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Ugh these people are so loud and chatty.. I should move. As I got up to move from the spot  I was in, that clown got up as well and I could feel it's presence behind me. I looked at it as I walked to keep an eye out, I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into what felt like little balls. I turned around to see it was a person...or at least ...I thought it was. Number 301, he was quite tall and robust and had a mohawk. I kinda like the Exotic hair but there was something off... as stated before one of my special talents is to read peoples eyes... but this guy looked like he knew me...like he was trying to tell me something. I caught myself staring to long and started walking away, it was still watching me I could feel it's eyes glued on my back, but i kept walking...he seemed dangerous and even though I am strong i don't wanna find myself in trouble with that guy. " Having a liking I see, what a shame he caught your eyes first." I looked to my side to see the clown looking ahead with a devilish smirk, that means i was staring at that guy to long. " Your useless conversation is no help to me, mind your own business" i said while having a blank face as  always. " What a petty, your no fun"He said as he jumped in front of me blocking my way, I gave him a glare as he smiles while towering over me, he may be a fool but a scary one.We stood like that with him towering over me fir a while until i broke the silence " What's your name 44" I said stern showing no signs of weakness at this point he was at a full grin and chuckled a little too before saying " oh, so you haven't heard the name, in that case it's Hisoka. Hehehe  now you must tell me yours" For a second I debated on saying my last name or not, i decided with not because neither did he." (Y/N)" After i said that some man walked by us pushed us, i used this chance to slip away from his eyes and hid my presence so he could tell where i was that easily, the clown then left looking angry after that man, I was long gone by then. I heard a scream " AHHHH" I saw there was a crowd around the clown and that man, the man's arms were disappearing into pedals and the clown was giving some type of speech of how rude it was to run into people and not say sorry, I was right he's a fool...but a scary fool..

" That's Hisoka, He was here last year.He didn't pass the exams because he killed a applicant so he got disqualified, I would stay away from him if i were you" I looked back to see who spoke and It was that Tonpa, number 14. Looks like he found new prey, if their idiots they'll drink it. He offered them drinks after a while and they were about to drink it till the green haired boy exclaimed that it was past it's deadline. Impressive he sure has a no-" Hey Tonpa got more juice!" He was drinking the juice so, freely without a care in the world. Why isn't this boy effected yet, how can he be so immune to the poi- wait that hair, that goddamn white hair It surely cant be right? A lot of people can have white hair too-but not a lot of people wont be effected by the poison. Who is this boy?Ughhhhh and that kid too with the green hair he wasn't effected by the poison too, but he had an excuse, being exposed to exotic greens has made him immune.I need to know who these people exactly are.I'll follow them or even use conversation to trick them into telling me.  I started going closer to the boys when i saw number 301 again staring at me, i couldn't shake off because he was right in front of me in my way..i felt something grab my arm......i looked up and saw 301 slowly moving his head to look down to me. I didn't flinch but i took out my knife and he took a pin from his chest....He's wanting to pick a fight with a murderer?hehehe lets see that work for him.My eyes went to my bloodlust ones " not wise to pick a fight with me, you can still run away while you have the chance"   His grasp on my arm tightened and pulled me towards it's chest, though the pins were in the way. " I could tell it was about to say something when one of the stone walls lifted and some guy with a mustach came through the door and said the exam was starting. We looked at each other and put our weapons down, when i tried walking away I saw he still had a grip on my arm so i gave him a deadly glare with my bloodlust eyes, he surprisingly let go and I scurried away to start the first phase of the exam. It was so weird, why did he want to fight me, what was his reason. Maybe he just wanted to get l rid of the competition for the exams-no then he would be disqualified. I found myself behind that white haired boy and he was talking with that green haired one, I decided to ease drop on their conversation "My names Gon what's yours?" " Im Killua" My eyes opened in shock and I had to put a hand on my mouth to muffle my gasp....it-no, is it?-it is but- At the moment I couldn't pull myself together fist the clown then that damn man with all those pins and now...I've found the very enemy of the (L/N) clan....Killua Zoldyck

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now