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// Sorry for the late ass update, I completely forgot I started to write a story😅. But otherwise THXXSSS for 900 Fucking reads, your the best,enjoy\\


(Y/n) POV
As the gates to the second gate had opened we saw a bunch of tables with such things as knifes chopping boards and a fire place. I was looking around the area studying what we might be doing and I realized that we were cooking. This isn't gonna be to hard for me considering that I cook all the time for myself or for my parents. When I'm out on assignments to murder people I sometimes poison their food to kidnap them. As the instructor spoke on what we were doing I felt someone lean over my shoulder, it was Gittarackur as suspected." Do you know how to cook~" he coed in my ear which sent a shiver down my spin " yes, I do" I spoke back in an monotone voice moving forward a little so that he wasn't leaning over my shoulder so much." This should be easy for you then" he spoke " how about you can you cook?" I said giving a side glance " yes I do but not to well though, I'm what you call a beginner" he said as he finished his sentence we saw the big man slapped his stomach signaling to start the exam. After everyone started to run towards the entrance of the exam for what I heard to find pigs to cook, it would probably help if I payed attention to the instructions and not so much on conversation with the pin head. As I ran out to go find some pigs I certain little boy came up to my side, Killua Zoldyck.

I wasn't scared of the brat I got a little worried on why he decided to come next to me out of all people. I could feel him staring at me for a while until he spoke " So, Ino Winter, what are you doing here at the hunter exams?" Wow, the kid catches on fast he knows my alias, what else should you expect from a Zoldyck though "Im here to be a hunter what else" I said sternly " What is a child like you doing here, Killua" I said he looked a little surprised when I said his name " how do you know my name?" He said a bit mad " if you know mine then how can't I know yours, it's only fair " it sounded a bit creepy, I should probably keep my distance from the clown I'm catching on to his habits. "Anyways, I'm here...for fun I guess. I heard this hunter exam is a really hard exam but it's really not a big deal" he said then he sighed and looked at me " Cut to the chase and come out clean, who the hell are you really and why are you here" that had me shook, I was flustered when he said that and it was visible "not gonna tell me huh, fine I'll just guess then. The way you've been keeping an eye out for me would tell me I'm a threat to you, but then again everyone here is a threat. You also have (H/C) hair, putting those to facts together I would say your a (L/N)." He chuckled after completing the sentence and stared at me, I was shocked but didn't let it show, instead I started laughing at him. He stopped and stared at me as if I was insane, I smirked and said "You think you have me all figured out, but I have you figured out, Zoldyck" He went wide eyed "How-" " I knew you were a Zoldyck just by looking you in the eyes, and what proved it is that you guessed I'm a (L/N) and said that you are a threat to me, isn't a (L/N)'s biggest threat a Zoldyck? It is." Killua looked really mad but I could tell he was caught of guard by that too. " Tell, me Killua in what hopes did you come here with to 'exspose' me with?, sure you got it right that I'm a (L/N) but what was your reason?" I asked he looked down a bit sad and didn't say anything for while till he looked back up at me and said "Cause I wanted you to-" " GUYS THEIR WEAK SPOT IS THEIR FOREHEADS!!" Gon yelled to everyone, shit we both totally forgot about the exam we're in. We both looked at each other as in saying 'oops' and walked away from each other till he yelled " Watch your back (L/N)!" I smirked and waked towards one of the big pigs to take it down. I got out my knife and kept walking towards it but before I could throw a knife to its forehead a pin hit it and knocked it out for me, I looked around to see who it was and didn't see anyone.

Suddenly someone spoke from behind me "Why did you lie to me?" I turned around to see Gittarackur. Lie to him? Oh shit did he hear me and Killua's conversation? " What do you mean lie to you?" I asked, he started walking towards me slowly while speaking " 44 just yelled if I'm not mistaken, that your a (L/N) you told me otherwise, so, why did you lie" now he was in front of me. I didn't want him to know who I was because he looked like a dangerous person. But now I feel different, I feel like I can put a little trust in him but only for the sake of the game, besides if he wants to kill me after I do tell him the truth he's going to have to try real hard to. " Ya I lied, because I didn't trust you yet completely, I still don't either but I'll tell you the truth since you already half figured it out. Im not Ino Winter, my name is (F/N) (L/N). Im not here for fun either I need a hunter license for my job" I explained he looked a bit at ease now that I told him the truth. " If I'm correct, your 'Job' is to murder people since you belong to the (L/N) family, Correct?" "Exactly, you can already see why I wouldn't want to tell someone that kind of information, but since you over heard Killua or 44 I have to tell you this" he nodded in agreement and said " Isn't the Zoldyck family, your rivals" " yes they are, but that doesn't concern me right now, I need to finish this exam" I went over to the pig and picked it up, it was big but I could lift is easily. We both ran back to the entrance gate with pigs to cook them up.

// I'll try to update faster this time, sorry, again \\

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