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"Guess what," I rush on over to James as I sit in a rolling chair and push myself towards the busy guy.

"What?" He asks without taking his attention off the computer screen.

"I met the most amazing artist last night," I start getting butterflies again just thinking about Harry.

"Oh yeah," he finally turned to face me. "Just a singer? No band?"

"Does it matter?" I ask. "But yes, just a singer. His name is Harry Styles and he was the most amazing musician I've heard in ages."

"If he's so amazing why isn't he signed?"

"I don't know," I began shaking my head. "He was British, maybe he just arrived in New York or something. I'm meeting him at one today."

"Can I go?" James jokingly asks.

"Fuck off James," I roll my eyes just before Danny walked into the booth.

"Are you two paying attention?" Our boss questions as he points to the booth in front of us with the morning show cast in it.

"Yes sir," James nods and begins to look at the computer screen sternly.

"Danny," I stand up just as he turned to head out to the hall again.

"Yes?" He turned around, phone in hand, clearly busy.

"I wanted you to hear this act I found last night-"

"At Joe's?" He asked, already wary.

"Yeah, but he was amazing," I clarify. "I'm telling you. You gotta hear his work."

"Bring him by tomorrow then."

"What time's good for you?"

"After four."

"We'll be here after four," I smile. "Thank you."

Danny leaves without another word and I turn in my heels to spot James leaning back in his chair, arms crossed.

"Nepotism," he frowns.

"I'm not even related to him," I furrow my brows.

"Yeah," he starts to do something on the computer. "But you're your father's daughter."


I was already sat in the coffee shop by 12:30.

I began googling Harry and nothing came up. His social media, which wasn't very popular, but that was it.

I kept thinking about James and his question as to why Harry wasn't already signed if he was so amazing.

Twenty minutes later and I see him walk into the shop.

"Harry," I quickly get up from my seat and wave at him.

"You're early," he smiles before shaking my hand.

"So are you," I smile back. "What would you like?"

"Just an espresso," he breathed out before I headed over to the bar to order his drink and get another one for myself.

I came back and he seemed a bit nervous, but seemed to relax once I sat across from him.

"So Harry," I started. "Tell me about yourself."

"Gosh, I feel like I'm here for a job interview," he began. "I'm from Cheshire, I've been travelling all along the US for a couple of months now. Uh, I write my own songs, don't have any EPs or albums to share with you sorry. I'm a free agent-"

"Do you have a website or anything?" I inquire.

"Nope," he shook his head. "I used to, back when I was signed over in England. Well, they're from here but I worked from the London base."

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now