I do

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// I wanted to know how Vows work because I'm not from a culture that uses them and I found this. So I put it up there for no reason\\


I walked in and stood in front of Illumi, I couldn't help but smile at him. He looked great, him in a Tux was really a sight to see. We stood not breaking eye contact for a second till I looked behind Illumi and saw Killua. He was bound with chains, looks like he didn't get the best treatment when he came home. He looked up at me and gave me the biggest smirk he could muster. I just smirked back and broke eye contact. I bet he was surprised the most about this wedding. I then looked behind him to see who I think was Hisoka. Wow, he looks good like that and different. For a second I wasn't even sure if it was him. He really listened to me when I told him to take off the stickers. He should dress like that more often. He gave me a closed eyed smile and a thumbs up. I just smiled a little back."(Y/N)" Illumi whispered , I looked at him when he called me "Im the groom, not him"he whispered. We both chuckled quietly. I looked behind me to see a happy little girl who was my brides mate. This must be the girl mom said she had to introduce me to later. She gave me a big smile and said "Yay, I have a sister now!" a little to loud. I chuckled and turned back to Illumi who was intrigued with me. He just stared at me admiring me. Then the priest spoke the promises, while he was speaking it looked as if Illumi tuned out. He just looked at me with soft eyes full of feeling. Then the priest said "(Y/N) do you take Illumi to be your Lawfully wedded Husband?" I reached out and grasped his hands and intertwined my fingers with his I looked up and said "I do". "Illumi do you take (Y/N) to be your Lawfully wedded wife?" He firmed the grasp on my hand and said "I do". "I now pronounce you husband and wife, Illumi you may now kiss the bride." He then pulled me over by my hands and wrapped an arm around my back and leaned me over to the side. Before he could kiss me I whispered "still saving it for later?" "No way" he said then pressed his soft lips against me. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss and we heard a few whistles from people along with applause. When we pulled away for air and stood up we hugged while everyone was still clapping in joy. With that we got married, without anyone knowing we already loved each other even before this.

//Time Skip to Party\\

3rd Person POV

After the Marriage there was a party with loud music and lots of dancing from mostly the parents who were excited the most for some reason. Illumi and (Y/N) sat quietly not really much dancers. They just talked about how happy they were that no inconveniences happened. They were also making sure that nothing 'explicit' was happening like Kikyo said.


"Well look what we have here" he teased. "If anyone should be teased it's you Hisoka" I said regarding that he wasn't wearing his jester costume and stickers and that his hair was down. "You did tell me to take them off if I could help it" he said I laughed. "So why don't you two have a drink, it is your wedding" he said. Illumi agreed but I didn't, I never drank before so I wasn't sure if I would be ok if I did drink. "It's fine just come along" Illumi tried to persuade me I came along, eventually I accepted and came along.

They've took a few drinks and it doesn't seem like they're to drunk thankfully. The Party is closing up  and everyone is starting to calm down from the 'rush' they had. I'm not sure if Hisoka should go on his way home like that, who knows who he'll kill. None the less though Hisoka said he was fine and he would go home by himself. My parents also left, I said my goodbyes and now their gone. I'll miss them but doesn't mean I can't visit now and then. I put all my missions off till 2 weeks after the wedding to get settled in. The butlers were cleaning everything up while everyone called it for the night, everyone went back to their rooms to have a good nights sleep because of how tired they are. Illumi was a little bit drunk so I put his arm over my shoulder so he wouldn't stumble. Then we started to walk back to his room after a long day.

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now