A fight of 2 knifes

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//Thanks for all the nice comments guys!! Enjoy this chapter. Btw follow up😉😉\\


I woke up this mourning looking around the room confused where I was, till I remembered that I'm in the Zoldyck Estate. I got up and made the bed and took a shower and brushed my teeth before I put on the clothing that Kikyo left for me last night. Once I did so I made my way to the table for breakfast. No one was there besides Silva, I greeted him and sat down. "Slept well, (Y/N)?" "Yes I did thank you" after a bit of silence he spoke "It looks like breakfast is taking long, why don't you say we spare?" I was caught a bit off guard by that question but I got a little excited since I thought this would be fun "Sure, Silva let's do" we got up from the table and started walking over to a sparing room "Oh one more thing, your about to get married into this family so it would be a bit awkward if you kept calling me Silva. Just call me dad or something" he explained I nodded and said "I suppose your right, it would sound improper." I agreed. Once we got there he took a knife from off the wall and stood in front of me. I got out my knife that my mother gave me and got in a ready position. "That's one fancy knife, mind if I see it?" He asked, I chucked it over side ways and he caught it and looked at it.  He smiled when he saw the 'Z' on it's handle. "Who gave this to you?" He asked "My mother, i guess the 'Z' was hint for Zoldyck." I chuckled, he chuckled a bit too. He chucked it back to me and we paced in a circle "Im not quite used to knifes so this should be fun" he said." "Knifes are my speciality, I'm kinda an expert" I said back he smirked and said "then let's get started".

With that we flew at each other fighting with knifes as if they were some sort of swords. We kept blocking each other until I got an open space and went straight for his stomach, he dodged by flipping backwards. And landing with one knee on the ground, I could tell he wasn't trying his best but I'm going to try and force him too. He ran towards me with the knife and I barely blocked it. Then I used my quick speed and appeared behind him and tried to land a hit. He though used his speed to dodge it. With out a second to rest we kept blocking each other with the knife and attacking too. He swinged the blade towards me and I stopped it by catching his arm, and I took my turn to swing and landed a hit on his other arm, I cut him. I leaped back while he looked at his arm, there was a little bit of blood but it seemed he was fine. He smirked and dropped his knife and said "you win" i smiled and fell over from exaghstion and took deep breathers while saying "T-that's n-not...fair....you went e-easy dad" he chuckled and said " oh well maybe next time I won't kid, you got good game though". I sensed a presence by the door and saw that everyone was there, Mother, father, Illumi, Kalluto and mom(Kikyo) they were watching in aw and someone spoke "Nice job kid" I couldn't see who it was until Illumi moved out of the way to reveal who I believe was there Grandfather. I sat up and said "Hello, sir I'm-" "(Y/N) (L/N) I know, sorry I wasn't here yesterday I was busy with other matters" I nodded saying "Don't worry sir, it's a pleasure to meet you" "The pleasures mine, now if you excuse me I'll be off now" with that he left the room. When he left Kikyo or mom I want to say said "Well done! What good use of a knife (Y/N)!" "Thanks mom-I mean Kikyo." I scratched the back of my head because of my mistake but she said "Oh no that's fine, it would get a bit awkward if you keep calling me Kikyo" I nodded and turned to Illumi who suggested we all go eat breakfast. He came and helped me up and we left the room to eat.

//Time skip to after Breakfast\\


We finished breakfast and got ready to leave, we bid our goodbyes and me and Illumi exchanged phone numbers. Once we got in the care it took an hour to get back home. From there me and my mother went shopping for wedding getting makeup and stuff like accessories. We got the dress too, we were almost prepared and I even got a few new clothes for after the wedding when I live there. To my mothers happiness we also got a ton of wedding gifts. When we got home after a long day of shopping I was glad to see that the chefs made a huge fest to chow down on. Once I ate that I went to my room and called Illumi about the family formalities and stuff like how it would take place. Once I was done doing that he gave me Hisoka's number to invite him to the wedding, he had his hands tied so he couldn't. We hung up and I called Hisoka. This was probably the most embarrassing call of my life. "Hello?" "Hi, it's (Y/N)" I could fell his smirk through the phone "Hello (Y/N), what brings you to call me?" "Your invited to a wedding" I said blunt "Oh really now? Why would you invite a 'clown' like me?" he said with a chuckle at the end "Don't make this hard for me, it was Illumi's idea" "Illumi's huh? Why would you two be talking to each other, last I heard your families don't like each other" he said in his slick voice "Listen, just be there at 12:00 in 8 days, Zoldyck residence, wear something like a suit, try taking off the makeup too if you can help it and don't you dare be late. Understood clown?" " Understood, though I have an question" "make it quick,I'm busy" "Who's wedding is it exactly" he asked in a mischievous voice" I frowned at him asking since that was the one question I dreaded right now "It's..mine" I said I heard a pause and he bursted in laughter making me move the phone away from my ear, when he calmed down he asked "So, your getting Married in the Zoldyck residence hmm? This should be interesting, oh and don't worry, I wouldn't be late for this" he said with a laugh at the end. I cut the phone and rubbed my temples, man that clown really gets on my nerves. Just his voice annoys me, I wonder how Illumi is his friend. I layer down on my bed and fell asleep once my head hit the pillow, I was tried from all that shopping and I really need a good night sleep. 8 more days Huh?.

//Guys I'm in a crisis and need your help.Do you want a lemon or nah?I put that I would in the story description but wanna know if you want me to write one\\

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now