Body Guard

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// Hey Guys thanks for the support on this story, hope your liking it so far! And also don't worry there is a good ending😉 \\
(Btw follow up)
We each took off our badges with our numbers and stood there waiting for instructions. We were explained that we would have to take our targets badge in order to win and keep our own for a total of 6 points, we had a week to preform this task, if we were dead or fail to obtain 6 points points we are disqualified from the exams. Then a ballet box was placed and the examiner said "you will each pick a card from this ballet box, on that card will be the number you need to obtain." When he was all done each person picked card. When it was my turn I picked the card I was curious on what I would do, would I kill the person or would I just snatch it from them and leave. I think I'll just kill them, it's the most efficient way. Then he said we can peel the cover off the card when I did it revealed the number of the badge I was to obtain '53'. I wonder who that is, after that we were all boarded on a ship to go to Zevil island. The boat was full of tension, why wouldn't it be, your being hunted by who knows who and your also Hunting someone you don't know. I went to the back of the boat where no one was and leaned on the edge of it, 'sigh'. I relaxed and enjoyed the view as I remembered my parents. I remembered when my father thought me how to do Nen and my mother thought me how to throw knifes. I was a quick learner so I picked up everything quick. I remember when I went out on my first mission, I was only 4 and I was with my father, he killed 7 people easily with a knife. I remember their expressions when my father killed them. They were filled with fear and agony from the pain of a knife in their chest, I was mesmerized by his skills. The way he made people run for their lives and beg for mercy. Soon after I had my first kill too, I remember using my Nen strings and making him cut off each of his toes. Then at the end I finically went over and cut off his neck. I brung his head back home and showed my parents, they were so proud. Since then I loved killing people, the blood on my knife and the agony on their faces always made me happy. We were almost there and I've been here for a while now just staring at the sea. " You like the ocean a lot don't you" someone said I turned around to find....Illumi?.What the hell is he here for "Didn't I tell you I didn't want to-" "Shut up and listen to me" "Ugh, fine what is it" " Before I left for the hunter Exams, I over heard my mother talking on the phone , with someone, she kept taking your name in the conversation, I believe she might be planning to kill you" "Like mother like son I guess" "I didn't try to kill you, now stop trying to fuss with me and cooperate" if what's he saying true then maybe I should just listen to him for my own sake "Ok fine, so how exactly do you want me to cooperate with you?" "Well, first of all for the rest of the exams you are to remain under my supervision" "I'm more then capable to take care of myself thank you" "Just do as I say, this person must be good at their job if my mother is telling them to kill you rather killing you herself" "Fine, but how do we know that they're at the exams?" "We don't, this is just precautions" "ok fine, but why are you helping me after what happened?" "Because I realized how that was for you from your prospective. Because I hid my identity from you while you telling me yours, you must of felt betrayed, to add on me being a Zoldyck made it worse. I apologize for that" He's apologizing? I guess he really didn't mean any of it. "I accept your apology" "Thank you and also my real name is not Gittarackur it's-" "Illumi, I know. I got it out of Hisoka back at the tower." "Oh, what else did he tell you?" "Nothing of any real value, you didn't tell him much about yourself after all" "Right, I see. Oh I think we're here now, good luck" "Wait hold on, who are you targeting?" "I'll tell you only if I get to know who your targeting first" "fine, show cards on 3. 1-2-3!" We both flipped our cards to each other and he didn't get my number which was a relief, but I don't know if I got his. He stared at it for a long time and I started to worry if I got him. "H-hey is this your number?" "Yes, it is" I widened my eyes and said "well, opps" he laughed a little and ruffled my hair and said "I'm just kidding" I just scratched the back of my head and gave something that resembled a smile. We then walked to the front of the boat where everyone else was to get prepared to get off the island we met up with Hisoka and we all got off the island one after another. Once I was off the boat I went towards the back of the island and found a huge tree on which I could see everything from, I could even see the boat and applicants still getting off. When all the applicants got off I was keeping my guard making sure no one sneaks up on me. While I was in the tree I saw Illumi walking around on the ground near the tree. I threw a branch directly at him and he avoided it and looked up. I motioned him to come up and he soon appeared beside me "where were you?" He asked "In this tree, why did you see me target?" I asked a little bit confused "no, I have to keep an eye on you remember" he explained, I just nodded and said "You can see everything from here, I've seen a few applicants but none I think were my target. You can use this spot, I'm going hunting for #53" I said he nodded and asked "do you know who he is?" I nodded no and said "I'll just have to figure out I guess" he grabbed my arm as I was about to jump down and said "He's the one with the bow and pink cloth on his head, his name is also Pokkle, also I'm going with you" I looked at him and and sighed and said "fine but don't interfere when I'm killing him" "understood"

