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(Y/n) POV
I kept behind the two kids, but kept my distance just in case that Zoldyck tried anything funny. I wonder if he noticed who I was yet, I mean the (H/C) colored hair is famous in the (L/N) family, even a Zoldyck would know that much of our family.That would be the biggest giveaway of identity he has on me.They both stopped in place to turn around, I kept running and as I went ahead and ran past them, my eyes meet with the Zoldyck. It was only for second but it was enough to tell me he really wasn't joking when he said he was a zoldyck, I can tell, his eyes are different. They look cold and cunning, the kind that could kill you. When he saw mine he flinched a little, his eyes narrowed a bit and i purposely avoided eye contact with him, shit' I cursed myself as I kept running.This is not good, he narrowed his eyes when he saw me, did he realize who I am just by my hair? Anybody can have (h/c) hair, maybe he just suspected me following him that's all. For now I'll just try to stay in front of them, while they aren't in my line of sight ,I still know where they are and that Zoldyck won't suspect me...hopefully.
Some time Later
Im almost at the end of this Long tunnel and I'm starting to see stairs, looks like this might be the end,finally. As I kept going I began to see people in front of me falling on the ground and practically passing out. I was first now due to so many people fainting and falling. Some people are certainly aren't qualified if they can't handle a bit of-" MOVE OUT THE WAY LADY" I look back to see those 2 kids running as if they were running for there lives. They were running to fast for me to move out the ways in time but if I didn't we were sure to collide into each other so I did the only thing I could in that situation. I back flipped over them, they stared at me while I was in the air, the green haired kid, Gon I believe was wide eyed smiling at me while, Killua looked at me suspiciously with narrow eyes. I didn't want to give to much eye contact so once again I looked away. When i landed I kept running up the stairs at a slow pace, they both bolted ahead to the finish line quickly without a single look back." So much energy won't you agree" I looked to my left to see the clown, Hisoka. He some how magically appeared beside me, which was a bit startling. "Agreed" I said and kept going forward," A man of few words are we, or in your case a lady" he chuckled a bit to himself. I didn't say a word and kept running as he stared at me. Then someone else appeared beside him, it was that 301 that tried to pick a fight with me earlier. We stared at each other, I kept giving him a death glare and growled a bit as I gritted my teeth together. I really want to kill this guy right now, I bet he wants to kill me too, still why though? Doe she really know who I am? . The clown realized that we were giving each other death stares and said " looks like you two aren't very fond of each other, i saw what happened back there. Well in that case I guess I will leave you two to it" Bastard clown! He left on ahead and left me with this guy! Well at least I might get a chance to kill him. 301 moved next to me and ran along with me, side by side. That came as a surprise to me and I was about to say something but then he asked " Who are you?" 

//thanks for reading this chapter, tell me what you think!//

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now