Twenty Six

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"Thank you," I speak into the mic while everyone cheers.

I turn to face the band and high five each of them before trying not to totally stumble off stage. It didn't take me long to find Annie since she found me.

She was livid.

"I can't believe you," she widened her eyes at me.

"Annie," I begin to laugh as she walks away. "Annie," I follow her and keep my voice down to make sure we don't catch everyone's attention.

We made it all the way to the elevator bank before she finally turned around and let out a gasp.

"What is wrong with me?" She wiped her eyes. "I can't take these fucking hormones!" She cursed and some people turned around.

"Hey, hey," Chris came running towards us. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Annie nodded as she held onto my forearm while she leaned over.

"Annie, I hope you're not mad about the song," I start as I lean over to meet her eyes.

"I'm not," she shakes her head. "I mean I was for a second, I don't understand."

"It's a joke," I kept talking. "It was all a joke, it's not about you. I just used what you said and wrote a story about it, it's not actually about you-"

"I know," she let out a grunt before standing up straight. "I don't feel so good," she was breathing heavily still.

"Do you wanna go to the hospital?" Chris asked.

"No," Annie disagreed. "I just need to sit down-"

"Annie, have you been to the doctor lately?" I ask concerned. "I mean, we haven't been since I've arrived, I kinda want to go soon."

"I have an appointment for next month," she nods. "Don't worry. I just need to eat, all they're passing around are fucking champagne glasses, I need food."

Chris and I walked Annie over to a couch at the far end of the party and I sat with her for a bit.

"I'm a tad drunk," I say aloud and she begins to laugh.

"So I've noticed," she smiles before taking a bite of the food Chris managed to get her from the kitchen. "Your song was great by the way," she looked over to me. "As always. I'm proud."

"Thank you," I smile and take her hand in mine. "You do know I wasn't lying, right? Just that whole "none of your business," line really got me going and it was a joke at first but the song came out spectacular-"

"Black dress, her cactus, she's such an actress?" Annie quips and I press my lips onto one another.

"You're my muse," I shrug and we laugh.

"I believe you," she chuckled some more. "It's a fucking bop, not gonna lie."

"It really is a fucking bop," I smile impressed with myself and nod. "Should we be cursing around the baby?" I cover my mouth.

"I think we're fine," Annie laughed some more. "Gosh, I felt like a heatwave go through me and I was mad, and then I just got really tired all of a sudden-"

"You're strong," I looked over to her. "Quite possibly the strongest woman I know. I believe in you."

"Thank you," she smiled before kissing me.


"A little bit more," the photographer called out and I put my head down some more. "Perfect!"

The camera was flashing away during the photo shoot for my album. Chris and Annie were behind the photographer and Greg was off to the side taking some phone call. I was sat wet in a blue suit and trying to concentrate.

After an other hour of photos, we were all finally able to go home.

I met Annie by the entrance and when I saw her I swept her up and left a kiss on her cheek.

"Hello, gorgeous," I smiled as I put her down and her feet touched the ground.

"Those photos look amazing," she smiled proudly. "Which one did you choose for the cover?"

"The one of my back," I nod. "With the necklace and my head down. I like that one."

"Good choice," she smiles. "So, did you wanna head home?"

"I want to take you out to dinner," I smile as I kiss her neck. "How's Paris sound?"

"Harry," she laughed.

"Fine, Milan," I roll my eyes. "Last offer. Come on, let's hop on a plane and get away for a couple of days. I know you can."

"I can, but I don't really want to just yet," she furrowed her brows jokingly at me. "Dinner does sound good, though."

"Let's go to a nice restaurant downtown then," I met her halfway. "Candle lit dinner, holding hands, slow music, just you and me," I smirk while I embrace her.

"Sounds delightful," she smiled up and I left a kiss on her forehead.

"Let's get out of here," I kept my arm around her while we walked out the studio.


Two days had passed since the photo shoot and I was just working on songs while Annie was away at work.

I looked up from my notebook when the door opened.

Annie came in through the door and she quickly shut it and took her jacket off.

"What are you doing home?" I sit up in the chair I was sat in and she looks over at me, dreadful face on.

"I feel sick," she barely spoke. "I had a tuna salad croissant this morning with a chocolate doughnut and a latte. I don't know what I was thinking," she made her way to the bathroom.

"You weren't thinking," I laugh as I walk out the kitchen to meet her once she comes back out.

"Anyway, Greg let me come home early," she spoke through the door. "Bless him."

"I'm assuming you don't want to eat, but I'll make you some chicken noodle soup," I say when she steps out. "Did you want it now or are you gonna lie down for a bit?"

"I'll lie down while you make it," Annie nods. "Thanks, babe."

"Of course," I say as she makes her way to her bed. "Come here," I take her hand in mine before stepping closer to kiss her.

"I'm sorry," she smiled. "Hi."

"Hi," I smiled back. "I've been working on a song."

"Oh yeah? What a surprise," Annie mocks me.

"I got a chorus down," I speak from the kitchen. "It's just that, though."

"What's it called?"

"'Sweet Creature,'" I step back into the room and smile at her. "It's for you."

"For me?" Annie questions.

"'Kiwi' was just a joke, come on," I sit on the edge of the bed. "It wasn't for you, it was about a-"

"Fictional girl based on what I said," Annie finished. "I know, you don't have to keep agonizing over it. I believe you, and you sure as hell don't have to forcefully write me a song."

"Well, it's about you so it might as well be for you," I shrug. "And I'm not forcing it, you inspire me! Every minute of every hour," I kiss her lips softly. "So, when you hear it," I get up and nod. "Just know it's yours."

"'Sweet Creature,' huh?" She smiled as I disappeared back into the kitchen.

Used To Be • Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now