At the Alter

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I woke up shuffling around, I sat up in my bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath. I then went to my dresser to get my clothes out and found...none? Where did they all-That's right....I'm getting married. Was all I thought, I freaked out and looked at the clock to see it was still 6:00PM in the mourning. That calmed my nerves a little bit and I took out some old clothing and went to go Spare with my father. Once I did that I picked up my new knifes gifted from my brother and the golden knife with the 'Z' on it to fight him. I got downstairs to see he was already there, we then both headed to the sparing room and spared for an hour, it was quite a work out, I didn't hesitate to go all out on my Father. I could tell he was trying his best. When we were taking a breather my mother bursted into the sparing room enraged, she even had her bloodlust eyes visible. "(Fathers name)! What are you doing, she has to get ready! I told you not to spare last night and so you did so in the mourning?! The day she's getting married!? I could kill you right now but we still need you for the wedding so I'll let you live" she said in the scariest voice I probably ever heard, I could tell my Father went a little stiff at he tone and loudness. "Fine, take your daughter. We're done anyways" "More like you'll be after this" she threatened then pulled me out the room to go take another shower and get ready. Once I got out I saw maybe about 10 women with makeup and other accessories to get me ready. I sat down and let them do whatever they needed , to make me look presentable.Then came the dress, it looked a title old for some reason so I asked my mom about it "This is what Kikyo wanted you to wear, she says it's tradition and that she also had to wear it, she also said she wanted it back in one piece for Killua's bride but I doubt that will be anytime soon regarding his age" my mother chuckled at the end. I looked down in thought. That's right....Killua, I wonder where he is and what condition too. I wonder if he will also be attending the wedding? I then looked back up trying to shake the thought just trying to be positive. Im going to marry the man of my life, what could be better?

After about sitting in a chair for what seemed like 2 hours I looked ready. My mother took several glances at me before hugging me and saying "Your stunning" I thanked her and they all carefully helped me to the Limo where I sat for 2 hours to get to the Zoldyck estate.Once we got there we saw that there was a lot of paparazzi there with cameras. There were also reporters for the news who were talking really loud, I could hear them from inside the Limo. One of them said "The Zoldyck family's New Bride Will be shown Right here on Camera folks!!In Fact the Limo Is already Here!!" I looked over to my father and he said "That's right, you do know no one knows how they look right? Well, no one is supposed to know how you look now that you'll be a Zoldyck"I nodded and said "What do we do" he laughed and put on a mask and said "You mean what do I do" he carefully got out the Limo and stood in front of everybody and quickly killed one of the reporter, everyone gasped and he said "Who's next" some ran away while some still stayed. We don't have time for this, we have go. My father knew that and resisted to kill them all and just smoked the place with his bombs, he also threw knifes at all the camera to make sure that they had no footage. Once that was done, my mother got me out the Limo and we ran to the gate for me to open it, I was in a dress so it was a bit hard but I managed. Once I opened it Us 3 ran inside and let it close. I was about to take another step forward till I realized that there's dirt and things that could get my dress dirty. I looked over to my mother for help and she pointed at my father. He took off his mask and rolled up his sleeves and picked me up bridal style. He carried me all the way there up to the Zoldyck estate. In these last few days this is probably the nicest he's ever been to me to be honest. Once we were there my mother went inside and called Kikyo out she gasped loudly when she saw me and said "O my lord, you look so lovely. O dear the dress looks so very good on you. I remember when I wore it, aw you look just like me." She complimented."Thank you mom, is everyone here?" She chuckled and said "We only did invite one guest, we wanted to keep it private since we can only trust so many people. But yes everyone is here, we'll be starting in less then half an hour" "alright thank you". I said, she then went inside with my mother and took there seats, me and my father stood outside waiting for the doors to open signaling us to come in. I looked down in thought just thinking, to believe it all started in the Hunter Exams, I would have never guessed this. If anything I would have thought the next time I see him is when we fight. What a turn of events.


I stood at the alter beside kalluto, Milluki, Hisoka and Killua who was bound with chains to make sure he doesn't escape. I looked down at myself to make sure I look presentable still and that my suit was clean. I looked around the room and saw my family all dressed, when my eyes landed on Hisoka behind me, he was wearing a tux and his hair was down, he also wasn't t wearing the stickers on his face. He looked quite nice like that, he should dress like this more often. He then smirked at me which made me remember what he said on the air ship in the exams, 'Invite me to the wedding'. Well, I did. I guess he can say he knew this was going to happen. I gave him a small smile and turned back around to see my sister, Alluka. Im surprised they let her out her confinement. My mother must really want everyone here for the wedding. Since (Y/N) has no siblings Alluka will act as brides mate. After the priest said everything he needed to, the door opened to reveal (Y/N). She looks......Great. She was holding in a smile I can tell, she looked up at me and she blushed a little and broke into a smile. I couldn't help but smile back at her as she came up to the alter. She stood in front of me looking into each other's eyes and I could tell we were feeling the same way. I wonder how our life forward will be? I bet she asked herself that already. How ever it is, I can't wait.

//Lol full marriage in next chapter, u thot I give u full marriage in this chapter? No no no no no, not possible. I would never do something so kind\\

//No Choice// Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now