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Illumi? Im seeing him again! I can't believe it's him! Man he really looks good in a suit. I could tell he was excited to see me too, his face lit up once our eyes meet and he made a small smile with his lips, I wonder if he knows what's happening here?......Wait if Illumi is I in the Zoldyck Estate. Me and the fat kid quickly pulled a weapon out to each other, he pulled out a knife and I pulled out gun. The little girl behind her mother also pulled out a weapon, so I also contoured with the new knife my mother gave me. I stood there eyeing the two as they eyed me back. The whole room went silent and the air grew tense. Then suddenly the lady in the large hat broke out with laughter, along did my mother. My face went from a dead serious one to a questioning one, then suddenly they both hugged each other. Me and the fat kid shared a glance and we put our weapons down, the little girl also followed our actions "Oh dear, it's so good to see you (mothers name)!" "Yes you to Kikyo! Its a pleasure to finally meet you to make this relationship final" I just stood there dumbfounded looking at them hugging each other. Kikyo realized I was confused "Oh it seems you haven't told (Y/N) anything yet, let me explain" she walked over to me and patted my head, I was still hostile so I flinched at her touch, she chuckled at that and said "You see (Y/N), a few months ago before you left for the Hunter Exams I had a talk with your mother over the phone, we decided that it would be better if we took the top Killing Families and make them one" Wait, was that the phone call Illumi was talking about? I was still confused and I said "My apologies Kikyo, I don't understand, please elaborate" I said starting to be more gentle and less hostile. She chuckled and said "Well, why doesn't Illumi tell you hm?" She looked back to Illumi who was still holding a bouquet of flowers. Illumi nodded at his mother and came forward while his mother stepped back, he then gave me the flowers and looked away shy and said "W-we're getting Married" For a second my mind went blank and I couldn't hear my mothers and Kikyo's squeals in excitement. I just stared up at Illumi and my face got dusted with pink. I repeated the same words back to him in disbelief "W-We're g-getting m-married?" His checks also dusted with pink. I then looked at the flowers down at the flowers while he stared at me with a flustered face.

