Hisoka Getting Aroused?

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//Thxs for keeping up with my story guys! Also, this chapter is continued from the exact point it left off\\
As his hand was on my shoulder he then started humming as he shuffled the deck of cards with his free hand while one of his hands was on my shoulder. I was irritated but didn't say much, I just tried to take his arm off but then it tightened on my shoulder to the point it kinda stung "~Say, (Y/N) were you the one responsible for that huge blast?~" he cooed to me while having a mischievous face. "What if I was? It isn't that big of a deal" I said awfully annoyed with him. The fingers of his hands dug into my shoulder as it tightened, I felt like blood was about to come out. He started chuckling evilly and to be honest it freaked me out "What the heck Hisoka! What's gotten into you idiot! Look, I'll give you 5 seconds to let go of me or you'll get it!" I threatened. I gave him a deadly stare and waited till five he kept looking at me and his grip got tighter and I felt a trickle of blood on my shoulder, when his five seconds were up I made my eyes go to my bloodlust ones and grabbed the arm that was on my shoulder. I then swiftly went behind him and pinned his arm to his back, he kept chuckling the whole time which made me realized..he's enjoying this. "My, My (Y/N) you really are one to get easily agitated, mmm I like your rage it's getting me-" "Chhhh-Chhhh-Hisoka-chhh-chhh" Hisoka's face went from an aroused one to a bored one instantly "Ugh, your little boyfriend is intervening"  he said, I was still holding his arm to his back so he used the other one to take out an radio. He turned it on and said "Im here" "Chhhh-Is (Y/N) fine-chhh" he asked. "Yes, yes we're fine. Just some ordinary chit-chat" he said. I whispered "more or less" he looked back to me over his shoulder and I ushered him to just keep talking "chhhh- Hisoka I know your target, would you like to know?-chhh" "no it doesn't matter, I'll obtain 6 points in an other fashion" "Alright, if your sure. I'll be coming back now-chhh" "See you here" He put down the radio and I let go of his arm, and instead of sitting on the log I leaned against the tree. I didn't say anything to him after his little stunt, but I do know now that he gets aroused from power. While I was leaning on the tree I slipped down my sleeve to look at my shoulder and saw that it had scratch marks and a small amount of blood, I just rolled my eyes and pulled my sleeve back up. While I was doing so I looked over to the bushes and saw something gleaming, it was some sort hook, I looked closer and saw someone...Gon? What the, am I his target? I tried not to react because I didn't want Hisoka to know. He did a good job hiding his presence, even I couldn't sense it. Suddenly he looked over to me and he went wide eyed in fear. I just smirked and secretly pointed at Hisoka, he nodded quickly and I just smiled and gave him the thumbs up. In my head I was chuckling like a mad man because I'm almost one hundred percent sure Hisoka doesn't know, I can't wait till this kid gets his badge.

After a while Illumi came back and had his badges with him, for some reason he was in his Gittarackur form, he then switched to his real form and stated he was going to sleep for the next week. "Hey, didn't you say you were going to protect me or something" "Yes I did, but I've confirmed that no one is here to assassinate you so there's no longer a point for that" "Alright, night sleeping Beauty" I said and he Buried himself. Hisoka then stretched and said he was going to go find some people to kill  for the next week, I for the next week decided that I would just practice my strength training by kicking down trees or something, it got pretty boring and I didn't see the person who was to target me anywhere so I came to the conclusion that that big nosed guy who was pokkle's target must of been hunting me. When the week was over I saw that Gon had Hisoka's badge. My eyes gleamed and I held in a laugh. I wonder how her got it, it was Hisoka after all. I went up to Gon after the exam and tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around and looked surprised "oh, it's you." "Yay, I see you got Hisoka's Badge. Nice work" "uhh, thanks I guess. By the way, how did you know I was there?" "From the spot I was standing the sun gleamed on your hook. So I was able to see you, other wise your presence was completely concealed" "oh, that explains it, one more question ughh" "(Y/N), it's (Y/N)" "Right,(Y/N). Why didn't you tell Hisoka I was there?" I scratched my head and said "I guess, I wanted to see what happened, plus you saw what he was doing. I wanted to get back at him" I said "Oh, hahaha that makes sense, so what are you doing here at the exams?" I lied and said "oh, you see I'm here so I can sell my treasures that I have across the world, a hunter's pass would help me" he gave me wide smile and said "cool! Good luck then for the last phase (Y/N)!!" He said very loud, I like this kid. He looks so determined and he was able to take the badge away from Hisoka. I gave him an half smile and ruffled his hair and said "Good luck to you to Gon" He smiled and we both went our separate directions. I was walking to my room when I stepped around the corner to be greeted by Hisoka, I didn't look at him or even say anything, I just kept walking past him to my room. " What were you talking about with Gon?" He asked, I still didn't look back but replied "nothing just ordinary chit-chat" I replied the same way he did to Illumi. I could feel his scowl on my back and I smirked, once I got to my room I was very tired and threw myself on my bed, my eyes were closed when I turned to my side and felt something I opened my eyes to see an Illumi playing with a pin "Ugh, what are you doing here" I asked he looked over to me and said "I wanted to talk to you about something" "what is it" I said while sitting up on my bed while he was still laying down. "Well, don't you think it's wrong that we carry the burden our grandparents left us with" "Oh, you mean how we're enemies because they didn't like each other right?" "Yes, precisely, what do you think" "Well to be absolutely honest, that's the only reason we live. We were born to 'avenge' or grandparents and raise there name for no absolute reason at all." "But, isn't there more to that. We also live to keep our family names as assassin's and murderer" "True, that too. But at the end of the day, if you ask your mom what your biggest goal is, its to kill a (L/N). In fact I think a day will come when we might have to kill each other, and one of us will die because that's how i has to be according to our parents." After I said that there was a long pause until Illumi spoke "Do you...think that we have to kill each other, that we have to be enemies?" I thought about that before speaking " If I were to say an answer like an (L/N) would, i would say yes and I have to kill Zoldyck's. But if I would answer in the way I think, then I would say, maybe not. No one should burden someone else's mistakes." We sat in silence for a while till I broke the ice "Im not so tired any more, I'm going to go get something to eat. You can stay here if you like." I said then stretched and got up, I walked out the room closing the door behind me.

Illumi's POV
When (Y/N) walked out the room I thought about our family's and the bond they both had. I realized she was right, we shouldn't burdens others mistakes. I know what I'm feeling for her now, but that still can't change the fact that we have to be enemies no matter how wrong it might be. I laid down looking to the sealing and thinking about her and how it would be if we weren't enemies. I sighed and said "(Y/N) (L/N), huh?"

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