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Everyone was jumping in at their own pace one after another while I was one of the last to jump in. Stupid this might be but I'm scared of heights. I've had to face it many times but never got over it. Once I was on a mission on where I was told to bomb a tower, I had no time left to make it out the building so I had to jump off the top, I fainted while jumping down but lucky my parents were also on the mission so they caught me. After that though my parents chained me to a wall and whipped me for 3 days, but sadly that didn't help my fear of heights.

I snapped out my day dream and realized that the last person just jumped off, I don't want to fail so I guess I have to jump down, I say that like its nothing but I feel like I'm gonna shit myself. I got to the edge and jumped. While I was in the air I started spacing out and freaking out, I could feel myself trying to reach for something to hold but found nothing. When I reached the web I swung my hand to grab it but because of how scared I was...I missed. I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst, but before I knew it someone grabbed me by my hand, it was Gittarackur. He was holding the web with one hand and pulling me up with the other. I looked up into his eyes and saw....concern? He pulled me up so I was in a ball against his chest then wrapped his legs around me, he used the hand he pulled me up with to press my head against his chest. " Don't look" he said softly while stroking my hair. I closed my eyes and didn't move at all. " IT'S GOING TO SNAP!!" Someone yelled, I got scared and looked up to him and he gave me a gentle smile. He was acting so gentle towards me and he was worried, who knew a guy like him would act like this. Suddenly he let go of the rope and jumped with me still on his chest, I closed my eyes so I wasn't sure what was really happening. I put my arms around him and held on tight till I knew it was safe. After awhile I felt a tap on my shoulder, I carefully looked up opening my eyes slowly to see a chuckling Gittarackur. I looked around and saw that we were on the ground again and I was practically hanging on him, I blushed a little and got off him, I was really embarrassed so I tried not to make eye contact with him. "(Y/N)" he said, I looked up still kinda embarrassed and he gave me a egg. I looked at him wide eyed and he started to walk away. Wanted to say something but I didn't know what. "Wait-ugh,um..T-Thank you" I finally mustard up. All in return he did was a smirk like smile.
After awhile the applicants that passed the second phase were carried off in an airship to the 3rd phase.

While I was in the airship the only thing I could think of was Gittarackur. Why would he help me?, I know we were allies for this exam but still, if he dropped me or let me fall I would have been one less applicant for the exam. Even that just the way he was acting was so weird like when he tried smiling at me to make me feel at ease or when I saw that he was worried for me. It wasn't like him, but even me, I felt safe when he held me. What's going on with me. I think I'm just tired, I should take a nap while I have the chance. I went over to the small bed in the room and fell asleep for a while.

Gittarackur POV
I didn't know a killer like her could be afraid of heights like that, well good thing I caught before she fell, but why is it a good thing that I caught her, she's my rival, my enemy. I was walking down the halls before I came across a room for one of the applicants. It was (Y/N)'s. I peeked inside to see she was sleeping. She took off her clothes she was wearing for the exams though and was wearing different ones. She wore a Tank-top and joggers. While she was asleep she started to move in her sleep and turned so she wasn't facing me, that's when I saw something on her shoulder. I silently went inside the room and towards her bed to see what was on her shoulder more vividly. It looked like a scar, It looked as if it would have been painful. Soon I realized that it said something, it said 'Worthless', Worthless? She's apart of the (Y/N) family, she worth Billions of dollars. Even so who could have done this? There's other scars possible from whips and lashes too, wait could her parents done that? Thinking about mad me a bit mad but I'm un clear why. I guess us assassins and murderer's are alike, they also get whipped and hit when they don't do something right. What a life of agony. A price of her hair was lying on her face so I stroked it behind her ear and left. I'll come wake her up at the 3rd phase.

//Thanks for reading!! More chapters coming soon\\

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