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Harry was in and out of my apartment for three days straight, being a bit distant.

On the third day he finally spoke a real sentence to me.

"Let's head to the studio today," he looked up at me during breakfast. "I've finished writing my last song."

"You did?" I widened my eyes. "This is great! I'll call Chris."

"Yeah, you do that," he frowned at the name and I decided to leave that for another time.


"What's it about?" Chris asked me as we watched the band getting ready in the booth.

"He wouldn't tell me," I shook my head. "I have absolutely no idea."

Harry started walking towards the door and he popped his head in to let us know something.

"We're gonna start off with some vocals," Harry smiled over at Jeff and Alex.

"Harry," I called out for him as I followed him into the booth.

I let the door shut behind me so the guys wouldn't hear, and I took Harry's arm so we wouldn't get too close to the band.

"What's wrong?" I asked him sincerely.

"Not much," he smiled at me. "Look, it'll all make sense once the song is recorded. I know I've been a dick for the past couple of days but I had to stay in that mood to write this song. I'm already starting to feel a weight come off of me, I've just been a bit off because of how I felt about you and Chris-"


"No, it's dumb I know," he stopped me. "But that tad bit of jealousy inspired me to write again. Let's talk after the song's done," he nodded. "But I promise nothing's wrong," he smiled before leaving a kiss on my cheek as he held both my arms, leaving me to stand there a bit confused. "Ryan!" Harry called him and made him come over.

When I walked back into the other room, Jeff and Alex quickly whipped their heads back towards the band while Chris smirked at me.

"Trouble in paradise?" He whispered.

"Shut up," I roll my eyes and catch Alex leaning over a bit to hear our conversation.

I smack Alex in the back of the head and get a laugh out of Chris and Jeff.

"Pay attention," I point over at Ryan who was about to sing.

"And the demo is ruined," Jeff reacted to Ryan standing in front of a mic.

"You never know," Chris spoke as I pulled out a chair and sat next to Jeff. "Maybe he took singing lessons."

"Whenever you guys are ready," Alex spoke over the speaker.

Harry gave us a thumbs up and we began recording.

"Should we just search romantic comedies on Netflix and see what we find?" Ryan simply spoke into the microphone.

"Oh my God," I widen my eyes while the guys burst out laughing.

"This is gonna be interesting," Chris declared.

"Do we have to pay for the use of the name Netflix in our song?" Alex joked and we all chuckled.


"Harry's about to do the vocals," Chris called out for me from the hall after I exited the bathroom.

I began speed walking so I can finally hear what this song was about. The music sounded beyond amazing after we mixed it, all that was left was Harry's singing.

I took a seat next to Chris and observed Harry closely before he finally started singing.

"I'm selfish, I know, but I don't ever wanna see you with him."

I gasped and Chris looked over at me.

"What happened?"

"He sounds amazing," I half lied, just about the reason I was gasping because his voice did sound amazing and raspy and super sexy to say the least.

"I hope you can see the shape that I'm in while he's touching your skin, he's right where I should, where I should be, but you're making me bleed."

I bit my tongue for the rest of the song.

When he was done with the vocals, everyone began clapping and it took me a second to join because I was still in shock with the lyrics.

"Let's finish up here," Harry spoke into the mic. "So, we could all head home."

"Amazing as always," Chris pressed the button to speak into the speaker and he got a smile and thumbs up back from Harry who mouthed the words "thank you."

I helped mix the song quickly, letting Jeff and Alex take care of most of it while I sat there silently.

We all sat down, and listened to the finished product as per usual and complimented Harry on the song, and all the band members on their work too.

"Well," I got up. "I'm gonna call it a night," I began saying bye to everyone.

"I'll see you," I looked over at Harry.

"I'll be right there," he shook his head before saying goodnight to everyone.

I didn't say a word to him the whole way home.


Once Harry shut the front door of the apartment, he broke the silence first.

"Are you gonna say something?"

"Oh, yes!" I turned on my heels. "I have a lot to say," I bit but Harry just laughed.

"It's not all about you and Chris," Harry started. "In all honesty, I did get jealous, and it lasted like a day, that night of our date really, but that was all. I got to writing and I just tapped into that emotion and thought of all the other times I got jealous, so no that song isn't just about you and Chris."

"I'm pretty sure it was all about Chris and-"

"It's not that important," Harry took my hands in his. "Besides, you said you two were just friends so, I have to let my jealousy go."

"The Netflix line?" I swatted his arm.

"What about it?" Harry laughed at me. "You and I never spoke those words. Gosh, does everything have to be about you?"

"Stop," I laugh a bit and put a hand on my forehead. "I feel like such a jerk now. I mean you did admit to some of it being about me, but I guess I'm just in shock, sorry."

"You really want a song written about you," he smirked before leaving a kiss on my cheek.

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now