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"Chris!" I smile and go in for a deep hug when I see one of my favorite people.

"Annie!" He says delighted as we hug and he picks me up, causing me to let out a little screech. "It's been a while, how've you been?"

"Busy," I smile up at him. "You?"

"Likewise," Chris replies as he pulls up a chair for me to sit at in front of the soundboard. "I've been back and forth between here, LA, and London."

"Ohhh," I smirk. "You got all Hollywood on me."

"No," he laughs. "I got all Columbia records on you."

I gasp instantly.

"You did not!"

"Oh, but I did," he smirks.

"Congratulations!" I hug him once again. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you, thank you," he smiles. "Couldn't have done it without you."

"You're such an amazing producer, shut up," I shake my head.

"So, what's with the surprise," Chris leaves the subject. "Who's this Harry guy you mentioned over the phone?"

"I kinda, maybe, sorta, found an amazing singer who I'm gonna get signed because it's the least he could do for the rest of the world."

"That good, huh?"

"Chris, I'm telling you," I begin. "He's amazing."

"Don't oversell him, not yet," he smiles. "What time is he coming in?"

"I told him one, which is when I would've arrived too but I left work early just so we could catch up a bit, I missed you."

"I missed you too," he smiled at me. "Where'd you find this kid?"

"Joe's Pub," I laugh.

"You kept going there?" He laughs at me.

"Everyday after work," I admit.


We hung out for a little over an hour just messing around and having a laugh. We were in the middle of the recording room with neon sunglasses on as Chris strummed along on the electric guitar and I lied back on the piano seat recording a video of him on my phone when there was a knocking on the glass from the other room looking in.

Chris and I stopped laughing as we spotted Harry standing there offering us a wave of his hand, with a huge duffle bag on his shoulder, while Chris strummed one last note and I sat up and fixed my hair and took off my sunglasses.

"I guess it's one," Chris spoke as we headed back towards the soundboard room and we laughed a little.

"Harry," I smile and go in for the kiss on the cheek this time around.

"Those sunglasses look sexy on you," he joked. "You too," he looked over at Chris and stuck his hand out.

"Chris," he introduced himself with a smile.

"Harry," he grinned back. "Nice to meet you."

"How was your ride here?" Chris asks.

"Good, yeah, not too bad." Harry replies, smile still on his face.

"So, Chris here will be your producer," I put my arm around Chris. "The bands coming in at two-"

"Band?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, you'll love them, don't worry," I nodded. "And if you don't, there's more people we can ask to come in."

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now