Twenty Four

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I crossed out a line of the new song I was working on.

It started off as a joke, but I found a sound for it that I really liked with Mitch and I began taking it seriously.

"How's it going?" Annie comes into the kitchen.

"You gonna keep poking your head in every five minutes?" I ask without looking up from the notebook in front of me.

"Yeah," she said. "Because I wanna know what you're writing."

I put my pencil down and look up at her.

"The song," I start. "Is called 'Kiwi.'"

"'Kiwi,'" she looks down at me. "A song about fruit?"

"No one said that's what it's about, but whatever floats your boat," I smirk at her.

"Sing it to me!" She begins to plead and jump up and down.

"Eventually," I laugh at her. "I'm heading to the studio tomorrow."

"Fine," she rolls her eyes at me.

"Wanna go out tonight?"

"Not really," she frowns. "I mean I wanna hang out with you of course, but let's do something low key. Wanna go for a drive?"

"Whose car?"

"My coworker Rick wanted me to car sit for him this weekend," she smiles. "Let's go to Long Island City and just sit by the river."

"Sounds like a plan," I grin.

"Good," she came over and sat down in front of me and looked at my notebook.

"You're terrible," I laugh at her and cover my notebook.

"Just one look, please," she begged.

"Alright," I smirk and shut the notebook before sliding it over to her.

"Now I don't know what page you were on!" She complains.

"That's the point," I laugh.

"Fine," she lets out a sigh and opens to a random page.

She stays quiet and stares at the page, reading it.

"What is it?" I ask since she seemed sad.

"It's my dad's song," she puts the notebook down and passes it over to me. "Have you used it yet?"

"No," I shake my head. "I'm saving it."

"I know you'll do it justice," she offers me a smile.


"Yes!" I cheer before high-fiving everyone in the studio. "We did that! Another one done!"

We all cheered after having listened to the finished product we spent all day making.

"'Kiwi' is done," Alex claps. "Add that to the track list."

"I couldn't have done it without you guys," I shake my head. "Thanks for taking the time to come in-"

"It was a ton of fun!" Sarah says. "Some more rock to add."

"Our pleasure," Ryan says sincerely. "But I'm gonna head home now, so till next time guys."

"Yeah," I agree remembering that Annie was on her way here to pick me up. "Time to go home. Thanks again guys."

We all say goodnight to each other and, like always, I'm left behind with just Chris.

"Yes?" I question the look he was giving me.

"You haven't mentioned anything about Annie at all," Chris says. "I mean besides that song you just wrote about impregnating her."

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