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"Why do you have me up so early in the morning?" Chris began to complain.

It was still dark out and I asked Chris to meet me in the studio so I could record the song Annie and I wrote together.

"Because," I begin to plead. "I wrote a song and I wanna record it here before we go so maybe we can leave later?"

"We can't," he shook his head. "We have promos set up throughout all three weeks."

"Alright, fine," I say. "So we don't have to worry about it while we're over there."

"It's our last day here," Chris rolls his eyes. "I've got shit to do."

"We won't be long," I say. "I promise. I got it all planned out."

"So, is this just gonna be acoustic?"

"No," I shake my head. "I want some drums, other stuff," I say as I take off my jacket and open the door to the studio. "I'll do it myself."

"You sure?" Chris looks surprised. "I can help-"

"Thanks, but this is something I have to do myself."

"Alright, man," Chris nods. "I respect it. What's the song called?"

"'Ever Since New York.'"

"Nice," he nods. "Let's get to it."


"What time does the plane land?" My mum asked through the phone as I crossed the street, a couple of blocks away from my hotel.

"At four forty," I repeat. "Write it down! Just quit asking like you're gonna pick me up or something."

"I'm just so excited," I could tell she was without her having to say it out loud. "Where are you?" She asks, referring to the taxi that just honked at me.

"I'm making my way back to the hotel for the last time," I laugh since it was almost one in the morning. "I needed to buy some things from one of those 24 hour drug stores."

"Ugh," my mum grunts. "I can't believe you're not prepared."

"I am!" I chuckle. "I just really wanted a cornetto cone and this place has them."

"You could've gotten one tomorrow! You're gonna eat so many of those while you're here anyway."

"Love you too," I smile as I throw away the ice cream wrapper in the corner bin. "Alright, mum," I begin to say my goodbyes. "I gotta get some real sleep. I'll see you the day after tomorrow."

"Tomorrow for me!" She gets more excited. "I love you, sweetheart. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, I love you too."

When I hung up I noted a missed call and a voicemail from Annie.

"Hello," I heard her say as I walked through the main entrance of my hotel for the last time. "I know it's late, but I really wanna see you... just one last time. You're probably sleeping though, so... ugh, this is really stupid of me. Just... have a safe flight. Call me when you land, or when you're not busy. Bye Harry."

I immediately texted her.

I'm up

She replied thirty seconds later

Can I come and see you?


I don't have a copy of your room key anymore

Text me when you're here then

Will do


I was sitting anxiously at the foot of my bed, shaking my leg as I awaited for her text message.

I got a couple of messages from people, but none were her and I was getting fed up. Was she gonna show?

I thought about what my mum said, how if she never showed her face again before I left, she didn't really care about me as much as I did her, but I've always known.

Finally my phone made a sound

Meet me in the hallway

I get up and let out a deep breath before opening the door and meeting no one.

I stepped out my room confused then I heard the elevator down the hall arrive.

"Hi," she smiled as soon as she saw me.

She looked a bit disheveled, as if she ran here. We stood there apart from each other for a little while before Annie finally began to walk over to me, almost speed walking over.

"Hey," I smile at her as she neared me. "I was hoping you'd come."

And when she reached me, all she did was kiss me.

We stood there in the hall kissing, until we unlocked our lips and looked at one another.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"So you don't forget me," she half joked.

Annie took my hand in hers and led me into my room.

"Harry," she began walking backwards into the room. "Come here."

"I'm always here," I say in a deep voice as I reach her and leave another kiss on her lips.

We began stumbling back down the hall and to the room itself, towards the bed.

"We have one night left," she whispers.

"We have the rest of our lives left," I shake my head as she lies down on the bed and I hover over her. "Annie-"

"You leave tomorrow morning," she said in between kisses. "Let's make tonight unforgettable."

"Annie, I love you," I say and push myself off of her. "One unforgettable night isn't what's gonna make that true forever."

"Please," she looks up at me. "I don't wanna talk about it. I love you."

"You're coming to visit me," I begin to nod as she undresses. "I'm coming back to visit you. We're gonna talk on the phone every night. You're gonna come to my first concert. You're gonna come to my last concert. You're gonna be there when I write the rest of my album. You're gonna be there when I record it, when I finish it-"

"Stop it," she shut me up with another kiss on my lips.

She lied there beneath me before she reached for the drawer in the nightstand on her right to get a condom. I quickly realized what she was doing and I slowly shut the drawer gently to not hurt her.

"What?" Annie looks up at me confused.

"I'll get it," I explain and reach for the condom myself so she wouldn't feel the velvet box with the engagement ring that was sitting in the front of that drawer. The one I had just bought at a jeweler.

"I love you, Harry," Annie repeats one last time.

"I love you more," I say before we interlock our hands and get to it.

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now