Fast Love

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"Don't..." Dean tried to breath. He was laughing so hard he was holding his stomach.

The brothers and I were sitting at my tiny kitchen table surrounded by empty beer bottles and filled ones in our hands.

"It's true though." I laughed along with Sam and Dean.

Dean took a deep breath, looking at his drink and took one more sip before placing the bottle on the table. "We should probably get going."

Sam looked at Dean and nodded. They both stand up and pushed their chairs in. I stood up and walked them two feet to the front door, like I said, it was a small kitchen.

"Bye." I smiled at them as they began to walk out of my apartment.

"Bye." Sam smiled looking back at me. "Oh! And call me when you leave the state so we know an angel didn't get you."

I nodded. "Got it." I actually felt a surge of joy shot through my body. I watched as the brothers walked down the hallway and slowly closed the door.

I took a deep breath and for some reason, couldn't stop smiling. I guess being human wasn't the worst thing that could happen to an angle like me. Just as I began to clear off my table, throwing the empty bottles away, I noticed Sam's phone lying on my kitchen table.

I picked it up and held it my hand. I picked up my own phone and called Dean. "Hope? Everything okay?"

"You know, it's gonna be hard to call you if Sam's phone is sitting on my kitchen table." I told him.

"Oh. Sam, you left your phone at Hope's." There was a moment of silence. "Can we come back and pick it up?"


"Be there in two."

"I'll be waiting."


I heard the knock at my door just as I began to fall asleep on my chair. I quickly snapped out of my tired stage and quickly ran to the door. When I opened it, Sam was standing before me.

"Hi." I smiled at him.

"Hi." He smiled back. I held out his phone for him to take it. Which he did and then slipped it into his pocket, not taking his eyes off mine.

"So... I- um... You know-" before I could finish stumbling over my words, Sam leaned in and pressed our lips together. And I kissed him back.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer. My heart was pounding so loud I thought you could hear it from miles away. My face burned red with nerves and joy. Human feelings are weird, but wonderful.

Forget being an angel and going back to being clueless. Human is better. Human is freedom.


I felt Sam's warm breath on the back of my neck. His arm was wrapped around me. So I turned over to my other side to face him.

I studied his face and the way he slept. I looked at my alarm clock, sitting on my night stand. It was 6:00 am. I was already late for fleeing the state.

I slowly pulled Sam's arm off me, and attempted to leave my bed but Sam's arm grabbed my waist again and pulled me back down.

I laid back down in the bed lying face to face with Sam. His eyes were closed but a smirk spread across his lips. "Where are you going?"

"I've told you a million times before. I'm leaving. I have to go." I reminded him.

"Right." He nods, his smirk remaining on his soft pink lips.

"You can stay here. If you want. I'll leave the keys, just burn them when you leave." I told him running my hands through his soft hair.

"No. I want to come with you." He argues.

"Either you're drunk, or you're tired." I inform him. "What about your brother?"

"Oh yeah. Dean."

"Yes. Dean." I took a deep breath. "I have to go. Now. Call me so I know you're okay."

"Okay." Sam says in a tired voice. Our whole conversation was with his eyes closed. I pushed his hair out his face and placed a soft warm kiss on his forehead.

My bag was already packed. I put clothes on, grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder. I took the new license plate in one hand and two paint cans in the other.

This is my method. Every time I stay somewhere for a long period of time, then leave, I change the color of my car and the plates.

As I opened the door, I looked back at Sam who was still passed out sleeping. I smiled at him before softly closing the door behind me.


"Hello?" I picked up my phone that was sitting up in my cup holder to my right.


"Sam? So you're okay? Not hungover, are you?" I joke.

"No... Maybe... Kind of." He responded.

"I didn't think you were listening when I told you to call me." I admitted.

"I was... Kind of. It's all still kind of blurry." Sam answered, chuckling lightly.

My stomach dropped. "Even last night?"

"No. I remember that." I could tell he was smirking. I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"Hope?" Suddenly it wasn't Sam's voice. It was Dean.

"Hello, Dean." I answered turning my wheel so the car went right. I watched the sign as I passed it. It said Welcome To Main.

"Where are you?" He asks kind of harsh.

"Main. Just got here. Why?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road.

"We're coming with you."

"Now you sound like Sam." I mentioned to Dean.

"No. You're in trouble. You're in danger."

"Danger?" I asked begging to drive a bit slower. "You're going to have to be more specific than that. When am I not in danger?"

"When Zech came to your apartment and didn't find you, he was pissed. He's looking for you with an army. Go to the nearest hotel and ward off your whole room. Me and Sam will be on our way." Dean explained.

"Wait. He went to my apartment?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Yes. Just, please, get somewhere safe."

"Okay." I said taking a deep breath.

"Be careful." Now it was Sam.

"Could you stop taking the phone from each other!" I came to a red light so the hand I wasn't holding with my phone, I ran it threw my hair. "I'll be as careful as I can be. Can't promise you anything."

"That's all I ask." Sam answered.

I smiled. Once the light turned green, I turned to my left to get off the highway. "Once I find a hotel, I'll text you the address."

"Okay. I... Bye."

"... Bye?"


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