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A loud car horn woke me up and I met the dim sunlight trying to seep in through the covered windows.

I stretched and let out a yawn before going to grab my phone from the night stand. It took me a minute to think of what it was that I was smelling before I heard the pots and pans and remembered Harry.

"You're up!" He greets me with a smile before opening the blinds.

"I am," I tried giving him a smile back. "Good morning."

"Good morning!" He cheers, way too happy for me.

"You slept on the right side of the bed," I observe as I got up and walk to the kitchen where he had just disappeared to.

"Oh I barely slept," he admits. "Just got, like, maybe two hours in the early morning."

"Really? Me too, I couldn't sleep," I say as I sit down and he sat a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me.

"Maybe it was cause I was here," Harry began and I raised an eyebrow as he sat down. "We weren't meant to be sleeping," he smirked.

"As if-"

"We were meant to be writing songs together," he put a finger on my lips. "You're dirtier than I thought."

I just laughed.

"I'm really just so excited about our recording session yesterday," he started again. "I woke up and I saw you in bed next to me and then I remembered how we recorded Carolina and I officially have a demo."

"Glad I could help," I admired his love for the music. "I'm happy you're happy," I made him smile even more.

"You're free today, right?" Harry asked and I simply nodded, forkful of food in mouth. "So let's do something, anything."

"Alright," I grin. "I'm in."

Just then I uncrossed my legs and bumped one of them into his.

"Wow, your skin is super soft," he observed before touching my legs. "Maybe we were meant to-"

I swatted his hand off my leg making him chuckle as I shook my head and bit back a smile.


"So, where to?" Harry asked as he tied his shoes while he was sat on the sofa and I finished up my make up in the mirror.

"I was thinking we could just go for a walk."

"A walk," Harry almost questioned. "But some place nice or exciting, right?"

"Uh," I turned around before putting on my light jacket. "I guess so. Anything in mind?"

"I kinda wanna see the Brooklyn Bridge," he admits.

"What a tourist," I mock him. "Let's do it."

"You sure?" He smiles.

"Yeah, we can take the train to the Manhattan end, walk the bridge, then take the train back here and order lunch. You got comfortable shoes on right?"

"Yes ma'am," he spoke. "Let's go."


"Do that thing on your camera where it focuses on just me," Harry pleaded like a little kid before jogging over to get his photo taken on the bridge.

I took a bunch of photos while he changed positions and poses every once in a while then it was my turn.

"Alright, together now," he ordered before asking a couple passing by us to kindly take a few photos of us.

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now