Twenty Two

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One Month Later

"How's next Monday?" Richard asks over the phone that Chris had on speaker.

"That sounds fine," I agree. "But just one question."

"What is it, Harry?" Ron speaks from across the Atlantic as well.

"Can we get a ride?"


Alex approaches me as I lie on the couch and jam out to my songs.

"Dude," he rips my earbuds out of my ears. "I've been talking for the past ten minutes by myself."

"I'm sorry," I laugh. "What was it?"

"I wanted to know if you caught on to what I added onto the last track."

"Dining Table?" I ask and sit up.

Alex just nods.

"I hadn't gotten to that, it was up next," I smile at him cheekily.

"Harry!" Chris calls out for me and I head over to the booth.

"What's up?" I look over at him.

"Mitch wanted to go over some chords with you," he points at Mitch with headphones, jamming away on his guitar that I gave him.

I sat down with Mitch and we began going over the notes for a rock song I had been writing.

Half an hour later we all take a break and begin to devour the pizza that we had ordered to the studio.

"I'm gonna miss London," Ryan lets out a sigh.

"You say that like we're not coming back eventually," Alex glares at him.

"It's a vacation," I laugh at him.

"A well deserved vacation," Chris adds and we all agree. "And don't forget Harry got us a private jet to New York."

"Where's everyone going for the first week?" I inquire.

"California," Mitch speaks first.

"Back home to Pennsylvania," Sarah smiles.

"Upstate," Tyler says.

"The city's home for me," Chris adds.

"I'm headed to Nashville," Jeff explains.

"And I'm going with," Alex smiles and we all chuckle at their inseparability.

"I'm going with Chris so," I nod. "It's alright."

"I am going to take a nice long vacation in South Beach," Ryan leans back. "While missing London, of course."

"And then we all meet the following week in New York," Chris clarifies. "Go to all the meetings and then whatever happens, happens."

"We are in no rush," I put my hands up. "I will call you guys in whenever I need you to record a song, but other than that you are free to do your own thing."

"So, is this goodbye?" Sarah questions. "We'll meet up once in a while and then what? I mean we know that if it's a simple song... you can do it yourself."

"You're right," I nod. "But am I gonna tour by myself?"

"Cheers to the album!" Ryan exclaims and we all cheer and clink our drinks.


"Wake up!" Chris throws a pillow at me and I let out a grunt.

I bring up my arm that was falling off his couch and I turn over on my back to sit up.

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now