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//Hey guys, enjoying the story? Well I guess you are if you've read up to here. Anyways, enjoy the final phase of the exam\\


I started squirming in my sleep as I started to wake up. Sun light shown on my face through the window and I decided to get up. Illumi was still sleeping soundly beside me and I decided to let him get in a few more minutes.I got my clothes for the exams out of the dresser and went to the bathroom where I took a bath and got ready. When I got out Illumi was still asleep, honestly though, he slept for a week in the last phase and still is sound asleep the way I left him. I went over to Illumi and shook him gently to get up "Illumi, Illumi. Get up you need to get ready" he soon woke up slowly and opened his eyes a little bit. Sun light shown across his face making is tired eyes look soft and hazy. "Im awake now" he said still hazy. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and went to the bathroom to wash up while I made the bed. When I was done I started sharpening my knifes for the final phase. Illumi got out the bathroom in his Gittarackur form and I threw one of the newly sharpened knifes at him, he caught it and I asked "Sharp enough?" He inspected it and nodded "Sharp Enough" then threw it back. Once I was done i asked if he wanted to go for a mourning jog, he agreed and we did a couple of laps around the air ship. Once we got back we had breakfast and started to go back to our room. While we were in the halls I saw one of the examiners, Menchi. And decided to ask her a question "Excuse me, Menchi, do happen to have a clue when the 5th Phase is starting today?" "Yes, probably im a few hours once the old geezer has everything sorted out" I shook my head in thanks and me and Illumi kept walking, "let's go meet Hisoka" he suggested I growled a little remembering how he clawed my elbow and said "sure".

We were wandering in the halls looking for the infamous Hisoka until we finally saw the bastard. He was leaning against an wall shuffling a deck of cards, he saw us and he stopped and threw one card to each of us, which we easily caught. The whole time we just had a good conversation about our experience and what we thought about the other applicants. We did this knowing it might be the last time we ever talk to each other since the exam is coming to an end. After that we just mindlessly mingled the halls finding no other thing to do for a few more hours.

//Time skip to the 5th Phase\\

Everyone was called down to start the 5th phase, the final phase. I could tell some people were tense while others looked determined and with an occasional Hisoka looking in fazed at all. Soon the Geezer revealed the board of fight matching i looked for my image and saw that I was matched with some old guy. I looked over to him and saw him gulp. I smirked at his reaction and looked back on the board. I saw that Hisoka was paired with Kurapika and Illumi was paired with...Killua?!? Just then I realized....that they're brothers. I looked over to Gittarackur and pulled on his sleeve and whispered "what are you going to do he is your-" he ur a finger on my mouth to shut me up and turned back to the board. I looked at his eyes to figure out his motives but I didn't see anything. I tried looking closer and deeper to read him and I found it, it looked as if he just remembered something important, like why he's really here. I let go of his sleeve and faced forward concerned thinking about what he might of remembered.

The geezer explained the rules and how you can't kill your opponent but make them give up, also that you need to win once to pass the time final phase and that the one at the top of the chart fails the exams. Soon enough.....we started.

The first group of people blew by quick but I have to say the most intriguing battle was Gon's as he refused defeat till the end, I chuckled a bit when he tried to make the fight 'fair' and wouldn't give up till it was. Soon enough Gon won because his opponent got tired of convincing him to quit. Now it was my turn. I was so ready to torture this man to hell, I cant wait to see him beg for mercy. We stood on opposite sides of the arena and once the match started we ran towards each other with incredible speed.

