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"She's got a family in Carolina..." I sang to myself as I impatiently waited for a text from Harry telling me he had arrived in the lobby downstairs.

"I can't believe he doesn't have any sort of demo," James mocks me.

"Shut up," I tell him. "Danny is gonna love him."

"He better be extremely lovable then," James cocked an eyebrow as he clicked on something on the computer.

I'm here

I quickly got up from my seat and began speed walking down the hall as I replied to Harry.

I'll be right down

One of the elevators thankfully opened as soon as I reached the bank and I hopped on after everyone else got off. I pressed the button for the lobby and leaned back on the wall as I tried rehearsing what I was going to tell Danny.

It was 4:10 and we were free to walk into his office at any time now so when I spotted Harry at the security desk waiting for me, I let out a deep breath and relaxed a little. Who could say no to him?

"Hey," he greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, surprising me a bit.

"Hi," I smiled before clearing his entrance with the guard at the desk.

"How was the train ride here?" I ask as we wait for an elevator.

"It was good," he nodded. "Trains weren't taking too long, so that was good."

"Nice," I nod as we get on an empty elevator. "Thanks for bringing your guitar, I didn't even think of it."

"Of course," he brought his case up a little. "Can't really fit a whole piano into a subway cart anyway."

"Oh nice, you play the piano," I smile. "Me too," he smiled back at me.

"So, is there anything that I should know about your boss?"

"Uh, Danny's a tad cold," I shrug. "So don't take anything he says to the heart. Anything rude at least."

"I'll try not to. Any way I can kiss up?" He grins.

"I've tried to find a soft spot for the past four years," I begin. "And believe me there is none."

"How'd you get the job if you didn't charm the man?"

"I started off as an intern actually," I lie before we arrived on our designated floor. "But enough about that. Do you want a drink or need to use the bathroom before we head in there?"

"No thanks, I'm all good."

"Alright then," I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him. "Put your game face on."

"Wow, you have a serious game face," he said in return while I continued leading him.

"Hi, Lucy," I smile at the red headed girl sitting behind the desk in the little room leading to Danny's.

"Hey, Annie," she smiled before gawking at Harry who came in after me.

She just stared silently, forgetting whatever else she was going to say to me as he shut the door and placed his case on the floor by one of the waiting chairs.

"We're here to see Danny," I caught her attention again.

"Do you have an appointment?" She stole some glances at Harry who just smiled.

"No, he said I could just drop by, he wanted to meet-"

"Hi, how you doing? Harry Styles," Harry walked over and shook the infatuated girls hand.

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now