Engine Trouble

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//Hey Guys Yino Zaki here, and I'll like to give a big THANK YOU for 2k reads!! Means a lot you guys! Now I just wanna make more of these stories so thanks for the support!\\

I was Called up by some old dude who ran the hunter exam and he wanted me to answer some questions "Why Hello fine lady! As you may know I run these exams! I called you here to answer a few of my questions, there only out of curiosity so there's no right answers! Now, instead of me calling you #1 all the time can I catch your name?" Wow the old geezer really looks like he has a lot of energy "just call me (Y/N)" "Great, now let's get started. Who do you find most interesting in the exams so far" I thought for a moment and said "that would be Killua, #99 and Gon,#44" "oh really, and why so?" "I find that Killua is interesting because he has such power but he holds back. Gon because he was able to take Hisoka's badge in the las phase which triggers my interest in him." He wrote something down and asked the next question "Great, so who do you not want to fight?" "That would be Leorio, #403 and Kurapika, #404" "hmmm, very interesting, please explain in detail" "I don't find Leorio to be much of a match for me, as for Kurapika, he may be strong but I rather have a stronger opponent to fight" he wrote down more stuff on his little note pad and said "very well, you are free to go now, thank you" I got up and left to my room.

I was going back to my room when I saw everyone was crowded in the hall where my room was, I looked over there heads and saw smoke coming out of my room, I kinda freaked and walked over with my arms crossed and said "What the hell is going on" in a stern loud voice. Everyone looked over to me and Kurapika asked "By any chance is this your room?" "A matter of fact, it is. What happened?" I walked over pushing everyone a side and looking in to see it everything was burned, my eyes narrowed and I said "I want answers, NOW" some people flinched and someone in a blue uniform from the exam committee said "actually no one did it, you see your room was directly over one of our engines. The engine blew up and burned your room, you cant see it from here but there is a large whole on the other side of your bed." I nodded then sighed and said "Well, is the air ships functionality still up to date?" "Yes ma'am, that engine didn't cause to much harm to the air ship and we are still able to fly" "great, so may I ask for another room for tonight since mine is completely wrecked?" She sweat dropped and said "actually ma'am all our rooms on this air craft are taken by the staff, examiners and well, all of you guys headed to phase 5." I just narrowed my eyes at her which scared her and caused her to hide behind Leorio. Leorio, being who he is nose bleeded and wrapped an arm around her. I just walked away from the crowd around the corner and bumped into Illumi. "Her weren't you back there just now?" "I was" "Your fast" I said before trying to go around him, he blocked me by standing in front of me "what is it" I said "nothing I thought you could stay in my room since yours is more or less in one piece" "it's fine, thank you though. I think they'll find an adjustment for me sooner or later" I started to walk away till he held me by the arm and pulled me back in front of him "It's either me or Hisoka, your choice" I instantly agreed and said " Not for a second I would choose Hisoka" then we started walking over for dinner to eat.

//Time Skip to Bed time\\

Me and Illumi were walking over to his room, I entered first and he locked the door behind us, I looked back with an eyebrow raised and he said "I wanted to take off my pins" I shook my head making an 'o' with my mouth and he took them off and switched to his real form. I face palmed when I realized that my clothes might of gotten burned too. Illumi noticed my sudden reaction "what's the matter" "I think my clothing got burned in the blast" "No they didn't, I heard the blast and went to your room. I searched for your belongs and found your clothing, I was able to get them without them being burned" he then opened a dresser and revealed my clothing. "Thank you Illumi" I said and went over and took them out."I'd you need to change, you can go in the bathroom over there" I looked the direction he pointed and went in the bathroom and got changed into my tank-top and joggers. When I came back out, to my surprise he was dressed like a normal person, still with the pins though.He was lying in bed reading a book and looked up when I came."That was oddly quick" he said while setting aside the book on the night stand and slouching down on the pillow to sleep "Good night" he said then shut his eyes "Good night" I replied back and walked over to the other side of the bed to sleep. Our backs were facing each other's as we laid down. I closed my eyes to sleep when I heard a sudden movement, Illumi shuffled and was now facing my back "(Y/N)" he said I turned so that I was on my back flat while my head was turned to him "yeah" "In the 3rd phase of the exams in trick tower, the game show host asked you what was the story behind that scar that said 'Worthless', you didn't give a proper answer all you said was that you did something bad and your dad punished you.What did you exactly do?"

I looked away from him and looked at the sealing while I spoke "Well, it's a long story but I'll tell you. I wasn't always an Only child, I had a brother. My brother was the favorite child, my father always said that he would be the head of our family some day. He was on a mission and some how, he was caught and killed. My father was devastated, he claimed how our family had no future and was in tears, I tried to make him feel better by saying that I will make a future for the (L/N) name, that made him angry and he stated that a worthless child like me meant nothing to the (L/N) name and that I didn't deserve to exist. He took out all his frustration of my brothers death on me by whipping and lashing me to near death. Then he eventually scared the words 'Worthless' on my body. After that though I worked harder then my brother ever did and my father took notice and started to find value in me again, soon enough I made him proud of me." For some reason I felt as if tears were going to prick at my eyes, but I stopped them before I could. " I still don't understand, what was the mistake you made?" I smirked and looked at him and said "Being born was, anyways if I've answered all you questions I'm going to sleep" I said and turned so my back faced him. Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm where I had the scar " I don't think your worthless" he said. I went wide eyed and felt tears pricking at my eyes again, i mumbled out a quiet "Thank you". He heard it and said "Your welcome....good night" he then took his hand off my arm and turned his back to me and fell asleep. I on the other hand I smiled and let one of the tears drop while I thought of the words he said 'I don't think your worthless'. I wiped the tear from my cheek and for the first time ever...

....Went asleep with a smile.

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