I kept looking around while crouching in the long grass, I saw a man in green with a big nose walking around ahead of me. That's not him Illumi said he was wearing pink. While I was also looking around I saw someone in the tree, we made eye contact and he gulped. Just then, suddenly an arrow skimmed the man with the big nose, I looked behind him from where the arrow came and saw a guy with a pink cloth rapped around his head. That's him! I waited and waited while they kept talking to each other I then realized that the area from where the arrow skimmed him was turning purple. There must of been poison on that arrow. He then fell from what I think was the poison and the pink clothed fellow, Pokkle smirked while taking his badge. He started to walk away when I made my move, I used my Nen strings and tied them around his ankles. When I pulled on them he tripped dropping his bow behind him. Just then I ran up to him and picked up his bow, when he turned around his eyes went wide "Shit" was all he said before he started running. He kept running and running until he hid behind a tree. He looked back to see where I went and whispered to himself "I lost her" while he was looking back I came in front of him "nope" then he turned back around and I chocked him with one hand and raised him up in the air. Then I used my strings of Nen to tie him to the tree, " Fine, My Badge is in my back pocket. I'll give it to you if you can let me go for a second. Just let me live" he plead." Fine give it" I loosened my Nen strings and he reached in his back pocket, then he smirked and tried to stab me with an arrow, I caught his hand but the tip of the arrow skimmed me. "Haha, you must of saw what happened to the last guy. I've poisoned you" he kept laughing while I just kept staring at him in phases. After a while he stopped laughing and looked at me surprised "w-what, hey the poison should of kicked in by n-now" then I smiled a little and my eyes went to my bloodlust ones which made him go wide eyed and scared "about that" I said then raised him in the air while chocking him again, I pinned him to the tree and tied my Nen strings around him very tight while made him shout in pain. "Im immune to poisons" he just stared at me while squirming in pain "p-please, I-I'm sorry, d-don't k-kill AHHH m-me" he said while screaming in pain. "Sorry, but you pissed me off, now you have to die" "N-no!, P-please!" then I curled up my hand to a fist and ran up to the tree and punched right through him and the tree" A loud boom amplified through the whole island and the ground shook a bit underneath. Some birds flew from trees because of the impact. I looked up to his face and he had blood falling from his gapping mouth, his eyes moved slowly to look at me with the last bit of power he had. Just then I pulled out my arm out of him and the tree and took out a knife and cut off his head. His head flew and rolled into the bushes off to the side. I let my Nen strings loose and his body fell limp. I scavenged his body for his badge while I was finding it Illumi came up to me in his real form, throwing the head up and down in his hand."Don't you feel you over did it (Y/N)?" He said "He was gonna end up dead either way" I found his badge and the other one he obtained and kept it. "So Illumi, what's the special occasion?" I asked "what do you mean?" "Your in your real form" he then gave me a closed eyed smile and patted my head "nothing, I was about to go kill a few a people and thought since there going to be dead it doesn't matter" he said. Then he took his hand off my head and said "Oh, I can't look after you while I kill people so follow this route to Hisoka, he'll be there." he pointed to the direction behind me, I nodded and asked "Ok, but what if I'm his target?" "You aren't , I inquired from him earlier"  I nodded again and left off to the direction he pointed.

When I got there I saw Hisoka sitting on a log. He turned around and gave a cheerful smile "Oh, what a lovely surprise. So have you found your target yet?" I just showed him the badge and kept walking towards him sat on the log. "By the way, did you perhaps hear that loud noise, it was shaking the ground a bit too." He asked me, I just said "I did". Then he spoke again "Someone with that much power I feel is a close equal to me" when he said that, I felt like he knew it was me with the tone he spoke in. I just said "possibly" then he flicked a card to the side where I was sitting, I caught it and looked at it. It had the number of the badge he was targeting. I flicked it back to him and asked "Aren't you going to look for them?" He simply said "Maybe not, I can get 3 more badges and I would still get 6 points" I nodded and said "in that case" then pulled out the other badge that belonged to Pokkle's target. I flicked it over to him and he caught it and looked at it "My target had taken out their target, this has no value to me since I have 6 points already. Might as well give you a head start" i said. He smiled and looked at me and said "I cant remember the last time you were so kind?" He chuckled at the end of his sentence. "I'll take it back if you keep talking Hisoka" I threatened. He just gave a smirk and threw an arm over my shoulder and said "Wouldn't want that to happen."

//Next chapter will be pick of from where we left off because I realized this chapter was getting long\\

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