Wake Up Call

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Gittarackur POV
Its been some time and we're almost there, everyone is coming out of their rooms to get ready to go. Hisoka and I got prepared to start the second phase too. I should probably wake up (Y/N).

I've just woke up and looked out my door, seems like everyone is getting ready to go, were probably almost there. I should get changed since I'm not wearing suitable clothes for the 3rd Phase. I closed the door and got the clothes I used for the 1st and 2nd phase to change into them again. I took off my shirt and pants l acing me in my undergarments. Before I could take off the rest I realized that I didn't lock the door, I walked over to the door to lock it and just then someone opened. Uh oh.

3rd Person POV
(Y/N) quickly reacted and threw a fist at Gittarackur's face. She then pulled him by the collar down to her face and yelled " YOU GOT A DEATH WISH BUDD-G-GITTARACKUR?!? What are you doing here?" She released his collar and he stood back up "I was came to wake you up but seems as there is no longer need for that" he explained after he remembered that she wasn't wearing clothing and turned around, (Y/N) also remembered that she wasn't wearing clothing and took a step back to close the door, she was blushing in embarrassment."I'll be right there with you" she said then slammed the door shut quickly and finished getting ready. Gittarackur walked away from the door back to where Hisoka was. " My, My peeping on women? How childish" Hisoka said to Gittarackur. "Im not like that Hisoka" he retorted. " Im afraid you are, you didn't even- hold on,mhaha did she slap you?" "yes, but that's none of your concern" " how lovely eehehehe, what a fun toy" " She's not a toy Hisoka" Hisoka grew curious on why he defended her " Tell me, what do you find so interesting of her, I've wanted to know for some time on why you think of her so highly" Gittarackur wasn't sure what to say besides "She's my enemy that's why" this was when Hisoka got very interested "Enemy? How so, do explain." That's when Gittarackur told how she was his enemy and how the Zoldyck and the (L/N) hated each other. "That explains why she only told me her first name, you should have killed her when you had the chance, so why didn't you?" Gittarackur was stumped at this question, he didn't know how to answer that question but he tried his best "I think I feel as though she can prove...useful along the way" Hisoka just stared at him with Disbelief (pulling this face -3- ) " Well in that case, invite me to the wedding" with that he got up and walked away leaving Gittarackur flustered. "I don't-wait,she's nothing to me-Hisoka are you even listening?" Hisoka just kept walking with a smirk planted on his face

//Time skip to 3rd phase\\

Where the hell is everybody disappearing to? I tried looking for so long, even Killua and Gon left. This is getting exhausting. I sat down on the floor and sighed, I felt myself tilting to the side and suddenly the floor opened up and I fell through it, I reacted quickly and landed in my feet,"finally" I breathed out while dusting myself off. Then a loud intercom spoke " Please place the Wrist band securely around your wrist for further instructions" just then I saw a wristband at the center of the room on a platform. I put it around my wrist and the intercom spoke again " Thank you and Welcome to the 3rd Phase of the exam #1, from here we would like you to progress through the doors ahead, from there on you have 72 hours to complete the course. If failed to do so you will be eliminated from the hunter exam, good luck #1" the intercom shut off and a door opened leading down a hall I walked and came upon 2 hallways and the wristband spoke " please pick a hallway to take, the one on your left is short but dangerous, the one on your right is long but safe, choose wisely. When you have chosen press the blue button on your wrist band for right and red for left" The obvious answer would be to take the one on my right since it's safe and given we have 72 hours I have more then enough time,to finish it if it is long. But considering I don't know how long that hallway is exactly I shouldn't take it, it could be a trap. Now my other option, The short hallway comes with a price, it's dangerous. Who knows how dangerous, I've fought off many difficult situations like this before so I feel as though I'll be fine or at least, come out alive. I looked at my wristband and pressed the red button for right, once I did the hallway I didn't choose to take was blocked off by steal bars. I walked through the hallway cautiously knowing it will be dangerous, as I was walking i could hear something. It was the sound of water. I put my ear to the wall and tried to locate where it is but had no luck, I tried the other wall and also had no luck. I tried  the floor to and still couldn't locate it so i assumed that either the water is above me or up ahead. I kept walking till forward still being cautious of there being any traps. So far I've ran into nothing and I'm starting to think if I took the safe route by accident. Just as I finished that thought I stepped on some kind of brick and 2 walls came down. One in front of me and the other behind me, they started to move forwards to crush me and just as if it couldn't get worse spikes shot up from the walls. I went up to one of the walls and used my strength to rip off the iron spike off the wall. Once I did I had a clear shot to punch the wall. I punched right through and the wall crumbled bit by bit as if it shattered. I though I was out of trouble till a hole opened up in the ceiling and underneath me, I jumped to avoid falling but water came rushing down on me pushing me into the hole. I ended up in some kind of small pool and, when I swam up their were flashing lights and an stage with a target on, then came forth a girl and said " Welcome to the game of Truth And Dare!! You will be player #1!!" I sweat dropped and said " a what?"

//Thxs for Reading\\

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