Groceries And The Guy We All Hate

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"Hey." Sam said as I walked up to them. I met up with them at this fast food place called KFC. This is where the murders Sam called me about had happened.

I came here all the time when I first became human. Okay, don't judge, because first of all, it was two minutes away from my house. And second of all, I didn't know fast food wasn't good for humans.

"Hi." I said rubbing my eyes. I was still really tired. I only had two hours of sleep. Still getting used to the sleeping stuff.

That's when I noticed they were wearing their black suits just like they were the other day. Let's just say, Sam looked really good in that suit.

"Tired?" Dean asked.


"No... you just keep yawning every two seconds." Dean smirked at his own sarcasm.

"Okay, so, the case." Sam reminded us.

"Right." I nodded, then yawned. "What you got?"

"Two more deaths. One man, one woman. Both stabbed, and there are wing markings on the floor." Sam explained.

"Angels." I responded, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"Yeah we got that." Dean told me. "Why are the Angels after you anyway?"

Dammit. I forgot to come up with an excuse. "It's a long story."

"I'd really like to hear it." Dean argued back.

"Fine. After we check out the crime scene, you guys can come back to my place and I'll explain." I quickly thought up. That should give me time.

"Sounds good." Sam responded. Dean elbowed Sam in the arm and smirked, and Sam glared at him.


"I think the connection is you." Sam said looking at me.

"What?" I asked looking up at him.

"Think about it." He responded. "You said the Angels are after you, right? They attacked at your work. They attacked at the one food place you go to."

"KFC? Really?" Dean asked.

"Hey, it's the closest walking distance." I argued.

"Anyways... The Angels gonna be where they think you would be." Sam mentioned. "So, where do you usually go?"

I thought for a second. "The only other place that I go to is my apartment and the supermarket."

"Okay. To the supermarket it is." Dean nodded. He was leaning against his car and I was leaning against mine.

"You wanna follow me?" I asked, acknowledging my car.

"Let's just go in one car. Seems safer." Sam said. I didn't argue, but Dean glared at Sam as he got in the driver's seat. Sam got in the passenger seat and I sat in the middle seat in the back.

"Every time I see you guys, you're the one driving." I told Dean.

"It's my car. Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cake hole." Dean replied.

"Deans very protective of his car." Sam explained. "It was our dads."

"Wait. You're brothers?" I asked leaning forward.

"Yep." Dean answered, eyes on the road.

"Makes sense." I nodded, sitting back.

"What about you? You got any siblings?" Sam asked, looking back at me.

Tons. Millions.

"Nope. Just me." I lied. "Parents?"

"Dead." Dean quickly replied.

"Same." I answered. Well, there's God. He's not around. Maybe he's dead, maybe he isn't, no one really knows. "Life of a hunter."

"You said it." Dean laughed, nodding in agreement.

~Time Skip, brought to you by my cringey writing~

"Grab a cart." I told Dean who was closest to the big gray carts that were tangled to one another, to the side.

"What? Why?"

"You don't think it's weird if we're just a couple of people circling the store over and over again?" I asked sarcastically. "Plus I need some groceries."

"Fine." Dean grabbed a cart and followed after Sam and I.

"What do you need? I thought you were leaving town." Sam mentioned.

"I am. I just promised the old lady next door I'd pick up cat litter and soy milk." I explained.

"Soy milk." Sam pointed to the frozen aisle across from us.

I nodded, opened the freezer and pulled out the milk. "Soy is gross." I muttered putting the carten into the shopping cart.

"I know what you mean. This one bought it one day. Ew!" Dean complained gesturing to Sam, as we continued to walk.

It was the second thing I ever drink when I became human.

"I just wanted to see what it tasted like." Sam argued.

"Hey... Isn't that..." I pointed to the old man across the store. He was old, with gray hair and had a dark blue business suit on.


"Zechariah." Sam answered for me staring at the man.

"You know him?" Dean asked me.

"I do. Angels are on my ass, remember? How do you guys know him?" I asked.

"We have a friend with wings." Dean responded looking back at Zechariah, who has now disappeared.

"Where'd he go?" I asked harshly starting to freak out.

"Right here, Lost Hope." I whipped around and Zechariah was standing before me.


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