Twenty One

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One Month Later

"Clearly I'm a huge bother and you don't give a care in the world about the messages I leave everyday, probably delete them without listening if we're being honest, but it's your lucky day this is gonna be the last voicemail I ever leave you," I say into my phone. "Actually, it's probably not, but maybe for a little while. We're done in Bristol. Concert was great, we had fun, crowd was the best. Alright, it'd be nice to hear your voice one day, I don't know, maybe get a call returned, a letter even, anything, Annie. This radio silence is really crippling. I was hoping to fly you out a couple of times already, but you never answer. You better come back with Chris. I'm gonna see him tomorrow. Be by his side, please. I miss you. I miss you like crazy. I also love you but you don't give a damn about that. Bye now."

I end the call and look down at my phone for a while. The screen had Annie's contact info and a photo of us in Philly, on the late night trip two months ago to get cheese steaks that she was craving.

"Harry," Mitch was knocking on the door to my bedroom in the hotel suite.

I open the door to meet him and he looks at me a bit confused.

"Are you going to sleep already? We had the poker game set up for a while now-"

"No, no," I shake my head. "Shit. Sorry, I forgot. I took well long in here. My fault guys," I wave over at the crew sitting by the kitchen, awaiting me.


"Thank you," I smile over at the waitress that leaves our bill on the table.

"Anytime," she smirks and walks away.

"So," Tyler starts. "When were you planning on using this whole famous musician thing for the beautiful women?"

"Not to sound like a pig," Sarah put her hand up and Tyler nodded.

"You know what I mean," he added. "That waitress was all over you."

"Every woman ever has been all over you," Ryan chimes in.

"She's cute," I shrug.

"Go out with her," Sarah nudges me.

"You have a type," Tyler laughs.

"What do you mean?" I look over at him.

"She looks like Annie," Ryan clarifies. "Don't pretend you didn't see it. Spitting image."

"Leave him alone," Sarah shakes her head.

"I hadn't realized," I say as I reach for the check.

"This one's on me," Ryan jokingly made a big deal and we all laughed.

"My hero," I chuckled.

Ryan showed Tyler the check and they both laughed.

"Did she write something?" Sarah inquires.

"No," Tyler laughs before pulling the check from Ryan and showing us. "He did."

"Love, Harry," Sarah read aloud then gasps. "You wrote his number."

"Come on, guys," I shake my head. "You can't just go around giving people my number-"

"You'll thank me later," Ryan cheekily spoke.


As the four of us entered the hotel we were staying at for the weekend, we ran into Mitch, Alex, and Jeff coming out the car with Chris whom they went to go pick up at the airport.

"Fancy meeting you here," Mitch joked before greeting everyone else.

We all said hi to one another and Chris got a hug from everyone, then lastly me.

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