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So I wrote this fic a few years ago, but I really wanted to post it, and I DID edit it. This fanfic is based off the season where Cas is looking for God(i cannot remember what season that is, too much happens to remember lol).

And this is not all Supernatural's logic, I added a few extra angels and their relationship with God is different from what the show says, but nothing too big that it changes the storyline or anything.

And don't mind my stupidity for sometimes I mix up angel and angle. Bear with me please lol

I have now finished my Daniel Howell fanfic(if you like Dan and Phil go check it out!) so I will try to be posting regularly.

Also, this story is in first person point of view. Bold lettering is an another's note, and italics is(the readers) thoughts.

Hope you enjoy, much love to y'all, thanks for reading,


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