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Three Months Later

"How's it feel to be in the top 50 songs on all streaming platforms?" The radio DJ asked Harry.

I was cleaning my apartment while I listened to the latest radio interview.

"It feels surreal," Harry responded. "I never thought my song would get that big."

I let out a deep breath while I listen to Harry talk, since it feels like I haven't heard him talk to me in weeks.

"Are you working on an album?" The presenter continued.

"He should be," I reply myself.

"It's set to be in the works," Harry admitted. "I'm just doing lots of promo for this song-"

"Unexpectedly, I bet," another DJ spoke. "This song came out of nowhere and is now a hit."

"Yeah, you're right," Harry spoke. "It was super unexpected. I figured I'd be working on the album right now with the band and everyone, but I've been doing this for a couple of months now."

"The label wanted it that way, right?" The first DJ asked. "Can't make them unhappy," he joked.

"No, we cannot," Harry spoke into the mic.

"So, tell us about where this song came from-"

I muted my laptop.

"I don't need to hear this again," I let out a sigh.

I walked over to where Harry's stuff was by the door. The one duffle bag turned into two suitcases and some shopping bags.

"Come on, Harry," I spoke to myself as I shook my head.


Harry tripping over some of his shopping bags by the door woke me up.

I sat up immediately and he looked straight at me, feeling guilty.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered.

I didn't say anything and just lied back down.

"Did you hear my interviews today?" He asked.

"Just the first one," I replied. "You did good."

"Thank you," he spoke while he undressed. "Wanna come to a photo shoot tomorrow? Entertainment Weekly is giving me a spread."

"Wow," I smiled at him. "That sounds great. I'll go."

"Good," he began to cuddle me in bed. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."

"That's because you got all Hollywood on me," I half joke.

"I can't help it," he whispers. "Supply and demand," he says and I laugh a little.

"I miss you," I admit, feeling a bit foolish after saying it aloud.

"I miss you too," he says before leaving a kiss on my cheek.

We kissed and then the making out got a bit heavy. He started to put his hands up my shirt when I stopped him.

"Goodnight, Harry," I looked him in the eyes before he put his head in the crane of my neck, giving up.

"Goodnight," he murmured before going over to his side of the bed.


I was having a laugh with Chris while we stood behind the photographer and Harry continued posing for the magazine spread.

"So," I started after we stopped laughing. "How busy have you been?"

"Extremely," Chris smiles. "This kid has me up day and night, Columbia won't get off my ass."

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