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This guy's voice was to die for.

His smile made me melt, and his song... his song was on another level.

He only had his guitar, but he made it seem like it was the only instrument anyone in the world could ever need.

When he would sing the verses, his voice got deeper and raspier and the crowd seemed to love him. Clearly the best act we've seen all night.

The best act I've seen in months.

The la la la's in his song got the whole crowd singing and cheering and I was beyond impressed that it was something he had written himself.

The beat of the song had me nodding and moving the whole time and I really wanted to know the lyrics by heart just so I could sing along with him and enjoy it as much as he clearly was.

The guy on stage finished up his song before getting the loudest applause the place had heard all night and standing up from the wooden stool.

"Thank you very much," he smiled and waved at everyone in the bar. "My name is Harry Styles. Have a good night everyone."

People kept cheering even after he was off stage and a couple of girls from the crowd went up running to him to take a photo with the obviously good looking guy.

"Holy fuck," I spoke as I turned over in my bar stool to meet the look of a wide eyed Ethan.

"Get on over there," he pointed at the guy putting away his guitar in his case. "I think you found your next hit."

I immediately stand up and speed walk over to this Harry guy and come to a complete halt as another girl goes up to him and congratulates him on his performance before exchanging social media information with him.

"Hi," I finally reach the elusive act.

Just as I finished speaking, a hard core drum solo started from the stage.

"Hi," Harry chuckled and smiled at me.

A roller coaster in my stomach.

"I just wanted to say that was an amazing performance," I began to shout a little so he could hear me. "You have an amazing voice."

"Thank you so much, that means a lot," he nodded before picking up his guitar case and walking past me.

"Uh..." I began to follow him and he looked back at me before slowing down. "I just-"

"Did you want a photo?" He asked.

"No," I shook my head. "I mean, yeah, maybe- I just wanted to talk to you real quick-"

The rock music just got louder and louder and Harry pointed to his ear then the double doors of the entrance he was headed towards.

The two of us got outside and the noise slowly vanished as the door shut behind us.

"I'm sorry, you're probably super busy," I began as he placed his guitar case on the ground.

"I'm not," he smiled at me. "Just headed home."

"Did you really write that song yourself?" I blurted, blanking out on what it was I actually had to ask him.

"Yeah," he nodded. "I did."

"I'm sorry," I shook my head. "Annie," I put my hand out for him to take.

"Harry," he kept on chuckling. "Was there something-"

"I work over at 102.1, the radio station, I was wondering if you were signed to a label?"

"I wish," he shook his head. "I'm sorry what does a radio station have to do with-"

"Oh, well sometimes we play music from undiscovered artists, like yourself, and we eventually get them some popularity and so forth," I began waving my hands and he just nodded.

"That's cool," he pressed his lips onto one another as he took in the information and nodded. "Did you wanna play my song?"

"I was thinking about it, yeah," I admit. "But are you free tomorrow at one? I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee or something so we can discuss this-"

"What's this?"

"Discuss you?" I question. "Please," I add a smile and get a smirk from him.

There's a moment of silence between us as he stares into the busy street next to us and I just look at him.

"I'd love to," he agrees.

"Oh, great!" I cheer and he keeps on smiling. "Here's my card," I pull out a little white card from my back jean pocket and hand it to him. "Can we meet at Everyman Espresso tomorrow at one then? It's on West Broadway by Canal Street."

"Sure thing," he takes my card. "Annie," he adds and gives me a stern nod before grabbing the handle of his guitar case once again and heading out onto the actual sidewalk.

"Wait!" I grab his arm quickly. "Can you call or text me so I have your number in case I need to call you tomorrow?"

"Of course," he chuckles as he pulls his phone out, but I can tell he's laughing at me.

"Sorry to bother," I frown. "But thank you so much-"

"No bother at all," he shakes his head as he presses send on the message.

It's Harry

I look at my screen before looking up at him.

"Thanks again," I give him a smile. "Take care. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you," he says sincerely. "See you, Annie," he smiles one last time before leaving me at the door.

I quickly head back into the pub and rush over to Ethan.

"My stuff please," I put my hands out and he quickly places my jacket and bag in my hands.

"How'd it go?"

"Well," I nod. "I think. I was a tad annoying, but-"

"But it worked," he opened his eyes at me. "Plus you had to be. That guy was amazing!"

"Right!" I widen my eyes. "He's never been here before?"

"I would've remembered him," Ethan shook his head. "For sure."

"Oh God," I let out a deep breath. "Wish me luck for tomorrow. I'm buying him coffee."

"You got this," he nodded. "You'll make him a star."

"Let's hope so," I smile. "Goodnight, Ethan," I say goodbye before walking back out the double doors and towards the subway stop nearby.

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now