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My alarm woke me up and I blinked repeatedly to actually wake up.

I rubbed my face and sat up in bed as I grabbed the ringing phone in order to shut off the alarm.

I looked at the time and then remembered I was set to fly today. I had to start getting ready if I wanted to be on time to meet the crew at JFK.

I finally turn to my left and see that I was alone. I was alone in bed for sure, but I couldn't tell if she was in the bathroom.

"Annie!" I call out and get no response. "Annie," I whisper to myself this time around and look down.


"Is that all?" The taxi driver makes sure before closing the trunk.

"Yeah, that's all," I nod as I reach my pocket for my black notebook and pick out the pen.

I get in the back seat of the taxi as it makes its way to JFK.

I write at the top of the next clean page in all caps. Meet Me in the Hallway. Then draw a line right under it.

The whole ride to the airport I write draft after draft of another song and once I finally arrive I put my notebook back in the usual pocket.

"There's the man of the hour," Chris and the band begin to clap when I reach them standing in line to check their bags in.

"Stop it, stop it," I get flustered. "How are we all doing on this lovely morning?"

"Very well thank you," Ryan jokes back.

"Someone's in a good mood," Sarah points out as we continue advancing to the check in.

"What can I say?" I shrug. "I'm going home," I admit. "And I'm going home with you guys, and on top of that, a completely and utterly different man."

"Congratulations," Chris cheers me on. "We were beginning to think you wouldn't make it on time."

"There was just some traffic," I say. "All is good."

"I am so ready to hop on this seven hour flight and just sleep," Mitch begins.

"Honestly," Alex shakes his head. "I mean, I'm used to waking up early, but waking up early to get on a flight and leave your country is something different."

"What about going back to your country?" I joke and we all chuckle.

After a couple of more minutes full of waiting in line, we finally make it to the front and check our bags in before heading over to security.

The eight of us make it to the gate of our flight and we sit down and relax for about half an hour before the flight attendants begin to board everyone onto the plane.

When we make it to first class, we all start to pair up and Chris and I exchange glances before going to find our seats.

We head up to the front and I take my window seat as Chris sits next to me.

"Ready to sleep?" He jokingly asks after letting out a deep breath.

"No sleep for me," I shake my head. "I'm in the middle of writing a song."

"Another one?" He sits up and turns to face me. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am," I chuckle at his reaction as I take out my notebook and quickly flash the page I was working on to him. "It's gonna be short, sweet, and simple," I grin. "Heavy guitar, not much else."

"What's it about?" Chris asks and I widen my eyes a little, making him change his question. "I mean, that's for you to know, but what's it called?"

"'Meet Me in the Hallway,'" I reply.

"Sounds cool," he nods. "Five songs down. Three more to go?"

"No clue," I shake my head. "Time will tell, but for now I'm gonna finish this one up, record it when we land, you know, get it out of the way, and then we can work on everything else that's needed."

"You're really ready for this, aren't you?" Chris smiles at me, impressed with what I just uttered.

"I'm a bit inspired," I press my lips onto one another.

We both sit back and I reach into my pocket for my pen. While looking for it I feel the little velvet box that no one knew I had. I feel sad for a bit, then find my pen and get back to writing.


Upon arrival in London, we all rushed to the studio, luggage and all, to record the one song I had just finished writing on the plane ride there.

The crew agreed on recording it as soon as possible so we can head over to our hotel and relax.

It was a quick studio session, we all knew what to do, it was a psychedelic, kind of slow song, and not much effort was needed to make the song, but not in a bad way.

We all arrived at the hotel and each knocked out immediately, still tired from the lack of sleep we got on the plane ride here.

The next morning I make my way home to Cheshire.


"I'm home!" I declare and shout as I step into the house.

My mum and sister immediately come running toward me and we all hug each other tightly.

"My baby!" My mum begins to cry. "Look at you! You're even better looking in person!"

She hugs and kisses me more while my sis laughs at the sight.

"Alright now, mum," she starts. "Don't kill him with kisses before he gets to our gifts."

"Gifts?" I look at her. "Who said anything about gifts?"

"Oh what?" She nods. "International pop star, Harry Styles, doesn't have any gifts for his mum and sister?"

"I quite like the sound of that," I point my finger at her. "Just for that you can open my luggage," I nod over at the duffle bag I put down by the door and she lets out an excited squeal.

"Come, come," my mum rushes me into the living room.

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now