Thirty Two

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Fourteen Months Later

I lock the door to my flat before making my way to the elevator to get outside.

When I make it out to the cool air, I greet my friend, TJ, with a big hug before we get inside a van with tinted windows ready to take us to the party we were invited to.

"It's so good to see you," he smiled when we finally got seated in the rental. "I haven't seen you since what?"

"Ibiza," I give a cheeky smile.

"Well, bro, I can't wait to hear about the rest of the world tour! How's it feel being back home?"

"Freeing," I nod and chuckle. "I gotta admit, yeah. I mean I've been super busy with the move. I still got a shit ton of boxes up in that flat that need to be opened."

"You got time," TJ waved his arm at me.

"Whose party is this again?" I change the subject.

"That Isabelle girl, remember her? She was in Ibiza with us, she's friends with Rihanna-"

"The blonde girl?"


"Alright," I shrug. "A party's a party."


During the whole night I got most of the same questions and congratulations from everyone I spoke to.

Congratulations on the album. It was amazing.

Congratulations on the tour. I saw you in whatever city and you were amazing.

When's the new album coming out?

Any new material?

What was this song about? What was that song about?

To answer some of those I had to twist the truth a little. I don't like people knowing everything there is to know about my life. I told them I'd rather them interpret it how they want.

As for the other questions, I always had the same answers.

The tour was amazing. I got to meet so many cool and interesting new people, see the world. The concerts were amazing every single night. To have thousands of people sing my songs back to me just blew my mind. I wouldn't admit it, but it was super emotional for me at times. The fans, that's where it's at, I'd tell them. I wouldn't be here without them, or the band. As for the new album, I'd tell people something new has to happen to me. Something new always has to happen.


"Stop it," I laugh at TJ who won't stop doing our handshake. "I gotta leave."

"Come on," he sticks his hands up. "Stay for a little while longer and I'll give you a ride back."

"How about you take this opportunity to go back with that Winnie girl you've been talking up all night," I smirk. "Don't let me stop you. I gotta get out of here-"

"Or you can stay and take her friend back who's been eyeing you all night," TJ raises his eyebrows.

"I don't think so," I laugh loudly at his suggestion.

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