Twenty Three

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"And it sure as hell isn't any of your business."

"W-what?" I try to get up but couldn't move a finger. "You're pregnant? What do you mean it's none of my business? What?" I ask again in shock.

"I mean," Annie began. "That that condom we used that night before you left didn't work. It maybe ripped or was expired-"

"What do you mean it's none of my business?" I stop her.

"You can't be serious if you think having a baby right now wouldn't ruin anything for you, Harry?"

"Ruin? How dare- a child is a gift. I can't believe- are you planning on getting rid of it?"

"No," she shakes her head instantly. "I just wasn't planning on seeing you ever again."

"Annie!" I get up and yell at her. "God. You weren't gonna tell me?!" I lean on my knees then stand up straight again. "We're having a kid?" I begin to tear up and smile at her.

"Yeah," she tears up too. "Well, I'm having a kid."

"Shut up," I shake my head and go hug her while she's still sat on the sofa. "Oh my God," I speak into her shoulder. "Are you one hundred percent sure?" I sat back and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Yeah," she nods. "It wasn't a pregnancy test," she begins as she wipes away some tears from her cheek. "I fainted at work and my coworker Arianna took me to the hospital and when the blood results came back they just told me nonchalantly that I was pregnant because they thought I already knew, but I didn't. My coworker was there in your place," she let out a chuckle.

"Wait," I try to comprehend what she said. "Who's Arianna?"

All she did was smile.

"You did it!" I gasp and hug her again. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you," she smiles. "Quitting was a lot of fun."

"You finally did it," I couldn't help but jump a little. "We have so much to talk about. I can't believe you wouldn't return my calls."

"I know. If it helps, I heard every single one of your voicemails."

"It doesn't really, no," we both chuckle before falling silent.

"Harry, what are we gonna do?" Annie asks.

"We're just gonna take things slow," I let out a breath. "I'm done with the tour. I'm here indefinitely, no rush to go anywhere else. All I need to do is finish the album and, meanwhile, you and me can figure things out. All that is for a later time, though."

"God, I'm such an idiot," she begins to cry. "I'm sorry for everything I put you through, really. I should've known you'd come back. I messed this all up from the start."

"I can't stay mad at you," I bring her into my chest.

We sit there holding each other for a bit before I begin to talk.

"What's the plan for the rest of the night?"

"You're staying, of course," Annie stopped leaning on me. "Not just for the night."

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now