Murder With Care

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//HOLY FUCK HOW DID THIS STORY HIT 3K READS?! God Damn, anyways thanks for reading my story!! Im almost at the end of it sadly but it's finally gonna be over, I mean seriously this thing is longer then 20 chapters!!. Anyways Enjoy!!\\

//Time skip to day before wedding\\


I was going over to the Zoldyck's residence to drop off my stuff since I'll be living there now. When I pushed open the gate I walked into the house to see it decorated with beautiful white flowers and and ribbons, I walked through the house looking at it in awe as I was walking I bumped into Illumi, he looked tired. He must of been working hard. "Do you like it?" He asked "of course, it looks wonderful, I love the white flowers" "Mother thought you would say that" he said with sigh. "You look tired, you should go to your room and rest" I advised while butlers carried my stuff over to his room. Once we got there the butlers set the stuff down and left. I laid Illumi on his bed and told him to close his eyes and just relax."Is everything done?" I asked "Yes, all that's left is the food to be made but mother said she would handle that" he said with his eyes closed. I went over to him and put his head in my lap and massaged his head, it seemed like he could use it." How's the preparations with you coming along?" He asked while I massaged his head "Nicely I suppose. Since the moment we left your house a week ago Mother hasn't let me sit down, All we did was prepare for the wedding. I hope it goes by smoothly" Just then mom, opened the door and saw us "Hello (Y/N), dropping off your stuff?" "Yes mom, by the way I do love the decorations. You did do a lovely job in decorating the place" I said "Thank you (Y/N), everything ready for your family? I haven't been able to call your mother because of all the preparation so I wouldn't know" "Yes they are going fine, thank you" she nodded. She was about to leave till she turned around and said "Oh I almost forgot to tell you two" Illumi keyed in to listen when she spoke "I do not want to see any explicit behavior during the party after the marriage, is that understood?" "Yes mother, me and (Y/N) will make sure that we don't see any either" "Good, enjoy yourselves" she said before leaving us. I looked down to Illumi and saw that he was on the verge of sleeping "I'll let you sleep, if you need me I'll be here for another hour" I said while putting his head on a pillow and a blanket on top of him. Before I left I laughed a little and said "The Groom shouldn't look so tired on his own marriage Illumi. I thought you knew better?" I laughed again. He only looked at me and said "Your excited for this wedding aren't you?" "Don't act like you aren't,Zoldyck" i retorted. After that I left the room while turning the lights off. I went to the main hall to help with the preparation, after that I went back home to sleep to look good for the wedding. I really hope this goes ok. I was asleep when someone came and knocked on my door. I woke up and opened the door to see it was my father. He didn't look as serious as he always does and seemed a bit tired too from all the preparing. "Did I wake you up?" "Yes, but it's fine father. Anything you need?" I asked while we both sat on my bed."No, I just wanted to say a few things" "oh..." "It's about your brother" I then nodded for him to continue interested. If it's about my brother this has to be important. "When he took the Hunter exams and passed he wanted you to as well, which you did. He wanted to give this to you for when you did pass" he took out a box and gave it to me "May I open it?" I asked, he nodded yes and I opened it. I opened it to 3 small throwing knifes with 3 words engraved on each 'Murder With Care' it said. I looked at them with awe, when I looked back up I saw that my father was close to tears, he looked at me and said "He wished the best for you, he never wanted you to be hurt...ever. Im...sorry, for the scars, for the pain...everything. He never would of wanted that" He said with a single tear stream down his cheek and off his face. I couldn't believe the words he was saying, the emotion he was showing...the way he just apologized. I hugged him and I could feel his eyes widen. "Forget about it now father, Don't be upset.Im aware that you were just devastated about his death which caused your actions, I may have not liked them but I understand why and I forgive you " I said, he widened his eyes even more and hugged me back. He then quickly pulled away and wiped his cheek clean and tried to go back to serious. "Now that, that's out the way, go to sleep and wake up early. We'll have a sparing session before you get ready for the marriage, understood?" "Yes father". I said as he left my room. I looked at the knifes and thought about how much he must of cared for me, I wonder what he would say about this marriage if he was here?. I put the box to the side and laid in bed for a while just thinking about the life that's to come for me. What a day tomorrow will be for me, not just tomorrow but everyday after. Wait, if I'm getting married into the Zoldyck family, does that make me an assassin? No, even then I will never forget what family I came from, I will always be...

....An Murderer.

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