We all went to their dinner table to eat, I was seated beside Illumi, we quickly looked up at each other then looked away blushing. Kikyo, then spoke "Well let me introduce the childern to you (Y/N). This here is Kalluto and this is Milluki. She pointed to each of them I gave one beside Kikyo a small smile and when I went to smile at the other one, Milluki I was greeted with a snarl but I smiled anyway. " and of course, my oldest Illumi." I looked over to Illumi and we smiled at each other for the formality to be completed. "And of course I have 2 more children but you'll have to meet them later" I nodded and said "It's a pleasure to meet you all" We ate dinner over chit-chat and it got quite loud from our parents laughing and talking as if they were never enemies to begin with. Over the loud chit-chat Illumi tapped on my thigh from beneath the table, I looked up at him and he ushers for us to leave while they can't notice, I nodded and we both left. He took me outside and we walked in the garden together in silence until I thought I should say something."Did you know about this during the exams?" He shook his head no "no, I didn't. When I said that my mother might of tried to kill you I was wrong. It seems that phone call was with your mother regarding this" I nodded in understanding while we kept walking. Then came the awkward question "(Y/N)" "Yes, Illumi" "Do you....want to marry me or are you agreeing because that's to your parents wishes?" I froze and thought about how I'm supposed to answer. "If I were to answer you like a (L/N) would, then I would say because it's my parents wishes, but if I were to answer-" "in the way I think, I would say because I love you, is that what you were about to say?" I blushed while smiling and looking down and nodded 'yes'.He then took me in his arms and embraced me. I hugged back closing my eyes enjoying how the warm feeling of my heart beating in happiness. He put his head in he crook of my neck and whispered against my skin "I love you too" we stood like that for long till I broke our hug and we looked into each other's eyes for long just wondering how all of this happened and where we are now. Then I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his around my body. I thought the moment was right and leaned toward him for a kiss instead I felt a kiss on my cheek rather lips, I opened my eyes and saw that Illumi's eyes went lustful he leaned towards my ear and whispered " I'll save it for later" it sent shivers down my spine once he said it. We took our hands off each other and fixed our clothing for it to seem as nothing ever happened and walked back holding hands till we got to the room where the dinning table was. When we got there the parents were looking at us smirking. "Showing my daughter around Illumi?" My father said in a voice that could scare anyone "Yes Sir" he said back. My father nodded and stood up along did my mother "Very well then so shall we make this deal sealed Silvia?" "Yes we shall" Silva said as him a Kikyo got up "We decided that your marriage will take place in 9 days, you may call who ever you like to the marriage as long as we all approve" Illumi looked over to me and asked "would you like to invite anyone (Y/N)?" I thought for a moment till I remembered that I had no real friend besides Illumi, who is know my fiancé. "No I do not, how about you?" Illumi thought for a moment and said "Aw yes there is one person." "Who?" His mother asked. "Hisoka Morrow" he replied. He looked back to me and asked "Is that ok with you?" I nodded yes and he told everyone about Hisoka and they came to the conclusion that we would let him come. Once that was done Father said "Well, this has been fun and all, but it's time to leave. Thank you for the dinner, it was very well made" then Silva interrupted "Oh please, I would feel terrible if you left so late" My father laughed and said "My family is murderer's Silva" They shared a laugh and Kikyo said "Please do stay the night, Plus I would also like to talk with my beloved to be daughter in law a bit more." She beckons while coming over to me and placing both hands on my shoulders. After a lot of insisting we decided we would stay the night much to the Zoldyck family's liking. The butlers showed us our rooms and we went in to rest for the night. I heard a knock on my door and inquired it was Kikyo and Kalluto. Me and Kikyo talked and shared a few thoughts. We probably talked for an hour till I heard another knock on my door " Who's there?" I asked "It's Illumi" Just then Kikyo put a hand to her mouth and said "oh my" she then opened the window and disappeared with Kalluto in thin air, man my mother in law is cool. I opened the door and let him in, he then closed the door behind him as we sat on the bed together. "What do you think of my family?" He asked "Honestly, I think their pretty cool, Kikyo is very sweet to me and your little sister Kalluto is cute. I haven't got to of known Milluki yet but he seems ok" "Oh, Kalluto isn't a girl, He's a boy" I widened my eyes and said "Oh" then carried on of how I felt about them all, the whole time while I was talking Illumi stared at me in admiration, suddenly while I was talking he leaned over me and gave me a hug, I fell backward on my back and we just layer there in silence holding each other tight to our chest, I could feel his once cold heart beat speed up a little against my chest. He then let me out his grasp still hovering over me and said "I'll talk to you tomorrow mourning, good night" He then was walking towards the door when he said "It feels so normal, for me to be with you. Like the exams were just an excuse for this all, for us to meet. Don't you think" I smiled and said "Correct, it does, I feel as though even in the exams we were close. You knew so much about me because I felt like it would be right to tell you" He looked forward toward the door and nodded in agreement. Then he left without another word.

Illumi's POV

I left (Y/N)'s room and went to my own overly excited for these 9 days to fly by. At first when my mother said I was getting married I couldn't of been more devastated that I would tie my name with someone else, but now that I know it's her....I just want nothing to go wrong, if this all can pass by smoothly then I can live the rest of my life with her. My heart kept beating faster and faster with every second I thought of her until I calmed it down. Time to sleep and hopefully my heart won't speed up to much and let me sleep for tonight. To think, I'll be waking up to go see her every mourning, maybe see our own children as well making fine Zoldyck.The things I wouldn't do for those days to be real someday. Ugh, my heart keeps speeding up, I should just stop thinking and sleep.

//Bet some of you are Fangirling hard right now over Illumi\\

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