He threw a kick to my head which I dogged by ducking down, then I kicked him in the stomach and he went backwards. He fell on his back and got up immediately. I let him run towards me and he threw a kick to my face which I caught with one hand, I smirked and pulled him down by the leg and then took my elbow and snapped his right leg "GHWAAA" he let out a scream full of agony while he tried to get up, my eyes turned to bloodlust ones and I heard murmur on the side lines about my eyes. I went over to his slowly crawling away form and picked up the other leg and Snapple sit too "AWHHHH" he let out another Horrid shriek. I turned his body over and sat on his legs facing the old geezer "is this really the best you could of gotten for me?" He just shrugged and ushers me too continue. I sighed and turned my head to Bodoro and asked "Will you give up already?" He nodded his head and said "n-not t-till I w-win" I rolled my eyes and got up off him and went towards his arm and grabbed his hand and broke a finger, he let out another awful scream and I said " we could do this all day, every minute you don't give up, I break a piece of you" I counted to a minute and broke another finger, soon all ten fingers were broken. "Man you sure are stubborn, I wish I could just kill you" I said in a tired way sitting in front of him. His teeth were clenched and his eyes were closed shut from the pain "fine, I guess I better hurry this up for everyone else." I went over to him and flipped him so he was lying on his stomach and put an elbow on his spine and broke it . While he was screaming and whining in pain I crouched beside him and said "let's make a deal, you give up and I'll press one of the pressure points on your body so you can't feel pain, it'll last about a week giving you time to get your wounds treated and recovered, deal?" He looked at me and said "d-d-deal, I-I g-give u-u-up" then I was declared winner by the examiners, I started to walk away before I heard him whimper "H-hey, t-the p-pressure-" "I lied" I said smirking. I could just feel the examiners and applicants looking at me wide eyed. I just got off and stood beside Illumi "Nice move" he commented i said "thanks" then I felt a hand on my shoulder from Hisoka, he looked down to me and said " Do you even know that pressure point?" "Yes, I just didn't want to help him" he chuckled at my response and I looked over to all the other applicants. They were looking over at Bodoro in pity and some at me with disbelief. It's his fault, he should of given up earlier and maybe I wouldn't have broken any bones of the old mans. Next was Illumi, I looked over to him and he was looking at Killua who looked ready. They faced opposite sides of the arena and the fight started, but soon as the fight started Illumi started to take out his pins, "Oi, You do realize everyone here will know right?! Especially Killua?!" I shouted to make sure he wasn't crazy "Im fine (Y/N), I know what I'm doing" he said then continued taking out the Pins. Once all the Pins were out he transformed into his real self, Illumi.

"BIG BROTHER!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" Killua screamed Illumi smiled at Killua and replied " Im here to bring you back Killua and because I also need to be a Hunter for work so give up" "What?! No way I'm not giving up" "Come one Kill, I don't want to beat you up, your my brother" he replied "NO WAY!! Im not coming back neither am I giving up" then Illumi thought for a moment and asked the old geezer " When your a hunter you can kill anyone you wish, that means once I obtain an hunters badge I can kill all of you correct?" "Yes, I guess you can" the geezer replied Illumi nodded and looked back to Killua and said "Listen Kill, if you don't give up willingly now then I will force you to, once I do I will kill everyone and your Precious friend Gon. What will it be?" I'm sure that Illumi can do that, he can take down Killua any day, I'm pretty sure Killua knows that being his brother too, it's more then likely he'll give up. Soon enough Killua admitted defeat and Illumi went to him and did something with his eyes which made Killua's eyes lose it's shine, he manipulated him. Then he patted Killua on the head and said "Im wasn't going to kill Gon in the first place, I lied" he said then walked away after he was declared victorious. He came and stood back beside me and I pulled his sleeve and said "What the hell was that all about and why did you manipulate him at the end?" I whispered to him "Oh you saw me manipulate him, you never fail to impress me (Y/N), I'll explain this all after the exams are over" he whispered back I nodded un satisfied with my answer.

Next was Leorio's fight with Bodoro. I almost laughed a little to loud when I looked at his condition. Leorio didn't want to fight him in that condition so he kept requesting for there match to be rescheduled. While that was happening I saw Killua at the side about to attack Bodoro I then pulled Illumi's sleeve again and said "Hey,what's your brother doing he gonna-" he pulls a hand to my mouth for me to be quiet and whispered in my ear "just watch" I nodded in disbelief that Illumi was making Killua kill Bodoro using his manipulation. Killua then killed Bodoro using his bare hand and was disqualified from the exams, because he was disqualified everyone else passed. I then looked to Illumi and said "You better have a good explanation".

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now