Bloodlust Rookie

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Your POV
This is a quite small cottage, lets hope I don't run into any old ladies and clowns here, I seriously dont want any interf-" AGHHHHH" that was too perfect, ugh. I ran over to the cottage and kicked the door down to see some type of yellow beast holding a girl running off with a man ingured on the ground. He broke through a window while saying " YOU'LL NEVER CATCH MEEE HEHE" I run to the man and look at him " my wife" He had blood all over him with scrathes over his body and I look at the window the thing jumped through i was about to chase the thing until, wait...where did he get in from.. the door was locked and the windows were fine before he broke it. I knew that timing was to perfect, ugh. I chased after the thing and the women was just merely screaming but wasn't really resisting from the beasts grasp. I ran quicker and was horizontal in the air when i pushed myself forward off a tree, I used a bit of nen when I did so so i was as if soaring under the beast i got out my knife and held the beasts foot and sliced right through it, it fell with a large THUMP on the ground and the women was trying to escape the beast by crawling away I walked on top of the beast and placed my knife on her neck she looked shocked and was shaking " Enough, I dont have times with your meaningless games" I threw the foot I chopped of infront of her and her eyes went wide she quickly turned and yelled " FATHER GAHH" She started crying while holding the yellow beast she turned to me stood up and threw a punch to my face i caught it and put it behind her back and forced in her knees and put a knife to her neck almost in 2 seconds " Guide me to my exam or you'll lose more then a foot" i said while slowly pressing the knife to her neck, my eyes changed from their normal (E/C) to all black with red rings, bloodlust. The urge...i could kill her so easily...but I need to pass this exam...if only I wasn't like my mother. My thoughts were interrupted by the girls screams when I noticed that I've been pressing the knife on the girls neck, she was bleeding a little but not to much " Please let her go, I'll take you to the Exam but dont kill my sister" The man who was in the cabin said, so it's not his wife after all, I take my knife off her neck and kick her forward she tried getting up but was to traumatized by what was happening, the boy started carring her to the cabin while another beast appered " HONEY NO WHY YOU LITTLE-" " Mother don't she'll kill you" the boy said looking deep in the creatures eyes I looked up the thing saw my bloodlust eyes and took a step back, she started walking with the other beast, I followed them both with the things foot in my hand throwing it up and down like a toy. They didn't speak the whole walk once we got back the boy came up to me, he was a bit taller but not much " You...pass.....follow me to the...exams" He was a bit scared but pulled a strong expression...but his eyes...they're so fearful...he could faint...i always see this expression...but his eyes are priceless...i would kill him for that expression to last a bit longer.My eyes turned into bloodlust ones again, the boy jumped back and held a fighting stance while quivering in fear.I sighed and put my hand on forehead and stopped the feeling of bloodlust..these people make it to easy to want me to kill them,o well."I threw the foot at the boy and he caught it " use exotic penery leaves, it's a beast it'll re attach" he just nodded slowly whole staring he put the foot down and started going to the destination, I followed.

Once we got there he gave the chef some order I think was a code for the exams and lead me to a room and said " This room wilm take you to the exam room...goodluck" the last part came out hard he left while slamming the door. When he closed the door the room started movin down for a second i thought the room was falling but i relized it was some type of elevator.Once I got down I got out to see a big room of stone, it was empty except some frog like thing in a suit standing holding something out, once I got closer it said " Welcome to the Hunter Exams please take this number and keep it on you all times, please do not misplace this number either" It said '1' on it and i then relized i was the first one here while everyone took their sweet time, well better early then late. I sat down without saying a word.

After awhile the place quickly started to flood with people, 5 then 15 then 34 they were coming in groups and large chunks, i found myself judging the strength of each of them by appearance, they all looked like fools especially this one clown, he looked stupid but probably stupid strong. Then I started to relize that the clown was sending off alot of presence of bloodlust, almost as much as my mother...this could be intresting, everyone was avoiding this 44 and was giving a look of fear when they saw him, I looked at the clown and he was coming my direction he looked at me with not to much of an expression except for a smirk, I just stared unfazed with a blank stotic expression and he sat not to far from me sufflijg a deck of cards. I ignored him, after a minute or two i pulled out the knife I cut things foot with and and saw there were stains if blood not only over the knife but my whole arm to my shoulder it was almost like a design of blood. i started scrubbing off the blood and the clown chuckled an amused laugh I turned to him " killing people already are we? Waht fun" Man he really is in the mood of killing people. We stared each other in the eyes me glaring a bit until a man showed up and broke my staring contest with the clown " Hi there! Im Tonpa! Nice to meet you" he put out a hand with a cheeky grin and I looked down to my knife and kept scrubbing, he pulled his hand back and said " Well not much of a shaker huh? I see, i bet all that walking got you tired, they should really serve dribks here. Here take this , it'll help you keep your energy up for the Exam" he puts out an orange can of juice for me, I take it and pop it open and drank it all down while he chuckled evilly i wiped my mouth and said "Your poison was well blended with the juice, didn't even taste it, well done your approach was well exucuted too but.." i got my knife and cut the bag he had without a look and cans went rolling in each direction " why would you have so many cans, not drinking even one" He tried picking them up in a scurry intill he stopped and looked at me " If you knew...why did you drink it" I picked up another can and poped it open and said " your poison is weaker then doesn't have aeffect on me" I drank the can i opened and glared at him while he left.

The clown gave me a dead stare less amused and more serious, he was wondering about why it didn't effect me i gave a simply 'tch' and went back to cleaning my knife and he looked away after awhile.

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now