The Fight

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Where'd he go?" I asked harshly starting to freak out.

"Right here, Lost Hope." I whipped around and Zechariah was standing before me.

"Well, isn't it dick bag number three. Zech." Dean gave him a cheesy smile.

Zech? He calls him Zech?

"So you've found my hide out." Zechariah smiled, crossing his arms.

"Hide out? How long have you've been watching me?" I asked, looking around the store.

"Since you became-" I knew what he was going to say: Became human.

"-Since I came to his city." I cut him off, finishing his sentence. Sam and Dean don't have to know that I wasn't human before.

"But why?" Sam asked, glaring at Zechariah. He has a cute bitch face.

"Ohhhhhh... You didn't hear the whole story yet. Well, Lost Hope, I don't think they'll live long enough to make sure you tell them." Zechariah smirked.

"What makes you think that?" Dean asked harshly.

Just then two angels appeared. One behind Sam and one behind Dean. The angles held the brothers hands behind their backs and put a knife resting against each of their throats.

"No! Stop! Let them go." I yelled at Zechariah getting all up in his face.

"Why?" Zechariah asked. "Why do you care?"

"Because... Because..." I stumbled over my words. "They're my... Friends?"

"You don't sound so sure." Zechariah responded, his voice lingering.

"Because they're helping me. So I'm gonna help them." I responded confidently.

"Well, not anymore." Zechariah stated. I looked back at the brothers. The Angels tightened their grip and Sam and Dean groaned in pain.

"No!" I yelled at Zechariah. "Let them go! I'll do it! I'll go with you." I told him.

"Hope! No!" Sam said trying to get out of the Angels grip.

Just then one of the angles screamed, letting go of Dean. Blue light shined from the Angel's eyes and there was a bloody sword sticking out of his stomach.

Dean backed away from the angle as it fell to the ground. Behind the dead body stood another angle. And... I knew him. He was very close to me when I was an angel.


"Cas?!" Dean looked relieved. Me and Cas made eye contact and stared at each other. I pulled out my angel sword, breaking our gaze, and tried to strike Zechariah. But he disappeared and now was behind Castiel.

"Watch out!" Sam yelled, still in the angles grip. Castiel and Zachariah broke out into an angel sword fight. Sam finally broke away from the Angels grip and tried to punch the angel in the jaw, but he ducked and pulled out his sword. He flung Sam across the room and Dean tried to knock the angle down.

I stopped staring at them fighting my battle and cut myself in the forearm. Blood trickled down my arm. I dropped the sword, used my free hand to scoop up the blood from my opened cut and started rubbing it on the wall to make an angel sign. Once it was done, I pressed my hand against it, there was a bright light and all three Angels disappeared.

We all were breathing heavily as Dean tried to stand on both feet without his knees shaking. Sam struggled to stand up. When the Angel threw him, he smacked his head against a shelf. I didn't notice that as the fight was going on people started to disappear.

I looked around the room at the empty store. "Damn you, Zacharia!" I screamed at the air. I took a deep breath and looked down at my feet.

"Nice plan." Dean laughed in a painful way.

"We go back to my place. We get the first aid kit. And I owe you guys an explanation." I told them leaning up against the wall.


"Ow." Dean mumbles. He had this huge cut across his arm that I was stitching up.

"Suck it up." I told him, continuing the stitching.

"Well, don't sugar coat it." Dean tells me.


I looked over at Sam who was holding a towel to the back on his head. He gave me a weak smile and I returned it. Even bloody and broken he looks goooood. Oh my god, I've been human for too long.

Once I wrapped a bandage around Dean's arm, he rubbed his hand over the wound. "Thanks."

"No problem." I answered. I took the first aid kit and brought it over to Sam. He took the bloody towel off his head and turned around. I ran my fingers through his hair to move it out of the way of the wound. He has nice hair...

"You still owe us an explanation." Sam mentioned.

"Right..." I answer continuing to cure Sam's head. "Okay so, about... Two... Three-? years ago, I woke up in a field with no memory of what had happened or who I was." I began to explain. That part was true. At first I couldn't remember who I was.

"Do you know who you are now?" Sam asked not moving as I grabbed the scissors next to me to cut the stitch at the end of the wound that held out too long.

"I know who I am. I still don't know what happened." That part was a lie, I knew what happened. "Anyway, I was visited by an angel. Zechariah. He told me that I was in deep trouble. God was pissed at me. Then he tried to kill me." I ran my fingers over Sam's stitched wound. "That feel okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, thanks." Sam turned around in his chair to face me.

"So Zachariah told you God was mad at you? Did he ever explain why?" Dean asked running the information through his mind.

"No. That's all he said." What really happened was when he came to me, he told me he'd threaten me if I don't tell him where God was. "So, I sent him back to Heaven. Ever since then, Angels have been following me, trying to take me away with them." I explained looking between the two brothers.

"And you still don't know why?" Sam asked looking up at me in concern. I shook my head no.

There was a long moment of awkward silence. I took a deep breath, "What about you two?"

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, raising his eyebrows.

"How did you become hunters?"

"Well," Dean took a deep breath, beginning to explain. "Our family first got into this hunting thing when our mom died..."


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