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I woke up with a bit of a headache, but I stopped paying attention when I realized I was home alone.

I grabbed my phone to check the time and it was almost eleven in the morning. I got up and checked the whole apartment to see if Harry was there, but there was no sign of him and the front door was locked.

I dialed his number on my phone when I saw his stuff was still here.

"Hello?" He asked.

"H-hi, where are you?"

"I'm a block away," he spoke. "You were out of milk and I wanted some in my tea."

"Oh my God," I wave of relief washed over me. "Alright, I'll see you," I spoke into the phone before pressing the red button on my screen.

I made the bed and went over to the bathroom to wash the make up off my face. When I finished that up I heard the door opening.

"You were worried?" Harry questioned as I popped out of the bathroom to meet him.

"A bit, yeah," I nod. "Sue me."

"Where'd you think I was?"

"Honestly," I regretted being truthful instantly. "I thought you were over at Lucy's."

"I see," he smiles before walking over to the kitchen. "Lucy was just a week long romance," he said as he shut the fridge. "Hence the first lyrics of the song."

"'Hey?'" I joke.

"'I'm still the only one who's been in love with me,'" he looked at me.

"So," I sat down at the small dining table. "We gotta talk."

"There isn't much to say," Harry sat down in front of me. "Seeing as how you like me and I like you."

"It isn't that simple," I disagree.

"Oh, but it is," he says.

I start to laugh immediately.

"What's so funny?" He tries not smiling.

"We're both so stubborn," I slow down to a chuckle.

"Was this about Lucy? Or Townes, even?"

"It's not that important," I shake my head.

"Because I was just having fun with them," Harry spoke.

"How am I supposed to think that you're not having fun with me?"

"Because I was just having fun with them until something real came along," he adds.

"I'm something real?" I point at myself.

"I don't feel like I've met you before for no reason," he put his head down.

"It's more of a not mixing business with pleasure thing," I pushed some of his hair back and brought his chin up so he could look at me again.

"Well, lucky for you," Harry spoke. "It's our day off."

"That it is," I chuckle. "What did you have in mind?"

"Go on a date with me," he suggests.

"Harry," I shift in my seat and look the other way, before I feel him take my hands in his.

"Just one date," he pleads.


After I got out the shower, I put on my robe and walked out to see Harry on his phone.

"Should I dress up?" I ask him.

He stayed silent for a moment as he looked at me.

"What you're wearing is fine," he presses his lips onto one another.

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now