Don't Play With My Toys

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// LETTSSS GOOO 1K reads!! GET TO MY LEVEL BRO😂😂 jk jk. Thxs for reading my dumb ass story. Hope you enjoy this chapter!! \\

(Y/N) POV:
I finished cooking up my pig and was about to present it to the examiner, so far everyone has failed the exam but I'm not planning to. When Menchi, the Examiner tasted the pig she went wide eyed and got out her seat and screamed " YESSSS SOMEONE WITH GOOD TASTE" she picked me up from the hips and jumped around laughing and cheering " YOU PASS YOU PASS" must of been a long time since she's tasted good food i guess. I was a bit embarrassed of her jumping around with me in her arms in front of everybody but there wasn't anything I could really do about it, I looked over the crowd of people staring at me to see Gittarackur and Hisoka chuckling at me quietly at my discomfort and I made her let go of me and put me down. When I did though the other examiner beside her spoke " I don't like it, sorry but it's a no" Menchi went wide eyed and I just stood there mad " WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T LIKE IT?!? ITS THE BEST ONE SO FAR!!" she yelled at him " The other pigs before this one were filling and had a lot of meat, this pig is skinny with less meat on it making a non filling meal" My eye twitched, that is why he's failing me? Im going burst "O come on, She's got the best one all day and it taste good!! You've gotta pass her!!" Menchi pleaded but he didn't listen and failed me much to Menchi's displeasure. I was pretty ticked off, as I walked off the stage and that's when Menchi announced that everyone failed the second faze. I was completely done with this, I sat down and considered that I should probably try stealing a hunters license because I can't get one now that I failed. That's when a chuckling Hisoka came and sat beside me probably laughing at the petty reason I failed "You should choose your pig more wisely" he mocked me, I was fuming " why you little, You failed to clown don't think your a big shot here" I retorted. He threw a hand over my shoulder and chuckled and said "don't get so tense, it's bad for your health besides, clown? Is that what you think of me?" He asked teasingly, I mean what the hell is he doing? Is he really trying to flirt with me " Shut it Clown, don't be so happy we just failed" I said stern, I got up out of his grasp and walked away to have my own space for a while. A lot has happened till now , the Zoldlyk, Hisoka, Gittarackur and failing. The only thing I want right now is to be left alone.

3rd Person POV
(Y/N) walked away and joined the crowd that surrounded Menchi while an airship flew in. Hisoka however, was still staring at (Y/N) in more then a weird way, Gittarackur noticed this and went and sat beside Hisoka "she's very serious, isn't she?" Hisoka spoke to Gittarackur. " Yes, she is" he didn't like the way Hisoka was looking at her, but he didn't know why because she was his enemy and he knew that. " Don't worry now, I won't play with your toys if you don't play with mine~" Hisoka said, when he meant his toys he meant Gon. Hisoka stood up and started walking towards the crowd before he looked back at Gittarackur "You do have a very nice toy, It'll be hard not to play with it" he said licking his lips at the end of the sentence. Gittarackur, had a bit of relief but still was going to keep a close eye on Hisoka, to make sure he doesn't try playing with his toy.

//Time Skip\\
An Airship flew in with the old man who runs this exam saying that we get a chance to do a redo, thankfully. We just headed to a cavern if some sort to do the redo exam. As we were listening for what to do Menchi jumped down the cavern and came back with a wind of gust holding an egg.

//Next one is heated with you and him \\

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now