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"He's fucking Mick Jagger," Chris looked down at me in awe.

"Tell me about it," I sat back as Harry finished up the last chorus of the song, his vocals sending goosebumps all over my body.


"Guys," Chris was still amazed as they all started to pack their things. "We're going out tonight. That was amazing! Harry, holy fuck!"

We all laughed as they hugged each other.

"It's Saturday night, let's all head back home and meet back at 55 Bar in two hours? How's that sound?"

"Good," Sarah spoke first and everyone else agreed.

"First rounds on me," Chris adds to entice everyone. "Dress up, guys! We're celebrating."

I started getting my things together as Chris took up all of Harry's time, making me laugh as Harry looked over at me, wanting to get out of the conversation.

"Chris," I walk over to them. "You can gloat at the bar. We gotta head back to my place to get ready."

"You're right," he shakes his head. "Sorry, man. I'm just really impressed with you."

"Thanks man, that means a lot," Harry smiles. "I'll see you in a bit."

"Let's get outta here," I urge him to get his jacket.


"I think I have to go shopping," Harry looks up at me, all his clothes from his duffle bag spread across my living room floor.

"You're really something," I shake my head. "Here, wear this black collar shirt," I sit down next to him on the floor and place it against his chest, "and these black pants."

"Black on black?"

"Back in black," I smirk before getting up and walking over to the closet.

"What are you wearing?"

"This little black dress," I showed him the hanger I had in hand, a deep v-neck black asymmetrical dress with a patch of lace in the slit.

"You own that?" Harry makes fun of me.

"Bite your tongue," I make a face at his reaction before stepping into the bathroom to change.

After slipping the dress on, I did my makeup in the bathroom and found myself giving myself a pep talk.

"You look good as hell," I smile. "Harry won't see this coming."

I put on one black heel and buckle the top part, then put on the next quickly.

I stepped out of the bathroom, instantly leaning over as I finished up buckling the top of my other heel.

I snapped back up to meet a staring Harry who basically had his jaw on the floor.

"Yes?" I ask as I pull some hair out from the corner of my mouth and push it behind my ear.

"Holy shit," he looks me up and down for what felt like the millionth time. "I'm sorry," he shakes his head. "You look absolutely beautiful, not that you never look beautiful, you always do, but you look so good in this dress, and the heels, your hair- okay I ramble when I'm nervous, I'm gonna stop now. Wow."

"Why are you nervous?" I laugh at everything he just said. "And thank you."

"Well I'm gonna be walking next to you tonight," he inches closer. "That's a lot to handle."

"You ready?" I look up at Harry who was just an inch from me.

"As ready as I'll ever be."


Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now