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"Oh yeah," Harry smirked at me while on break during his music video.

"You heard me," I joked as we were sat side by side in foldable chairs.

"Guys," Mitch came over to us in a ridiculous suit. "How do I look?"

"Absolutely foul," I laugh at him.

"Good," he nodded as he pushed back some of his hair. "This came from Harry's potential wardrobe."

Mitch and I burst out laughing as Harry tried holding a smile back.

"Hold on," Harry put his hand up. "That's a look," he pointed.

"I don't know what it is with this dude," Mitch points over at him. "He can wear the ugliest suit you've ever seen and pull it off."

"It's his good looks," I cocked an eyebrow. "He can get away with anything with that face."

"I'd ask him to get me a girlfriend," Mitch spoke. "But he'd probably steal her."

"Oh, you know it," Harry cheekily smiled and I swatted his arm.

"One minute, guys," a producer spoke and Mitch ran back to where he was.

"Let's order some room service up to the hotel room tonight," Harry stood up and in front of me. "Stay the night," he suggested.

"Hm," I chuckled and pulled him in by his robe. "I'm not having sex with you yet, Harry Styles."

"Not having sex with you is incredibly sexy," he smiled before kissing me. "But that wasn't the plan. Can't a guy invite his girlfriend over for just food and a nice nap?"

"If that's the plan, then yes."

"Harry!" Someone called out for him.

"Go," I urged him.

"Okay," he spoke after kissing me again. "I love you."

He quickly began running towards the cameras before he came to a halt. I was sat with the hugest smile on my face.

"Did I just say that?" Harry turned around all red.

"Uh huh," I nod, smirking at him.

Neither of us have said I love you before.

"Well, are you gonna say it back?" Harry asked.

"Harry!" Someone called out again, angrily.

"Gotta go," I widened my eyes and started to laugh, making him smile and shake his head before running towards where he was needed.


"Honey, I'm home!" I declare after stepping into Harry's hotel room. "Sorry, about leaving early again, I got called in for work-"

I stopped as soon as I saw Harry stood there with some flowers.

"I'm not taking it back," he smiled. "I love you."

"Harry," I felt a wave of warmth rush through me.

He stepped closer with the bouquet and I tried holding back some tears.

"I love you," I looked up at him.

"Really?" He smiled like a little kid.

"Yes," I chuckled. "I'm so dumb for getting emotional," I shook my head. "But you're basically the only family I have."

"That's sweet," Harry grinned. "You're my family too," he said before kissing me.

"You didn't have to get me flowers," I say right after.

"I wanted to do something nice," he says. "I miss you tons."

"I miss you more," I sit down on his bed.

"Now what do you say we watch some romantic comedies?" Harry suggests with a grin.

"I've got a better idea," I chuckle before kissing him then gently pushing him on the bed.

"Is this it?" He widens his eyes.

"This is it," I chuckle at him while I straddle him.

"Annie," he says softly. "I love you!" He yells really loud and I begin to laugh hysterically.

"Stop," I laugh before kissing him. "We can't get a noise complaint just yet."

"Oh, boy," he grabs my hips and rolls us over so he's on top. "I really fucking love you."

"I love you," I smile then kiss him.


Harry's POV

"Thank you," I can't wipe the smile off my face with all the compliments Richard and Ron are giving me in Richard's office, Chris sat next to me as usual.

"So, was that all for today?" Chris decides to jump in.

"One last thing," Ron put a finger up and starts. "We know we've held you up with all the promo for the single, but we want you to keep working on that album."

"Of course," I nod. "You don't have to tell me twice, I've been writing some stuff-"

"We're making your demo into an EP," Richard stops me mid sentence. "An EP we want you to tour."

"Tour?" I almost gasp. "Tour where? Around the US?"

"No," Richard says after he and Ron glance at each other. "Not here. The UK."

"UK?" Chris repeatedly blinks and questions.

"Here's the plan," Richard offers us one of those forced smiles of his. "We want you to fly out to London next week, get some studio time, have one more song recorded for us in the first three weeks you're there, then you start off your tour in Leeds and make your way down, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, all of it."

"Why the UK?" Chris asks. "Harry's most popular here and-"

"And the UK comes second," Ron interrupts him. "And since he's from there, the audience is going to have so much love for him that the UK sales will trump the US sales and then we can establish him a bit more before finishing the album and starting a world tour."

"World tour," my jaw drops.

"That is if the album is successful enough," Richard says. "If it's not, just a small US tour and another UK one, but we hardly think that's gonna be the case."

"Harry," Chris called my attention and I caught a glimpse of his concern.

"The whole crew is coming along?" I ask.

"Of course," Ron said. "Whomever you want."

"Alright," I still can't stop smiling.

"Just one song, right?" Chris looked back at our two bosses.

"Yes," Ron said. "More would be great, but just one so we know that this album is being taken seriously."

"Oh it is, sir," I say. "Thank you so much for this opportunity."

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