No Choice

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//Done the story, This was fun writing. Thanks for reading this and commenting voting and all! Now I present to you, the Last Chapter\\

//A year Later\\

3rd Person POV

"Awe, He's so cute. Look he's grabbing my finger Silva!" Kikyo cheered as a bundle of joy that was 3 months old laid in her arms.Silva laughed as they played with the child. Illumi wasn't home since he was on a mission but (Y/N) was. She watched as the grandparents played with their child.The child had a white hair with a striving resemblance to Illumi. When he started growing white hair everyone thought that it was because Silva had white hair and the gene was passed on through Illumi, which is probably true. One thing was for sure though that he took some of (Y/N)'s skills. When the day he was born and opened his eyes, they were black and had red rings around them, those were (Y/N)'s bloodlust eyes. Eventually after a few minutes they went to his real ones.

As the grandparents were playing with the child the door front door opened to reveal Illumi. (Y/N) smiled at him and he also smiled and walked towards them."How is he?" He asked while looking at the child "fine, he's starting to be more active now" (Y/N) explained. Illumi nodded and picked up the bundle of joy in his arms "Wait!" (Y/N) yelled then walked over to Illumi and took off the pins on his chest. He smirked and said "Protective much" "What do expect?" She said. Illumi them pressed him against his chest and caressed the baby in his arms."Your right father" he said "about what" Silva questioned. "He really does look like me" Illumi said while inspecting the child closely.(Y/N) laughed a little and Illumi gave her their son. He looked at him and kissed him then pecked (Y/N) on the cheeks before going to his room to wash up.(Y/N) on the other hand was blushing because he did it front of both Kikyo and Silva. After about another hour of play (Y/N) had to pull their son away from his grandparents so that she can put him to sleep. She went to her and Illumi's Room to put their son asleep.When she finally put him to sleep Illumi got out the bathroom washed up."You don't look so good" Illumi said regarding that she looked tired from being up all night taking care of their son."Yay....He's a *yawn* handful" she said as she laid down on the bed to rest. Illumi came and sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair as she closed her eyes "(Y/N)" "Yes, Illumi" "Want to have-" "No" "but-" "No, he's already a handful not till next year, we've had this conversation before" she said. Illumi sighed and laid down next to her and said "To bad, cause I want to have another child" he then got on top of her caressing her. "No, are you deaf Illumi?" She said annoyed with her husband. "Maybe" he said chuckling.(Y/N) flipped him off and sat up. He got up too and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and sat beside her "(Y/N)" "This better not be-" "It's not" "Fine,Speak" "If you had a choice would you have married me?" "No, your annoying" she said jokingly, he chuckled at her response and said "To bad, because you had...

"No Choice"

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now