (Y/N) ran through it. " Wait, Please" Illumi begged as he ran behind her. He grabbed her wrist and she turned around with a knife at his neck while she had a single fall from her eyes before they went cold. They turned into her bloodlust ones while she stared at him. She pressed the neck against his neck drawing a little bit of blood but she stopped herself from going further. Illumi was looking at her in grief, even if his face didn't show it his eyes did. She growled and turned around facing away from him and took the pin out of her pocket. She stared at them for a moment before placing them on the ground. She started to walk away with her head hung low. " Im-" " Don't even look my direction Zoldyck, I let you get the better of me once but know this your not gonna trick me any longer" His eyes filled with sorrow at the words she spat out but at the same time her heart was aching like crazy. She didn't want to believe that every moment they shared was only so that he could get the upper hand and kill her cause she was his enemy. She hated it, she felt as though if she could even feel his presence any longer she might cry puddles of tears. " Heh, to believe that I actually thought that you and I could.....looks like I forgot. Im not here for friends." She said still not facing him. She then stopped and looked over her shoulder and quietly said in almost a whisper "~or lovers~" she left Illumi wide eyed while he replied those words over and over in his head ' or lovers', she felt it to? Is all he could think, he clenched his chest while his heart ached too, he felt in pain, it was a different type of pain that hurt more then physical pain. He didn't want to hurt her, he didn't want to kill her either, it wasn't his intentions in fact he didn't know what were his intentions to get close to her. He picked up his pins and as he picked each one up he thought of their moments together when he finished picking them all up he whispered to himself "Im sorry". He got up off the ground and walked down the hall,he had lost sight of (Y/N) and couldn't feel her presence anywhere. He came upon two hallways and one of was closed off, probably because (Y/N) went through it. He went through the other hallway and it was closed off behind him.

//Time Skip to end of Exam Phase 3\\

I walked through this large door of stone and heard a loud speaker " Applicant #1 First to enter". 'Not like this hasn't happened before' I thought to myself. I sat in lonesome thinking about what happened a few hours ago with Gittarackur, or at least that's who I think he is. I cant believe I fell for my enemy, I cant believe he tricked me so easily. It felt so real though, guess he's good at his job, Damn Zoldyck. On the other hand I should scold myself. I fell for him, I fell in love with somebody that I don't even know for real. Is that what people do? They fall I love not knowing someone fully? Must be if I did it. A door opened and the speaker spoke " Applicant #44 second to enter" I saw Hisoka walk through the door and give me a smirk, he made his way over to me and plopped down he then sighed and put his head on my shoulder I raised an eyebrow at this and asked " What do you think your doing, clown" I was mad and wanted to be left alone and this clown wasn't helping my cause. " You seem so worked up, do explain" he said while starting to play with my fingers like a child. " Nothing bastard, I have a few questions for you though" he looked up in interest and I took that time to pin him down to the floor. I got on top of him and asked " Did you know that Gittarackur was a Zoldyck and that he was hiding his identity?" His eyes perked up and he said "so you figured it out, sooner then I expected" he chuckled a bit at the end. My eyes went to my bloodlust ones and my aura grew larger, " Knowing so, you decided not to tell me! You Bitc-" " I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to, you see me and Gittarackur made a deal" " What deal?" "The deal was that I don't get close to you he won't get close to Gon.But as you can see..~that's not working out right now~" he cooed the last part while his hands went up and down my sides." Get your hands off me and tell me, why would he want you to stay away from me?" " Because he simply found you interesting, (L/N) or not you have a lot of beautiful power, your strong and you have an attitude too." " your telling me that he wanted you to stay away from me because he found me interesting? Got anything more believable?" " Aw, dear (Y/N), why would I lie to you" he said rather slow bringing his hand up to my cheek but I smacked it away "How much about me do you know exactly, I see a hint of lying in your eyes and I'll kill you here" "well for starters you come from the (L/N) family making you (F/N) (L/N) and your family isn't to fond of the Zoldyck family. You would go for each other's necks any day. Your a mirderer who by the looks of it takes her job seriously.That's about as much I know" he said giving me a smirk at the end, I looked into his eyes to see if he was lying but I could confirm he wasn't, "one last question and I'll let you go Hisoka " Oh please do ask me" he said, he really was a weird one "Tell me every last detail of that Zoldyck" "Well for starters you beloved Gittarackur doesn't exist, his real name is Illumi Zoldyck. He uses pins as weapon for what I've seen and he isn't an assassin to mess with, he takes his job very seriously and rarely messes around. Oh and also, he's a mommy's boy. Besides that I don't know much about him either, he doesn't talk about himself much." I believed him and got off him "your freed to go, say anything about this and I'll have your neck" my eyes turned back to normal from their blood lust form. Hisoka stood up dusting himself off laughing deep in thought and whispered something to himself.

We both sat down opposite sides of the room in silence, it got pretty boring I started to play with strings of Nen in-between my fingers. I got curious what the clown was doing and I looked up to see he was shuffling a deck of cards.Just then the wall lifted and the speaker said "Applicant #301 third to enter" just then I saw 'Illumi' walk through the door, he was in his Gittarackur form. I just pretended I didn't see him and kept playing with my Nen strings.

//Time skip -again-\\

Soon enough everyone filed in and there were 10 seconds left. At the last 3 seconds one of the doors bursts open with 5 people. It was Leorio, Kurapika, Tonpa, Gon and Killua. Just as I thought of those names something hit me, that Killua is the brother of Illumi! If they're brothers then why doesn't Illumi talk to him at all, does he even know that's Illumi? I shook my head leaving the thought behind as everyone moved to phase 4.

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